Psycho_Bill Posted July 19, 2019 Posted July 19, 2019 VampireLord ReVamped View File This mod allows the Vampire Lord Race to use the male and female body of the player aswell as the face of whoever turns into one. More exotic armor created by tweaking and twisting the original armor pulled straight from Bethesdas ass... ...i mean bsa file. There are 3 main files: Part 1 is all meshes and textures and scripts. Part 2 is the versions for which Serana mod if any you use. Part 3 is the races, which race do you play as. The reasoning for 3 parts is if you decide to change race then just "reinstall" part 3 with out having to do the others and the same if you change Serana mods. But this mainly is for if i have to fix something i wont have to "upload" the whole thing for 2 hours as my internet sux butt. --WARNING-- Some mod authors either "forgot" to point Seranas facegen files to their "proper" location or... So if your Serana has a purple face when in VL form then you need to open the facegen head in Nifskope and point it or you could just argue with them that it needs to be done. here is the walk through to do it your self: open file "Data\meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Dawnguard.esm\00002B6C,nif" in Nifskope. in Nifskope double click BSFadeNode. double click NiNode (BSFaceGenNiNodeSkinned). double click BSDynamicTriShape (FemaleHeadNord). double click BSLightingShaderProperty. click BSShaderTextureSet. then in the "block details" the 7th texture file should be pointing to "actors\character\facegendata\facetint\dawnguard.esm\" if not then copy/paste this line or find it through your texture folder. Rebuilt high heel boots from Dark Brotherhood for female armor and added Ebony boots to the male armor. Retextured the wings with some added blood... ...aint you ever wondered where all that blood went when they transformed??? Added some witchy nails to both male and female, these came from HN66's Hands and Nails created by HumanNature66 and converted by PoptartJuniper(io121) with permission from both. you can remove the wings if youd like to use Animated Dragon Wings by Anton, i have not added a "addon" for it... yet... Rebuilt Harkons VL form so nomore dark face and missing hands. should play nice with other Harkon replacers except ones that alter his VL form and his face when in VL form will be that of vanilla style. Vampire Lord Serana is now a part of this mod, a big thank you to Borgut1337 so please go over there, download and endorse or give kudos. added MyChainMail to the female armor with zaps. Serana Replacer mods: Serana and Valerica replacer By Bacetrica A Beautiful Serana Visual Replacer By Smaffs Bijin AIO SV 2018 (nolonger on Nexus) By Mebantiza Chocolate Serana Replacer By Ashes2Asherz Serana by Kangmina Kalilies Serana By Kalilies Katheryn Follower (Serana Option) By Dovahkiinathay LamaKreis's Maidens of Skyrim - Serana Replacer By LamaKreis Pandorable's Serana By Pandorable R.B Serana Replacer By Thangkhi1214 Refined Volkihars By Aixcalibur Serana Re-Imagined SE By Froztee Sensuous Serana By Qxd Serana and Claire By Plooshy Selene Kate Follower or Serana Replacer SSE By Bchick3 Mystic Eye Serana (Nolonger on the Nexus) By Mharlek1 Serana Replace By QuietTamriel Serana TTR By Triptherift Serana-Dark Night Princess By DleamsBlur Seranaholic by rxkx22 SR Serana Replace By Saltmaxwellpshk Superb Serana Special Edition By Excelsior2000 Vixen-Anna Valiant AS Serana By UserPlayer0 now some of these are using UNP or CBBE i DID NOT convert them to 3BBB so there will be issues unless you convert them your selves... if you do not see your Serana mod here than it more likely will not need a patch, IF something is goofy bout your version and it is not here then post it in comments and the location of your mod then i will see about adding it to the list. You people better be glad i LOVE you all, for this has been a painstakingly hideously editing of ALL the race tri files so no matter the race you play your face will look the same as you intended. That means the Orc faces will nolonger have two faces and jacked up teeth. BUT this also means that if you fine tune edited your face in Racemenu or whatever then those adjustments wont show up as VL (no way to fix this but it shouldnt really be noticeable). BUT But this also means that if you are using a mod that edits the races tri files then this will have to be loaded after that mod (but i have not seen a mod that does... yet.) just a peak at what i had to do: had to take 77 tri files, open in OS exported each race then added VL to the list of races then imported each race into the VL slot THEN export tri file back into a race folder EIGHT FREAKIN TIMES (for 8 races)... If Seranas wings do not animate then go into first person view and knock her around, NOT sure why this has to be done but