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Modding the mod "Animations"

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Hey all,  I started using this excellent mod "Animations" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13780?tab=description


Its a great mod but it uses some horrible default anims.  I've had success in swapping out some of the animations! I changed searchingtable & searchingchest to bending over anims from "RohZimaAnimatedPosesPLUS-18844-2".  I also changed the "idle_take" to a short against-wall sex anim.  It essentially looks like my character uses both hands & leans forward to open doors now :)


I'm having trouble with one of the animations.  There is a anim referenced in the mod scripts as "Idlesearchbody".  It's used in harvesting & searching bodies.  I'm unable to override it as it doesn't seem to exist in the animations.bsa. 


Has anyone gone this route & done these modifications?  Does anyone know which animation that is being referenced?


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