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Hdt boobs

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I think that may be the SMP PE system.


I've had installed before its just I couldn't figure out how I was going to generate my own UUNP SMP PE meshes, so it basically meant to me that I was stuck using the packaged body.

There are about around 30 outfits for SMP I found those here, https://eskrimmods.blogspot.com/


Good place to find outfits.


Another thing...

There is also Skyrim SE, and I have found SMP outfits there that don't appear to be converted to LE.

There may be more SMP stuff and perhaps more bodyslide support for SMP on Skyrim SE just not sure.


As far as Skyrim LE....

HDT, not sure the hands should be passing through the chest.

It may be that you need to find hand meshes and XMLs for the hands so that there is collision.


Attach 2 extra nodes (Nistringextradata)to the hands and  copy the strings Havoc Path and the *.xml from the org. special hands to the hands in your gloves/gauntlets.

There are a lots of tutorials here,i'm too stoned to write it exactly,sry. .)

I edited this text 5 times ^^



I forgot about that.


So its like this,

Even when you get your hands on new hands meshes with proper XML file for collision.

You have to bear in mind that its only going to work with "EDIT" nakedhands, not gloved hands.

When you put on Gloves, the hands are not the same as naked hands....The glove mesh also has its own hand mesh which completely replaces the naked hand mesh.


I also went into my Bodyslide Meshes folder in MO2, checked the actor femalehands...

Bodyslide does export the proper hand mesh for collision so you only need to download the original HDT Physics Extension,


Thing is IF you want it to work with gloves, you have to open all the gloves you want fixed in Nifskope and add the Nistringextradata to them....

Luckily you can just open the hands from Bodyslide so you have something to copy from when you do that.


Also it does work, putting the Nistringextradata on the gloves you want the character to wear.


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