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On 6/21/2022 at 11:28 PM, wm46 said:

It's been quite the length of time since I last did anything with my patch, shoutouts to the people who won't shut up and keep bugging me in my DMs that this patch doesn't work for VR users (I kid, I kid...). Before I get on with the post, I'm going to self congratulate myself on 2,000 downloads, I never thought a patch for a niche fetish mod would have this much traction; it's a shame I have to reset the download counter.


MME SLIF Compatibility Patch & Morph Editor - Version 3.0




What is it?

    This is a patch for Milk Mod Economy SE that allows you to modify the visual morphing effects of all aspects of MME: milk based growth, level based growth, and lactacid based growth. This patch integrates the morph calls using Sexlab Inflation Framework which allows you to view a breakdown of all applied morphs, and allows me to use a bunch of handy functions that make my life easier when scripting this.

    Everything about this patch is accessed through the MCM, "MilkMod Morph Editor". The MCM is broken down into three main tabs (Milk Morphs, Lactacid Morphs, Level Morphs) that have initially empty lists that allow you to specify what body morphs and the strength of body morphs to be applied from each of the effects. This method of morphing will work for ANY body type (UUNP, 3BBB, 3BA, BHUNP) with ANY slider mods (think PuffyNipplesCBBE), so as long as you properly type in the internal morph names for the morphs you use.


How to use it?

    For a step-by-step instruction, along with how to look up internal morph names, see my profile signature. The quick jist: Open up the tab in the MCM for the method of applying morphs, type in the internal morph name at the text entry field at the top of the page, and then adjust the morph's intensity using the morph amount percentage slider that appears below. You can remove morphs from each list by typing the name into the input field again.

    There are four special commands you can input into each page. The first is "ifuckedup", which will delete all morph entries on every page, resetting the mod to the initial state. The other three, "copyfrommilk", "copyfromlact", and "copyfromlevel", are a copy and paste function that will replace all the morphs on your current page with the morphs from the page in the command.

    NEW in V3: You can now import and export your morphs to an external JSON file, and lazy users can use my pre-defined list of 3BA morphs without spending hours looking up morphs and tweaking. To save: Just use the mod as you normally would to make your preset, then go to the Save/Load tab and click the save option. Loading is as simple as clicking the load button. The files are stored in "data\SKSE\Plugins\MME Config\". This now means VR users can use my mod by setting up a morph list JSON outside of Skyrim (untested though, not buying a VR headset).



v3.0 - Added saving and loading of morph lists, added a default morph list that users can apply without having to go through the hassle of setting up the mod itself.

v2.1 - Fixed an issue with lactacid and level morphs not being removed properly after removing them from the morph list.

v2.0 - Split milk morphs and level morphs, you can now assign different morphs to each. Each morph category now gets its own SLIF category so that you can apply the same morphs to each. Added three new commands to the input screen: copyfrommilk, copyfromlact, copyfromlevel. They copy from the category typed and paste it into your currently opened category. Increased the max amount of morphs to 50.


Known Issues

1. After adding or removing morphs the resulting final morph will always be wrong after the very first change. This is an issue with SLIF where it does not queue unregister and morph commands, so morphs will be removed as they are added on the first time. Changing morph amounts is fine though.

2. The splitting of level and milk morphs for volumetric breast scaling is not perfect, and as you gain large amounts of milk the level share of the morphs will reduce to near zero. As an example: If you have nipple size to increase with level but not with milk, as you gain more milk your nipples will actually shrink back down to normal size when using volumetric scaling.

3. If you play with a cap on the max breast size (a standard MME setting), level and milk morph splitting will also start to get weird once you hit the maximum size limit. If you do play with a maximum size limit, I suggest you keep level and milk morphs the same.

4. VR is a mistake. (Please report any VR issues) 

MME Config Menu v3.0.zip 18.28 kB · 46 downloads

Will this work with both SE and AE?

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11 hours ago, sirgilly said:

Also, should i disable the bodyscaling bodymorph file when using this?


You can leave it, disable it, or delete it. It gets overwritten by my patch anyways, as long as you put my after in the left side of Mod Organizer.


11 hours ago, sirgilly said:

Will this work with both SE and AE?


Should work for both. There's no references to any base game assets that might have been modified by CC stuff and there's no use of any DLLs. As with most mods it does require the correct version of SKSE though.




@adder12 That looks like a skeleton issue. Do you have XPSME installed? If that's a custom follower, have you tried replacing the skeleton file from the custom follower with the XPSME skeleton?

Edited by wm46
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2 hours ago, wm46 said:


@adder12 That looks like a skeleton issue. Do you have XPSME installed? If that's a custom follower, have you tried replacing the skeleton file from the custom follower with the XPSME skeleton?

