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Text based interactions with animations?

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Would it be possible to have a message box come up mid animation in order to add more fluff and potentially also be used to switch positions?


for example:


start animation via hotkey


animation begins


message box shows up detailing the animation, along with a message box with some options (stop sex, change animation, continue sex for # seconds, fluff options maybe?)


ideally itd be allow you to have some variation as well as some more immersion.


My mod Happy Hookers does this (if I understand you). Before a 'scene' with a client you get to choose which style of animation you want to offer and the subset within that category. Animations play out by stage (I use Leito's animations) when a stage ends, you can go forward, back or repeat stages (within an animation style). Or you can switch to a different style or end the encounter. You can break out of any running stage via hotkey.


There's good reason for allowing the player to do this in my mod as there are various stats that are tracked like player exhaustion, client exhaustion, client satisfaction. Those are affected by stuff like the number of stages you've been through.


I also modify those values based on things like the clients physical build (fat clients tire faster), their preferred style (you can ask them before hand) and their and your Zodiac signs (don't ask).


Ultimately it's all so that I (or the client) can give you a score and review which are tracked within the Zodiac network, the organisation you work for.


The current version of Happy Hookers does all of that but the version I'm working on currently really picks it up and runs with it. I've added more stats such as client frustration and client stimulation. So if the player or client get too exhausted of course the encounter ends, if the client gets too frustrated they might decide to leave or even become violent, if the clients stimulation rises too fast they might ejaculate too early. You have to balance all of these factors with the aim of getting a good score and review. There are a ton of other factors built in to it also like latter stages being more exhausting for both you and the client, repeating the same stages of a style adding increased frustration, so many things.


Wow, that is pretty rad man, ill keep an eye out for it! To be completely honest, ive seen the mod but havent looked into it, will do now though!


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