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Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.9 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

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  • Aylis changed the title to Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.0 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

Just got through 'Armor' 'World'. There have been way more changes than i expected...


I'll propably have to make several updates to cover specific groups. Putting everything into one update (and an update to the guide is needed) would be hard.



Updated links:

Side Aim Framework

Functional Bridges (got removed from Nexus) replaced with Accessible Bridges

Sim Settlements 2 all chapters are now included.


Removed 'Chapter 2' and 'Sim Settlements 2 Enhanced' as both are included in the 'SS2 Pack'.

Removed the second entry of 'Auto open doors'.

Removed Ketaros Treasures Enhanced Patch as it is now included. 



Finally got everything installed (plus a few new things). I also flagged all mods that are safe as ESL With everything installed we'd easily run into the limit of the mods the game can handle (so far i got 122 which could be flagged). Once i found which got an open permission i'll upload an updated file for them so you don't have to do that yourself.


First testrun is looking good so far. The new setup for NPC seems to work fine...

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Update V 3.2.1

This is the first update to a complete rework of the guide. I'll move a few things around (to make this guide follow closer to the other ones) and try get the installation of everything a bit easier.


MOVED groups


F4SE goes, like in the other guides, to the top.


Mods to MOVE



Fallout 4 High Heels System                                                       This has to be moved to 'PC' just below 'ZEX-ZBG'


Mods to ADD


UltraLOD Feather                                                                       Replaces the missing 'LOD for All'

Subgroup: Fallout 4 HD Overhaul                                          You should already have the files in this subgroup

↖️DLCCoast - Textures

↖️DLCNukaWorld - Textures

↖️DLCRobot - Textures

↖️DLCworkshop01 - Textures

↖️DLCworkshop02 - Textures

↖️DLCworkshop03 - Textures

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 1

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 2

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 3

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 4

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 5

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 6

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 7

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 8

↖️Fallout4 - Textures 9

↖️Concrete Retaining Walls Replacer

↖️Cubemaps Fix loose Files Version

↖️(Optional) FO4 HD Overhaul alternative sidewalks

↖️FO4 HD Overhaul Debris Ground Tile Fix

↖️FO4 HD Overhaul Fixed Alpha Maps

↖️FO4 HD Overhaul Materials Glowing Sea

↖️Museum of Freedom Banner Fix

↖️(Optional) Red Rocket got a new interior wall paint

Subgroup: Fallout 4 HD Plants Overhaul

↖️Luxor's Bloodleaf

↖️(Optional) Luxor's Green Cedar Branches HD

↖️Luxor's beautiful Hubflower HD

↖️Luxor's Fallen Leaves

↖️Luxor's Fern HD Purple

↖️Luxor's green Mutfruits HD

Subgroup: Fallout 4 HD SSR

↖️Luxor's Vehicle SSR real time reflections for ENB           Moved within the group

↖️Architecture Metropolis Man SSR

↖️Assaultrons Sentry Bots Mister Handy SSR

↖️Misc SSR

↖️Prydwen SSR

SavrenX HD Junk and Props DLC

FO4 HD Overhaul Pine Forest Redone LOD Patch


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  • Aylis changed the title to Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.1 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

'IKAROS' is a pain to handle. Consider the mod to be ADVANCED.


1. Bodyslides are not in the correct category.

2. You need patches for every armor you want to use (and there arn't that many available). I'll add those later in 'Patches'.

3. There doesn't seem to be a reliable way to turn back once you go android. Face can get messed up.


I keep it in the guide as it is in itself a good mod. But be prepared to run into some (solvable) issues at your first run with it.




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Update V 3.2.2

This is the second update to a complete rework of the guide.


Mods to REMOVE



Full Dialogue Interface                                                               Replaced with XDI



LC's UHD Feral Ghoul Apparel                                                   Redundant

Red Rocket got a new interior wall paint                              Was moved in the last update

Classic Wasteland Survival Guide - Magazine Retexture           Redundant

Total Hack - Magazine Retexture                                               Redundant

U.S. Covert Operations Manual - Magazine Retexture              Redundant



Mods to ADD


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  • Aylis changed the title to Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.2 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

Going to go through all mods again to find replacements that are either ESL or ESP flagged as ESL. Right now i'm at 217 (ESM plus ESP), including Sim Settlements 2 Chapter 3 and the AAF patches for it. Got to see if i can push that number further down.