Have got XMPSE installed. not a custom follower thats my character. 

Seems like it might be something to do with SLIF possibly. Started a new save and disabled SLIF and the issue stopped

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6 hours ago, DSAdam97 said:

Any way to reduce the milk loss during orgasm? Practically drained each time


So looking at previous posts, this is controlled by MilkPlayerLoadGame.pex

I recompiled the script to enable orgasm milk leak at 10+ milk level (which matches orgasm milk leak of ~1 level)

Tested, and seems to work for me. I'll leave this here if anyone wants it.



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On 6/22/2022 at 6:28 AM, wm46 said:

It's been quite the length of time since I last did anything with my patch, shoutouts to the people who won't shut up and keep bugging me in my DMs that this patch doesn't work for VR users (I kid, I kid...). Before I get on with the post, I'm going to self congratulate myself on 2,000 downloads, I never thought a patch for a niche fetish mod would have this much traction; it's a shame I have to reset the download counter.


MME SLIF Compatibility Patch & Morph Editor - Version 3.0




What is it?

    This is a patch for Milk Mod Economy SE that allows you to modify the visual morphing effects of all aspects of MME: milk based growth, level based growth, and lactacid based growth. This patch integrates the morph calls using Sexlab Inflation Framework which allows you to view a breakdown of all applied morphs, and allows me to use a bunch of handy functions that make my life easier when scripting this.

    Everything about this patch is accessed through the MCM, "MilkMod Morph Editor". The MCM is broken down into three main tabs (Milk Morphs, Lactacid Morphs, Level Morphs) that have initially empty lists that allow you to specify what body morphs and the strength of body morphs to be applied from each of the effects. This method of morphing will work for ANY body type (UUNP, 3BBB, 3BA, BHUNP) with ANY slider mods (think PuffyNipplesCBBE), so as long as you properly type in the internal morph names for the morphs you use.


How to use it?

    For a step-by-step instruction, along with how to look up internal morph names, see my profile signature. The quick jist: Open up the tab in the MCM for the method of applying morphs, type in the internal morph name at the text entry field at the top of the page, and then adjust the morph's intensity using the morph amount percentage slider that appears below. You can remove morphs from each list by typing the name into the input field again.

    There are four special commands you can input into each page. The first is "ifuckedup", which will delete all morph entries on every page, resetting the mod to the initial state. The other three, "copyfrommilk", "copyfromlact", and "copyfromlevel", are a copy and paste function that will replace all the morphs on your current page with the morphs from the page in the command.

    NEW in V3: You can now import and export your morphs to an external JSON file, and lazy users can use my pre-defined list of 3BA morphs without spending hours looking up morphs and tweaking. To save: Just use the mod as you normally would to make your preset, then go to the Save/Load tab and click the save option. Loading is as simple as clicking the load button. The files are stored in "data\SKSE\Plugins\MME Config\". This now means VR users can use my mod by setting up a morph list JSON outside of Skyrim (untested though, not buying a VR headset).



v3.0 - Added saving and loading of morph lists, added a default morph list that users can apply without having to go through the hassle of setting up the mod itself.

v2.1 - Fixed an issue with lactacid and level morphs not being removed properly after removing them from the morph list.

v2.0 - Split milk morphs and level morphs, you can now assign different morphs to each. Each morph category now gets its own SLIF category so that you can apply the same morphs to each. Added three new commands to the input screen: copyfrommilk, copyfromlact, copyfromlevel. They copy from the category typed and paste it into your currently opened category. Increased the max amount of morphs to 50.


Known Issues

1. After adding or removing morphs the resulting final morph will always be wrong after the very first change. This is an issue with SLIF where it does not queue unregister and morph commands, so morphs will be removed as they are added on the first time. Changing morph amounts is fine though.

2. The splitting of level and milk morphs for volumetric breast scaling is not perfect, and as you gain large amounts of milk the level share of the morphs will reduce to near zero. As an example: If you have nipple size to increase with level but not with milk, as you gain more milk your nipples will actually shrink back down to normal size when using volumetric scaling.

3. If you play with a cap on the max breast size (a standard MME setting), level and milk morph splitting will also start to get weird once you hit the maximum size limit. If you do play with a maximum size limit, I suggest you keep level and milk morphs the same.

4. VR is a mistake. (Please report any VR issues) 

MME Config Menu v3.0.zip 18.28 kB · 69 downloads

Thank you so much for this! Works perfectly. 3BA, AE. You are a saint, sir!

