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Endereal what to think of it?


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I started playing the latest version of it and I really liked how it was not skyrim basically starting out as a new character going into a new land and it was great until a certain point. I liked having that revenge feelz to hopefully be able to kill that dam captain beeeetch later on for killing my pal and tossing us over as fish food and I liked stumbling from the shore through some old ruins and finding an old sword that kinda looked nice and old but sturdy. Finding some wanderer looking stuff to wear and so on was good feelz too but eventually as I progressed through the game I was starting to get irked by the details of it. The landscape is all jumbled around it looks like a giant explosion occurred in a game of minecraft and just scattered stuff everywhere. For all the things people complain about bethesda for, at least they could design a landscape even if it was some scaled down thing to be able to leave out vehicles. Whats that game on playstation where you roll up everything in the world with some ball thing and then explode it somewhere? yeah thats how endereal landscape looks like it was created. Maybe it is just the low poly stuff from the base game but it just looks like a jumbled mess almost everywhere.


All the different magic stuff was just way too detailed I didn't see how I would explore all of that when I just had to hurry the hell up and get a cure for that weird fever as it was called. Later on some npcs comment on how in a few more months I would be dead from the madness well... wish I knew real early on I had a few more months so I would have time to explore all the stuff crammed into the mod! I ran around trying to hurry the hell up in the beginning and later just kind of did a lot of the quests near riverville before heading off to ark and continuing the main story.


Some of the armors are ok some are crap and others just recycled vanilla like dwarven armor made even worse by removing the pauldrons wth... I liked the basic idea of the main story that humans are trapped in a cycle of stupid but I wanted to read some different viewpoints on it from the net and found some interesting arguments about religion in the game and how some of the npcs trash religion in the game with their convos. The way I see it humanity really is stuck in a cycle of stupid but there is no one single cause of it as things are way too complex for that to be the case. The way the game kind of trashes religion implies to me that the state knows better than the people and so they should come before god or religion or whatever but that has never turned out well for anyone. This makes me think the devs of this mod are a bit socialist maybe a lot and I don't support that ideology so it grates at me to play the mod and have to put up with their writing. Maybe that is what they want us to think though... hehe maybe it is a way of just messing with people? To make them keep playing the game more?


I thought I was done with skyrim until I played this mod and did something new and interesting but I'm just not happy with the writing which is basically the same problem I have with skyrim:-(


I don't support "religion" or the justification of what it has done with wars and other things but I don't blame it only as a problem of humanity. Government is a problem too since human nature controls all humans especially those in government. I think the mod writing is interesting in that it brings to light the idea to anyone that eventually goes through most of it that we are indeed stuck in a cycle that repeats and so is everything else really but if I'm right about the writing in the game the idea of the state coming before god is not a good thing to pass along. The best way to change humanity is to start with one term limits on all government positions and never change that. Doing that takes away the career politicians so people actually get something done even if it is small since eventually something will be done by someone.


I like that this mod really makes me think about this stuff I just don't like the writing I guess. There could have been a story about removing corruption from government and religion to change the cycle of humanity the player could side with religion or government or a third option of dealing with both of them to some extent somehow not with wars but some other way.


I don't want to start a bunch of crap about one thing or another I'm just trying to reason through this mod and why it keeps my interest even now. I don't intend to play it anymore maybe I will go back to skyrim or play SE and convert all the mods I use for it or not... these days skyrim is just a maria eden DCL sim for me. If we ever get a good elder scrolls game in the near future that will probably replace skyrim on my pc for a long time but skyrim itself as a game with no porn just feels dead it doesn't have any power play feelz to it anymore. Maybe that is why I found so much interest in this mod that I felt compelled to write this post. We just don't have a really good feelz of a game to play anymore long term or at all.


That whole start off as nobody thing was really great I just wish the story had been different or about something else. Maybe multiple starts of starting off as a nobody and doing something big later on in the game. Just as long as it doesn't involve dragons and the story is interesting and makes sense and the endings are not stupid. I don't like the endings in endereal and I really want to kick that captain beeech of the side of her own boat fuck her and the two dumbass sailors this game originally rode in on.


I almost forgot to say that enderal performs well on my old ass pc even though it gets bogged down below 45 fps sometimes probably because I need to tweak the settings but it does not crash at all until I got to exit after saving or if I play more than four or five hours straight and then try to go through a load door it will crash. Skyrim with all my mods crashes all the time for many reasons but that is a whole other thing to deal with.


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