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On 10/19/2023 at 11:40 AM, DarthNyriss said:

You could always merge some together.  Mods that don't depend on other mods, and so forth.  I've seen Skyrim lists use this to great effect.

Last time i tried this i got so many questions and PM that i won't repeat that mistake in a guide. So anything more complicated than flagging ESP as ESL is out ( i even had users asking me in which order they should install the listed mods).



Looks like i got all i could do atm. A few more armors (with patches for IKAROS) in, NPC reworked, locations too, SS2 integrated, and a few weapons either replaced or removed (maybe i'll readd some in 'Optional Weapons'). 


The issue is that we use quite a few older mods that never got their ESL treatment. And, as long we don't get an unlikely update, there's nothing i can do.



OK, gone through everything.


'World' and 'World and Quests' will be merged (never liked having two groups for that).

'SS2' will be moved into its own group for those who don't want to use it.

'Patches' got quite a few new entries.


Tomorrow i'll make the next update...



Fixed the line in the water (ENB related bug).

Found the imho best combination for ENB and weather. Good performance and looking very nice too.

Fixed a few brown faces in 'Diamond City'.




Finally found a temporary(?) fix for the 'invisible corpses bug'. While 'ZEX-ZBG' works fine with living NPC, it gets confused when it tries to apply a body to an already existing corpse. I'll upload a fix 'til we get a better solution for the issue.

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Update V 3.2.3

This is the third update to a complete rework of the guide.


Mods to REMOVE



Cait - an Irish Wildcat                                                                 Got updated

Curie - A French Sparrow                                                           Got updated

Hancock                                                                                      Gets replaced

Better Children Face Mesh and Presets                                      Redundant

Piper - a Curious Beauty                                                             Got updated

Magnolia - A Synth Fatale                                                          Got updated 

Nomads More health                                                                 Got integrated

Facials for Everyone - Less than Fresh Faces                              Can cause issues


Mods to ADD



I wanted to add more, but the site is extremely slow for me and i needed much more time for this here than usual...

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  • Aylis changed the title to Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.3 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

Found a few bugs in my updated build here, but managed to fix them. Reworked a few descriptions.


Diamond City at night:







This was a wild goose-chase... Got to 'Goodneighbor' and found a texture bug. And, after a few hours, i found the culprit 'Luxor's Parallax' was causing the warped textures.

But then i had a bug with the 'CCC Neon Flats' as the entrance was borked. So more shuffling of mods and all in vain as i became aware that the main mod for Goodneighbor causes issues with SS2 and the new replacer for the APC (finally found one for the APC and the tank).

So back to the drawing board...


It took me the whole day but Goodneighbor is now working with everything in the guide. 

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Update V 3.2.4

This is the fourth update to a complete rework of the guide. Starting from here bigger changes are coming. 'Armor' is completely reworked and reorganized (it was messy). Now it should be easier to find something in this group. 'Power Armor got its own group.


I also kicked out a few mods that were overlapping with others and felt redundant. 



Mods to REMOVE


Physics and Animation

Butt Sits REDUX - a Sitting Animation mod                                   Triggers too often at the wrong moment

Butt Swims - A Swimming Animation mod                                    Got something better

Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - VIS Patch                        Redundant

Reanimation Pack for Combat Shotgun and Rifle                          Got somthing better



Crimsomrider's Accessories                                                           Too much

No AWKCR and AE for Crimsomrider's Accessories                             ''

Danse's Wearable Holotags                                                           Not enough use for an ESP

Eli's Armour Compendium                                                             Conflicts with several other (new) mods.