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@Ed86 Would it be possible to rework the debuff to something more malleable than the 1-25 Unmilked Breasts spells that IIRC have been a thing since basically this mod was made for LE years ago? Because the debuffs don't really work for anything but the most basic configuration that Milk Maid Levels are only 1-10 and that Milk Amount goes from 2 to 24. I'd like to be able to enjoy the gradual debuffs properly on a configuration without a Milk Maid level cap (so the character can hold a LOT more milk in their breasts), but since the way debuffs work means anything over 25 Milk is considered "maximum debuff" so my movement speed is basically cut to 0.0001% even though my breasts can hold like 50 more milk in them.


In a game where in a couple of hours I'm already way past the arbitrary 25 it makes the debuffs really annoying to deal with, and not really immersive to the proper breast size/milk capacity of the player.


Maybe something like a percentage-based debuff taking into account Milk Capacity? So the closer you are to 100% milk capacity the stronger the debuff gets regardless of level/milk amount? I don't know just an idea, doesn't have to be that precisely. It's just that I'm sure the debuff has been like that ever since you made the mod, and the mod has evolved a whole lot, but the debuffs are still the same.

Edited by HerChianti
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8 hours ago, HerChianti said:

@Ed86 Would it be possible to rework the debuff to something more malleable than the 1-25 Unmilked Breasts spells that IIRC have been a thing since basically this mod was made for LE years ago? Because the debuffs don't really work for anything but the most basic configuration that Milk Maid Levels are only 1-10 and that Milk Amount goes from 2 to 24. I'd like to be able to enjoy the gradual debuffs properly on a configuration without a Milk Maid level cap (so the character can hold a LOT more milk in their breasts), but since the way debuffs work means anything over 25 Milk is considered "maximum debuff" so my movement speed is basically cut to 0.0001% even though my breasts can hold like 50 more milk in them.


In a game where in a couple of hours I'm already way past the arbitrary 25 it makes the debuffs really annoying to deal with, and not really immersive to the proper breast size/milk capacity of the player.


Maybe something like a percentage-based debuff taking into account Milk Capacity? So the closer you are to 100% milk capacity the stronger the debuff gets regardless of level/milk amount? I don't know just an idea, doesn't have to be that precisely. It's just that I'm sure the debuff has been like that ever since you made the mod, and the mod has evolved a whole lot, but the debuffs are still the same.

idk, no?


you're wrong


MME_Unmilked "Engorged Breasts" [SPEL:03000D7B] scales of milk

        ;Unmilked debuff
        numEffects = (MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).GetNumEffects()
        effectCount = 0
        while (effectCount < numEffects)
            (MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, MilkCnt as int)
            effectCount= effectCount + 1


MME_Breasts "Breasts" [SPEL:0307D36A] scales of breast size

        ;breassize debuff 7D36A
        numEffects = (MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(0) as Spell).GetNumEffects()
        effectCount = 0
        while (effectCount < numEffects)
            (MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(0) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, BreastRows * Math.pow( 2, BreastsSize_Node) * (1+ akActor.GetLeveledActorBase().GetWeight()/100))
            effectCount = effectCount + 1

when you have 50 milk you shouldn't be moving anyway, just strap your self to milk machine and rest


( for the rest of your days)


(until they turn you into nice steak)


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I don't think you understood what I meant nor what I was requesting, but that's fine, it's your mod so you're well within your power to reject requests or do whatever you want. No worries!

It saddens me but I'll be alright, this is literally my favorite Skyrim mod ever so it's not like turning the debuff off is gonna kill me.

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3 hours ago, HerChianti said:

I don't think you understood what I meant nor what I was requesting, but that's fine, it's your mod so you're well within your power to reject requests or do whatever you want. No worries!

It saddens me but I'll be alright, this is literally my favorite Skyrim mod ever so it's not like turning the debuff off is gonna kill me.

well its hard to understand, when im given no detailed description of technical task, bunch of false information on how it currently works and should guess what you think


as far as i understand you dont want 1 milk to be 1 unit of w/e weight/mass skyrim uses and rather scale from 0 to infinity for your immersiveness


if you dont like 0.00001% speed, then remove speed debuff in mcm

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On 6/21/2022 at 11:28 PM, wm46 said:

It's been quite the length of time since I last did anything with my patch, shoutouts to the people who won't shut up and keep bugging me in my DMs that this patch doesn't work for VR users (I kid, I kid...). Before I get on with the post, I'm going to self congratulate myself on 2,000 downloads, I never thought a patch for a niche fetish mod would have this much traction; it's a shame I have to reset the download counter.


MME SLIF Compatibility Patch & Morph Editor - Version 3.0




What is it?

