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Animations wont start and F4SE problems

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So I recently installed four play with fallout 4 and it seemed to work at first. I had sex with a npc to see if it worked and it did, but later on when I tried to do it again, the animations wouldn't work. The npc and my character would strip but no animation would start. So i ended up looking for a solution and found a installation guide and followed it. 



It seemed to work when I tested a animation, the masturbation one. But the hotkeys wouldn't work, at least not the one hotkey to initiate the non prostitution sex. I found another person had a problem and in their forum post they were linked this



I downloaded the LLFP v31 from it but it still didn't seem to work. So I loaded a previous save, one I knew didn't have four play on it and this message appeared.



I didn't know what it meant by this as my other mods that require f4SE seemed to work properly. But I ended up reinstalling it using this guide



And it still didn't seem to work, so now i'm posting my problem here to see if any one is able to help me at all. 
Oh and on the previous save that doesn't have four play on it, the animations work, but they just wont strip. But if I can get it so the animations/stripper work properly for my current save I would much prefer that.


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