Eli's Armour Compendium - Precombined Meshes                       Not needed

Eli's Armour Compendium Fusion Girl 1.80 Conversion                         ''

Nanosuit                                                                                         Feels cheaty

Nanosuit - Fusion Girl Bodyslide Files                                            Not needed

Nanosuit - BodyTalk3 Bodyslide Files                                                     ''

Piercing collection                                                                          Too much

Piercing Collection FG (Direct Link)                                                Not needed

Precursor Suit                                                                                 Feels cheaty

Precursor Suit - No AWKCR                                                            Not needed

Precursor Suit - A-TACS Camo Retexture                                               ''

STARGIRL - XO Re-texture - Precursor Suit                                            ''

Synth Suit (Precursor Re-texture)                                                           ''

Precursor Suit - Fusion Girl Bodyslide Files                                            ''

Tactical Accessory Compendium (TAC)                                                  ''

Technical Competition Sportswear (TCS)                                        Got something better

Technical Competition Sportswear (TCS) - FG Bodyslide Files        Not needed

WTTO - Default to Off Patch                                                                  ''

Far West Minutemen                                                                       Gets replaced 



Murder Death Scream                                                                     Vanished...

Radiant Birds                                                                                   Causes more issues than it solves.

Radiant Birds (Less Radiant)                                                            Not needed


Mods to ADD


Physics and Animation

Immersive Animation Framework

Animated Accessible Backpack (Stand Alone)

Have a Seat

Vanilla Reanimation Project - Combat Rifle (Shotgun)

Vanilla Reanimation Project - Combat Rifle (Shotgun) TR

Vanilla Reanimation Project - Double Barrel Shotgun

Vanilla Reanimation Project - Plasma Gun



BoS Female Knight Armor

[Bodyslide] BoS Female Knight Armor - Fusion Girl Bodyslide

Commonwealth Mini Dresses (BA)                                                  Moved from 'Weapons and Armor Override'

Commonwealth Mini Dresses Customization                                                                     ''

Commonwealth Mini Dresses Replacer                                                                               ''

Commonwealth Mini Dresses Fusion Girl 1.80 Conversion                                               ''

MS-06F Jetpack

Obi's Sportwear

Obi's Sportwear - Fusion Girl Bodyslide Files

RR Tekky Cat

RR Tekky Cat - Fusion Girl

The Institute needs a suit like this

The Institute need a suit like this esp less

The Institute needs a suit like this - Fusion Girl Bodyslide

TNR Shoulder Lamp

Vault-Tec Mask

West Tek Tactical Optics - Injection

West Tek Tactical Optics - MCM Options

World Wide Mercenary Gear Pack                                                      Replacing a few armor compilations. Now you can mix and match to your liking.

World Wide Mercenary Gear Pack - Item Fix

World Wide Mercenary Gear Pack - Fusion Girl Bodyslide


Power Armor

Enclave Power Armor                                                                         Rest was moved from 'Armor'

Institute Paint for ALL Power Armors

Power Armor Decals



Fallout Who Regenerated Level Up Sound

Kill Tips and Hit Sound (Remastered)

Lush Ambience - Far Harbor

Realistic Minigun Sound Replacer                                                 Moved to 'Weapons and Override'

Luxor's Main Menu Video Replacer sunset


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  • Aylis changed the title to Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.4 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)


I'm completely reworking the guide so doublettes can happen...


The rest i'll check tomorrow.



I'll remove 'Sim Settlements 2'. I leave the vault and immediately get the old error messages and sometimes i even get a broken savegame. Also the OA added so much micro-management into the mod that the appeal of 'easy-to-use' is completely gone (it feels even worse than vanilla).


ECO got split into three new mods. Now all the old patches don't work anymore and you need even more so the three mods work together. Also goes the way of the Dodo.


'Rebuild AIO' is great. Now you can really rebuild your settlements. The OA even includes redone previsibines so those arn't a problem.

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Maybe just plug in sim settlements instead of SS2? As for the double ups, kinda figured that was what happened that is why I made the post to let you know, can't always catch everything. 


And some mod suggestions 





Shield Framework


Ambient Wasteland on curseforge is gone fyi


Kill Tips has doubled up one in UI and one in sound.

Edited by Mindgames265
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Update V 3.2.5

This is the fifth update to a complete rework of the guide. 'Override' saw quite some changes. Now it should be easier to find something in this group.


Thanks @Mindgames265 for the assistance in chasing down errors.



Mods to REMOVE



New Vault Girl                                                                             Doesn't really fit in.

