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[HELP] Why won't my AnimationEnd event fire?

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My mod involves a ritual to worship Molag Bal. I'm trying to make it so that you can give someone a Grand Soulgem during the ritual, tell her to fuck herself with it (using Leito's soulgem masturbation), which transforms it into a Black Soulgem. I can get her to take the soulgem and play the correct animation. But I can't get the End event to hook on. I can't for the life of me figure it out. My other events trigger just fine on Start/End. Could someone please help me debug this?  The MakeBlackSoulgem function is called from a dialogue fragment, and everything except the event seems to work just fine. 

Soulgem Property BlackSoulgem auto

Function MakeBlackSoulgem(Actor akActor)
	Debug.Notification("Make Black Soulgem: " + akActor.GetDisplayName())	
	sslBaseAnimation[] SoulgemAnim = SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(1, "Leito,Sex,Solo,Vaginal,Masturbation,SexToy,AnimObject,laying,Dirty", "", true)	
	If SoulgemAnim[0] != None
		Actor[] myActors = New Actor[1]
		myActors[0] = akActor
		RegisterForModEvent("MasturbateWithSoulgem_AnimationEnd", "OnMasturbateWithSoulgemEnd")
		SexLab.StartSex(myActors, SoulgemAnim, none, none, false, "MasturbateWithSoulgem")
		Debug.Notification("Error: Unable to set soulgem masturbation animation")


Event OnMasturbateWithSoulgemEnd(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender)                                                                           
	Debug.Notification("Soulgem End Masturbate Event Recieved")
	PlayerRef.AddItem(BlackSoulgem, 1, false)



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