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Need help, penis hair.


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Id like to play a medusa like playthrough and I want to make a hairstyle that covers the players head in scaled down schlongs rather than snakes. i havent a clue of where i would start or if its even possible. Looking for some advice or at least a nudge in the correct direction. thanks!


Use smp not pe and make it as a helmet slot so you can run smp. Before you do that you will need to make the shape in blender. Use a Male head as reference load it into blender make your new medica penis shapes for hair keeping in mind exactly were you want mesh to move and what weight paint pattern you want and arrange your verts accordingly. Then once your happy with your new shape you export it with fbx not nif. You then load up your fbx format new mesh into OS and save as a project close OS and open it back up loading the new project and then export to nif format. Now you open up new nif with your new shapes and make new bones. You do this by for head piece use bone node head and copy it then with head node highlighted paste the copy just don't paste over. Now you have the beginning of a tree used for smp xml Wrighting. You change names of all new bones and position them to align with were you wanted your shapes to move like each penis shape have like 5 or 6 bones in each one so if you have 10 penis hairs you need to make 70 new bones. 1 as the anchor bone and 6 per penis hair chain. Name each chain something different and then add numbers up to 6 like PHRF standing for penis hair right front then make sure the anchor bones are flagged 302 and the others need to be flagged 285 or something I can check if you want to try this. Any way once you alone all new bones the way you like copy paste them all into right spot into a game skeleton nif make sure you copy paste new bone nodes names directly from your nif. Save as not save over you might back up your skeleton nif just incase any way save the new skeleton nif as skeleton  plus what ever your calling your mod so you can find it easy. Then you open up OS files navigate to rec file and place the new skeleton into it. Open OS up and under menu change the skeleton OS uses to your new one and close OS then reopen OS load up your new mesh nif and add each of the bones you just made from skeleton and paint them all ps do not do the anchor bones just the ones that will move stuf. That was the bones named with 1-6 at end of them. Once you finish save as a new project make sure fixed weight box is checked. Once saved close and reload project you need to do this each time you want to have any bone changes. So after you close OS and reopen project you can export nif and although it's a few steps I haven't went over this is your basic workflow. If you get that far you shouldn't have a hard time getting someone to eather write the xml for you or piunt you to do it yourself xml tutorials that are prety easy. 

4 hours ago, shaidien said:

Use smp not pe and make it as a helmet slot so you can run smp. Before you do that you will need to make the shape in blender.....

Wow, thanks. i wasnt expecting such a comprehensive explanation. Much appreciated!



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