Campsite - Simple Wasteland Camping                                     With all the added locations this became redundant

Pillows for Sleeping Bags and Tents                                            Redundant

Companion Infinite Ammo                                                                  ''

Hit 'Em Where It Hurts (Locational Damage)                              Can cause issues.

No Pre-War Pipe-Weapons                                                         Redundant

Trash and Rubble Pile Replacer                                                   Causes texture issues.



Subgroup: Sim Settlements                                                     Too much trouble and the new version adds too much micro-management to make it imho valid anymore.

Subgroup: City Plans.                                                               Not needed anymore.


Mods to ADD



RobCo Patcher



Alternative Female Cinematic Intro                                           Moved from 'Override'



Abrams-X - Tank Replacer                                                         Finally got rid of the fugly tank in the game. You have no idea how much i hated those!

Better Companions - No Conflicts

Classic Holstered Weapons System

Combat Helmet to Army Helmet (Replacer)                        Moved from 'Weapons and Armor Override'

Subgroup: Idiot Savant

↖️Idiot Savant to Idiot Slut

↖️Intellectual Slut

Subgroup: Ketaro's Treasures

↖️Ketaro's Treasures Framework

↖️Board Games (Ketaros Addon)

↖️Magazines (Ketaros Addon)

↖️Nuka Cola Stickers (Ketaros Addon)

↖️PinUp Cards Series (Ketaros Addon)

↖️SciFi Cards (Ketaros Addon)

Look At Me - Institute Edition                                               Moved from 'Weapons and Armor Override'

Look At Me - Railroad Edition                                                                             ''

Look At Me - Triggermen Edition                                                                        ''

M2A2 Bradley - APC Replacer                                                   Finally got rid of the fugly APC in the game.

More Oil                                                                                   Moved from 'Patches'. Now it is in the correct group.

No Magic Lock Knowledge

Nuka-World Collectable Quest Markers

Organized Vendors

Plastic Glue                                                                               Changed the name from 'Improvised Glue'. Now it fits the file and the ESP.

Recruitable Settlers

Recruitable Settlers - Far Harbour

Reduce Reuse Recycle - Bottle and Can Return Mod

Simple Bounties                                                                     Moved from 'World'.

Silver Shroud Calling Cards - Leave them after the quest

Simple Smokes

Simple Smokes - RobCo Patcher

Swinging Meat bags (Direct Link)

Bullet Impact Overhaul

We Are The Minutemen

We Have Names (and more) - DLC Edition

Militarized Minutemen

Militarized Minutemen - Uniforms Patches and Insignia Addon

 ?I recommend to add the 'green uniform' patch too.

We Are The Minutemen - Militarized Minutemen - Uniform Patches and Insignia Addon - Compatibility Patch

[Bodyslide] Militarized Minutemen - Fusion Girl Bodyslide

Vault-Tec Meal Ready to Eat-Portable Cooking Stations


Weapons and Armor Override

Side Aim Patches



I restarted my char to prevent issues with remaining scripts in the save. So far the saves arn't bloated anymore (20-25 MB smaller) and the game is much smoother. Atm i'm trying to improve that further.

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  • Aylis changed the title to Fallout IV for Beginners - V3.2.5 (Fusion Girl / Bodytalk)

@AylisI just wanted to say that I really appreciate how much effort you put into all of your guides just to make it easier for everyone else to mod their games. I have always enjoyed Fallout more than Elder Scrolls so I will definitely install this guide again but I am personally waiting until its more stable and not in flux once you have time to update it more. Right now its getting updates too frequently that I personally want to wait for it to be in a stable state but I am definitely keeping an eye out for all the changes.

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Thanks. ?


Gamewise it is already very stable and no big issues (like SS2) anymore.


In regard to the guide

From top to 'Override' 'World and Quests' there shouldn't be too much to change anymore. Some other parts (like 'Weapons') are already finished here but come later in the guide. Atm i'm working on 'Building' and i think i'm missing a few mods in my LO here.


PRP (i'll get to that in 'Final') does indeed help, although finding all required patches is a pain (i'm tinkering with the LO). I also found a few mods that should improve the stability of the game itself (aka the last possible kinks) and others that help loading/starting it.

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