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Looking for best Khajiit mods out there

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So I have been looking for khajiit mods, mainly to help and make Inigo look the best he can but ultimately wanting all the khajiits in my game to look great. I have found a few mods but I feel I'm not finding what's really out there so thought I make this thread. Any help finding a thread for this or any mods for khajiits is appreciated.  ^_^

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Yeah your right, I'm sorry about that. I know taste is going to differ, but with that said, you just helped me a shit ton. Thank you so much ❤️! I felt lost looking for anything for khajiits, beyond basic stuff but I like my game to feel balance and was tired of not being able to make every race in my game look and function the best they can be. That and I have a few furry characters I would like to make in my Skyrim, but just didn't know where to start or what to look for. ( Have a fox girl so looking to bring her in the game as well ^_^) In any case I thought I ask what's out there, thanks faux

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5 minutes ago, Yueviathan said:

( Have a fox girl so looking to bring her in the game as well ^_^)

Your best option for that is to give Yiffy Age of Skyrim a try. If you do go for it, make sure to check out the thread and download the latest Beta version (it's a bit buggy but pretty much functional and has tons of improvements over the older 4.x files).


And for the record, YAOS covers up most of the anthro races available for Skyrim: foxes, wolves, jackals, hyenas, cheetahs, panthers, tigers and snow leopards (there's a few more from other mods but YA has the bulk of them). Unfortunately most of the races are not available as standalone outside of the mod, and the ones that are available as standalone are very outdated/missing in detail when compared to their YA versions, so you'll have to download the whole package even if you only want to use one or two of the races.

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