it does on my end. Place VampLordBS.esp low in the load order. If Serana just floats there looking dumb not fighting then you might wanna install one of the "Better Serana" mods or "Better Vampire" as they add more spells to her and sense i cannot add spells to her and make it all work out for all mods (with out making this one BIG BUTT file sized mod) you are going to have to do it yourself... ANOTHER thing, if you are using Seranaholic or Sensuous Serana then PAY ATTENTION to the Fomod (part 2) as both those mods use the same name esp serana.esp i could not find a way to make it read better, sorry for that. Requiments: XPMSSE, i mean really... duh! 3BBB by Acro748 BodySlide By Ousnius that is if you dont want my over sized testing boulders. Thank yous: Aers for taking the big step at taking over HDT I really wanna thank ChronoTrigger77 for teaching me some of the tricks and how-to's with armor modding and for letting me help with the rebuild of Remodeled Armor for SSE. Docteure for her help in the past and her&Jeirs "how to" guide Hanaisse: for all the NifSkope teachings when my crazy twisted mind goes wild.. Groovtama: for Skeletons.. Caliente & Ousnius: CBBE and BodySlide... Acro748 for the awesome 3BBB bodies. Submitter Psycho_Bill Submitted 07/19/2019 Category Adult Mods Requires xpmsse Regular Edition Compatible No 1
Masterzero67 Posted July 19, 2019 Posted July 19, 2019 Will this work with sos and Iam using temper skins for the males and Iam using cbbe with far skin ?
duzellx Posted July 26, 2019 Posted July 26, 2019 noticed it bugs any follower whose a vampire lord with a black face no arms? using AFT/iAFT to transform them, serana was base test but also infected and tried other working followers prior. would you be able to create a patch for this ?
BuddingNip Posted September 13, 2019 Posted September 13, 2019 Shame this doesn't work with MNC, I would much prefer having these models for vampire lords rather than the standard/MNC ones. Any plans to patch that as well?
Dajovve Posted March 27, 2020 Posted March 27, 2020 Cool mod, shame that I found it just now. Is there any way you could remove the bra from the armor or make the bra 3bbb compatible? Being transformed while having a 3bbb body with 3bbb physics while the armor does only have smp physics simply looks weird unfortunately.
ntblood Posted March 5, 2021 Posted March 5, 2021 Have you seen Shaydow's 2013 Vampire Lord mod? I like the no-wing version Too bad it doesn't work in VR. Does this one (even if you can't really see yourself in VR)?
Psycho_Bill Posted March 5, 2021 Author Posted March 5, 2021 never seen that one. i like the wings if theyd animate. not sure if this one works in VR
Psycho_Bill Posted March 5, 2021 Author Posted March 5, 2021 On 3/27/2020 at 8:33 AM, Dajovve said: Cool mod, shame that I found it just now. Is there any way you could remove the bra from the armor or make the bra 3bbb compatible? Being transformed while having a 3bbb body with 3bbb physics while the armor does only have smp physics simply looks weird unfortunately. did i not update this with the 3bbb version?
Talesien Posted March 8, 2021 Posted March 8, 2021 Well first off, thanks for creating this mod and sharing it with us. That super ugly vampire lord form was the main reason I never really considered becoming a Vampire. Personally I would like a no wing version as well or one with proper bat wings, those 'Vampire Lord wings' remind me too much of poultry. Anyway, about the Serana patch, I would really like that one (or some pointers to create one myself). I honestly doubt you will receive an answer from Borgut1337, seems he hasn't been around since 2017. Also I think you already have permission to publish such a patch. On the Serana Vampire Lord page the 'Permission and credits' section states: Quote - Feel free to redistribute this mod in unedited form on any page other than, under the conditions that 1) you give me credit for the work I have done, 2) clearly state that any users of whatever page you upload to should not start bothering me for support, and 3) you are not asking users to pay for the mod. - Feel free to redistribute this mod in edited form on (or any other page), under the same conditions as above. If that does not also include creating a patch for it I don't know what does.
Psycho_Bill Posted March 8, 2021 Author Posted March 8, 2021 1 hour ago, Talesien said: Anyway, about the Serana patch, I would really like that one (or some pointers to create one myself). I honestly doubt you will receive an answer from Borgut1337, seems he hasn't been around since 2017. Also I think you already have permission to publish such a patch. On the Serana Vampire Lord page the 'Permission and credits' section states: is the patch not working? i cant remember if i fixed the "no body" bug in it or not.
