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how to pass a form to a script

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So far I am trying to use this syntax, it compiles but nothing shows up in-game. Any clues?

ObjectReference InvisibleMatRef1 = furniturestage3ref.placeatme(Game.GetForm(0x000000C2), 1)

InvisibleMatRef1.setposition(InvisibleMatRef1.getpositionx(), InvisibleMatRef1.getpositiony(), InvisibleMatRef1.getpositionz()+50)


ObjectReference InvisibleMatRef2 = furniturestage3ref.placeatme(Game.GetForm(0x000000C2), 1)

InvisibleMatRef2.setposition(InvisibleMatRef2.getpositionx(), InvisibleMatRef2.getpositiony(), InvisibleMatRef2.getpositionz()+150)


ObjectReference wireRef = InvisibleMatRef1.CreateWire(InvisibleMatRef2, Game.GetForm(0x00021F34))



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Figured it out, with the help of F4SE team and kinggath (thank you!)


For future reference:

- the endpoint objects .nifs need to have connector points (check out the generator nif for reference, just copy the connector point branch to your nif)

- the endpoint objects need to be linked with a workshop reference - I have used the Sanctuary workshop bench reference


For example, this code spawns two objects (which have been added connector points in their nif) and spawns a rope between them


ObjectReference SplineStartRef = caster.placeatme(furniturestage3, 1)
SplineStartRef.SetLinkedRef(workshopref, workshopkwd)

ObjectReference SplineEndRef = caster.placeatme(furniturestage3, 1)
SplineEndRef.setposition(SplineEndRef.getpositionx(), SplineEndRef.getpositiony(), SplineEndRef.getpositionz()+100)
SplineEndRef.SetLinkedRef(workshopref, workshopkwd)


ObjectReference wireRef = SplineStartRef.createwire(SplineEndRef, Game.GetForm(0x00021F34))
Problem is that the rope is static, it does not adjust if I move the endpoints after spawning. So, kinda fail, overall :(
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