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Asking for a strange favor from someone (Solved)


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Well I am on my work PC and do not have the programs to compile this script so was wondering if someone would compile this for me and send the pex file back to me, thank you in advance.


Just got home so I am able to do it on my own, thank you


1 hour ago, -Caden- said:

Well I am on my work PC and do not have the programs to compile this script so was wondering if someone would compile this for me and send the pex file back to me, thank you in advance.


mf_handler.psc 31.87 kB · 2 downloads

why not wait to be on your pc with that stuff?

since i took a look by curiosity


    int i
    While i < Mods
        string Modname = Game.GetModName(i)
        If !isFrostfallLoaded && Modname == "Chesko_Frostfall.esp"
            isFrostfallLoaded = true
            Frostfall_exposurePoints = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000183d, "chesko_frostfall.esp") as GlobalVariable
        i += 1


what's the point of that thing when there's that?



int Function GetModByName(string name) native global


  • name: The name of the target plugin as a filename string (e.g. "Dawnguard.esm")

Return Value

Either the exact index of the plugin in the current load order, or 255 if the plugin is not present.



and that


            if(sex2 == 1); FFF
                c = 2
                anims  = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, "Cunnilingus")


still done that way?

here's some optimisation


script sexlabframework extend quest


sslBaseAnimation[] MF

sslBaseAnimation[] FF

etc etc


function install/reload animations

fff== SexLab.GetAnimationsByTag(2, "FF")


no difference, but above, anims  = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, "Cunnilingus") become anims=sexlab.FFF

instead of searching those animations all the time, you just search them when you install sexlab or add animations, then just load the result you have store in sexlab, it's much faster



if someone want to store everything

with a sslBaseAnimation[][] everything, first parameter race, second parameter tag, you can store everything

but you need a int racenumber[] with a string racename[], kinda kill the purpose



Do not want to come across as a dick, but Not sure why you feel I need to explain my reasoning for not waiting till I was home to do thisBut I will I had it in a flash drive at work and was making a couple changes in c++ when they hit me at work before I forgot

This script is 4 years old and not original created by myself, actually created by a much better coder then myself , mainfct I think was his name, another thing about this code is called "Handler" because it handles multiple functions in multiple quest and is called upon for many different functions.

I took over the mod Radiant Prostitution and am continuing the work on it

In the end thank you for taking a simple favor I asked for and turning into, well whatever this is, have a good night


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