Psycho_Bill Posted March 8, 2021 Author Posted March 8, 2021 1 hour ago, Talesien said: Personally I would like a no wing version as well or one with proper bat wings, those 'Vampire Lord wings' remind me too much of poultry. what do you mean? your pc should be wearing whatever youre wearing... or the wigs are different. just dawned on me that ive never tested out if a player could wear their wig while in VL form. added to my notes...
Varithina Posted March 8, 2021 Posted March 8, 2021 On 3/5/2021 at 8:55 PM, Psycho_Bill said: never seen that one. i like the wings if theyd animate. not sure if this one works in VR You could probably change the wings on it to use the animated wings mod, rather than the ones included, though that may well depend on how the wings are added to the body.
Psycho_Bill Posted March 8, 2021 Author Posted March 8, 2021 43 minutes ago, Varithina said: You could probably change the wings on it to use the animated wings mod, rather than the ones included, though that may well depend on how the wings are added to the body. thats going to be the next release, i dont like the main wings either BUTT, i am trying to finish another mod im working on though unfortunately requires me to completely redo the animations which is proving me to not be very good at
Talesien Posted March 9, 2021 Posted March 9, 2021 7 hours ago, Psycho_Bill said: is the patch not working? i cant remember if i fixed the "no body" bug in it or not. Umhh don't know if you shared the patch with us I missed it, mind pointing me to the DL? If it's supposed to be included in the current version, then no, not working.
Talesien Posted March 9, 2021 Posted March 9, 2021 7 hours ago, Psycho_Bill said: what do you mean? your pc should be wearing whatever youre wearing... or the wigs are different. just dawned on me that ive never tested out if a player could wear their wig while in VL form. added to my notes... Wings not wigs. Like ntblood I wouldn't mind seeing a version without any wings or (just as good) larger batlike wings like you see them on various succubi mods. Like say the wings on this: But it appears you already working on something, so I'm looking forward to what you come up with.
Psycho_Bill Posted March 9, 2021 Author Posted March 9, 2021 ya those are antons wings. those are going to be in the newer version. the Serana patch im talkin bout is the Vampire Lord Serana patch. AAAANNNDDDDDD i just realized i never updated here. i am really sorry. please try the new-est update and let me know. you still have to use the separate file to have 3BBB. 1
superlerk123 Posted March 10, 2021 Posted March 10, 2021 oh i shall wait for your wings.. lol first thing i noticed when trying the mod was like >.>
snarfies Posted April 3, 2021 Posted April 3, 2021 Doesn't seem to work right on my end. Transforming get you stuck in mid-animation. Attempting to transform again completes the process, but with a doubled body, both this mod's and what I'm guessing is the original?
whatAmIdo1n Posted May 20, 2021 Posted May 20, 2021 Anyone know how or could send a tutorial link on how to convert to 3ba? Id appreciate it ❤️
herrzog Posted June 15, 2021 Posted June 15, 2021 (edited) For some reason, when I try to install this with Vortex, it runs the fomod and I select 'none' for both beast race options, as I am not currently playing those, and then click finish. Then the folder it creates for the mod is found to be empty. Edit: Nevermind, found the nexus entry for the mod, found out how to fix the install process. Edited June 15, 2021 by herrzog
AllanaWolf Posted June 15, 2021 Posted June 15, 2021 (edited) If i transofrm in a vampire lord it just show this red stripes (or the blue-blak ones in the other screenshot) and shinings. Anyone who do know how to fix it? Edited June 15, 2021 by AllanaWolf
Psycho_Bill Posted June 15, 2021 Author Posted June 15, 2021 yes, Vortex is goofy and some reason does not like the two fomods together. so i think that you must install the main one and then you can install the beast one (
Psycho_Bill Posted June 15, 2021 Author Posted June 15, 2021 5 hours ago, AllanaWolf said: If i transofrm in a vampire lord it just show this red stripes (or the blue-blak ones in the other screenshot) and shinings. Anyone who do know how to fix it? anything special you are trying to do or have done? cuz thats a mesh issue. i have not seen that issue on my mod
AllanaWolf Posted June 16, 2021 Posted June 16, 2021 8 hours ago, Psycho_Bill said: anything special you are trying to do or have done? cuz thats a mesh issue. i have not seen that issue on my mod I just downloaded the Mod and started to transform into vampire Lord. So no, i didn't do anything. ?
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