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Starting.. Again. Hints/Tips?

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Hi there,

Usually when I install things I make it painful for myself. I install nearly a hundred mods, then find out which ones don't work-- I figure this time I'll START with the sex mods and then build up mod by mod. Last time I tried there was a very large mod that allowed rape, capture, defecation/urination (not a fan but still), puking when you were sick, pregnancy and more. I think it was RSE-- is that still a thing? What else can y'all suggest me as a fresh install? Thanks in advance. :]


Here's my advice: Do NOT install RSE v4.0 or any of the RSE Elements mods.


Simple reasons for this statement.


1) If you install RSE v4.0 All-In-One mod, it is a BITCH to clean out of your installation of Fallout 4. More painful than getting a working modded game. Plus, it has bugs and wont get fixed, ever. But on the other hand, if you can live with the bugs and want that experience again, go for it - just be aware anything that hangs on you wont get fixed.


2) Elements was an experiment. Some of the things in them work great. Functions and features wise, they are miles above RSE v4.0. But like RSE v4.0, they have their own set of issues and they too will not be addressed or bug fixed.


That said, if you want the RSE experience without the issues, without the bugs, wait. I am actively working on RSE II. The Resources.esm master file is out now and will continue to get updates as I proceed into the actual mods. This masterfile is not a mod per se - it has no active functions - its sole purpose is to unify features, variables and functions across any mod that wishes to tap into it.


Random Shenanigans is now available for RSE II's framework. Combat Surrender and Abductions is under way now and I hope to have at least the surrender portion of that mod released by Monday the 20th of May. As development and testing goes on with the CSA module, I will bug fix it, add Abductions and then let it rest for a time to see what else will need to be fixed before moving onto Advanced Needs and Brothels.


Slowly, very slowly, everything that was in RSE v4.0 will release under the RSE II framework. In time and with great care taken to ensure each mod is as rock solid as possible before moving on to the next. My goal is to make RSE II every bit as game changing as the original RSE was in its prime.


Hrm.. quickly scimming over here:

So I'd be better off starting with non-sex mods? Hm. I'm gonna go for like 20 recommended mods at most, for workshops and for game improvements (immerse armour, NPCs, weapons, unofficial patch, graphics, weather n building things.)

So sex mods should be at the BOTTOM? Does LOOT not work properly still?

As to Flashy,

Ohhh, that's interesting.. What would I have to get exactly for that? If you're working on it, I imagine it works on an existing save if it's updated or would I need to do a new fresh install each time? That's good to hear though! Maybe I'll just wait then.. Not sure. Got a lot of 'need' for Fallout lately. If I want to have all of the features, what'd I get, to your suggestion? Your name does look familiar btw. Didn't you work on RSE originally? 


I am the ONLY person to ever work on RSE. Two years and running. ;)


Oh snap, I feel flattered for the help now!  I remember in the past I was a bit shy about asking for help cause your mod was -so- popular, but it was basicly the only mod I wanted. x3 So your advice is to way. I'd have to make a new game if I wanted it to work, right? So I should wait with playing the game at all then?


What Chinbobble said.


Get your game updated, DLCs in place, etc. Then add the bare minimum amount of mods. My suggestion is to get F4SE installed and then add in the essentials that use it. Looksmenu, MCM, stuff like that. Get in the game, make sure that stuff is working - if it is, you've got a good F4SE install. And then you can start adding small amounts of mods.


Good rule of thumb - create a test save with the above, if it is working. Literally exit the vault and save the game - not autosave, a REAL save. That way, you can always roll back to your base, what you know is good.




Id suggest doing no more than 5-10 mods at a time - and that is being overly generous. Im more cautious and studious with my mods, adding maybe one or two at a time.  But add the ease of life mods, stuff like settlement enhancements, armor, clothing, weapons, things that typically dont infer a lot of override and conflict analysis. Then go into your test save and play a bit. Build some settlement items, make sure everything is able to be built. Get the weapons, get the armor / clothing, test them out. How to build or buy them. Same with weapons. Test out upgrading them in workbenches.


And here's the KEY tip: do NOT save your game. Open the console with ~ and type "qqq" minus the quotes - this will immediately exit to windows without saving. But, your new mods are obviously now in your load order. And the save is still pristine.


And then repeat the above. Add some more mods, test them out - exit via console with qqq.


Slowly build up your mod list until you have everything you want. Make sure there are no mod conflicts, etc. Do whatever you need to do with your load order. Keep testing and restesting - get everything just right.


And then, then you make another save, another REAL save - not an autosave.


This is your new base for adding adult mods later.


As a suggestion.

34 minutes ago, chinbobble said:

I didn't know about the console qqq.. thanks... I usually just go to pipboy then quit to desktop game doesn't save when you quit whilst in pipboy but i've always wondered if that broke anything doing it that way heh

Ancient developer secret, that I've just revealed.




Now everyone will know where The Beach is. ?

(funny anecdote - I've been to "The Beach" off the coast of Phuket/Krabi, Thailand - its not all that)



Thank you very, very much! I'll try to get this done when I have the time. :] 

Don't a fair few saves rely on a FULLY new game/exiting the vault though? So wouldn't I have to save pre-vault exit, rather than post? 

On 5/26/2019 at 10:57 AM, Militus said:

I'm following https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23556?tab=description for help. So much work just to get a game working and I bet I'll end up doing it wrong. :') Anybody got some top 5 recommended mods for any game?

Edit: The heck? Why does this suddenly  say it's under Skyrim?

Thats a good starting point once you have that installed try adding loverslab stuff at the end.   if you have more then one mod doing the same thing just use one, and MY GOLDEN RULE OF MODDING IS ALWAYS BACKUP BEFORE INSTALLING. :)


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