    This is a patch for Milk Mod Economy SE that allows you to modify the visual morphing effects of all aspects of MME: milk based growth, level based growth, and lactacid based growth. This patch integrates the morph calls using Sexlab Inflation Framework which allows you to view a breakdown of all applied morphs, and allows me to use a bunch of handy functions that make my life easier when scripting this.

    Everything about this patch is accessed through the MCM, "MilkMod Morph Editor". The MCM is broken down into three main tabs (Milk Morphs, Lactacid Morphs, Level Morphs) that have initially empty lists that allow you to specify what body morphs and the strength of body morphs to be applied from each of the effects. This method of morphing will work for ANY body type (UUNP, 3BBB, 3BA, BHUNP) with ANY slider mods (think PuffyNipplesCBBE), so as long as you properly type in the internal morph names for the morphs you use.


How to use it?

    For a step-by-step instruction, along with how to look up internal morph names, see my profile signature. The quick jist: Open up the tab in the MCM for the method of applying morphs, type in the internal morph name at the text entry field at the top of the page, and then adjust the morph's intensity using the morph amount percentage slider that appears below. You can remove morphs from each list by typing the name into the input field again.

    There are four special commands you can input into each page. The first is "ifuckedup", which will delete all morph entries on every page, resetting the mod to the initial state. The other three, "copyfrommilk", "copyfromlact", and "copyfromlevel", are a copy and paste function that will replace all the morphs on your current page with the morphs from the page in the command.

    NEW in V3: You can now import and export your morphs to an external JSON file, and lazy users can use my pre-defined list of 3BA morphs without spending hours looking up morphs and tweaking. To save: Just use the mod as you normally would to make your preset, then go to the Save/Load tab and click the save option. Loading is as simple as clicking the load button. The files are stored in "data\SKSE\Plugins\MME Config\". This now means VR users can use my mod by setting up a morph list JSON outside of Skyrim (untested though, not buying a VR headset).



v3.0 - Added saving and loading of morph lists, added a default morph list that users can apply without having to go through the hassle of setting up the mod itself.

v2.1 - Fixed an issue with lactacid and level morphs not being removed properly after removing them from the morph list.

v2.0 - Split milk morphs and level morphs, you can now assign different morphs to each. Each morph category now gets its own SLIF category so that you can apply the same morphs to each. Added three new commands to the input screen: copyfrommilk, copyfromlact, copyfromlevel. They copy from the category typed and paste it into your currently opened category. Increased the max amount of morphs to 50.


Known Issues

1. After adding or removing morphs the resulting final morph will always be wrong after the very first change. This is an issue with SLIF where it does not queue unregister and morph commands, so morphs will be removed as they are added on the first time. Changing morph amounts is fine though.

2. The splitting of level and milk morphs for volumetric breast scaling is not perfect, and as you gain large amounts of milk the level share of the morphs will reduce to near zero. As an example: If you have nipple size to increase with level but not with milk, as you gain more milk your nipples will actually shrink back down to normal size when using volumetric scaling.

3. If you play with a cap on the max breast size (a standard MME setting), level and milk morph splitting will also start to get weird once you hit the maximum size limit. If you do play with a maximum size limit, I suggest you keep level and milk morphs the same.

4. VR is a mistake. (Please report any VR issues) 

MME Config Menu v3.0.zip 18.28 kB · 108 downloads

This works well for milk mod, but for some odd reason is not capturing milk addict, not sure why. I have it loaded after milk addict. Is it because slif is loaded after both? Should slif be loaded before?

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16 hours ago, Ed86 said:

well its hard to understand, when im given no detailed description of technical task, bunch of false information on how it currently works and should guess what you think


as far as i understand you dont want 1 milk to be 1 unit of w/e weight/mass skyrim uses and rather scale from 0 to infinity for your immersiveness


if you dont like 0.00001% speed, then remove speed debuff in mcm

I think you took it personal when my post wasn't criticizing the current method nor saying it was wrong. I'm very sorry for this. I was merely suggesting an alternative for the people that play with big quantities of milk capacity.


All I was doing is requesting a second way of calculating milkyness in the breasts and I thought I was as detailed as I could with how I wanted it to work, I'll try to explain it better now:


The way it works now is that as soon as current milk amount is over 25-30, even if the character's total milk capacity is like 86 (that would be around level 40 milk maid give or take), they're already walking at 0.00001% speed when they have like more than half of their capacity left. And if one is playing with high quantities of milk generation, in a few hours you're already walking at 0.00001% speed without even being halfway into max capacity.


So, what I suggested was being able to have an option to switch the debuff to being percentage based. So the closer you're to your full capacity (whatever number that may be, 10, 40, 183, etc), the slower you'll be, to the point of full being 0.00001%. I do like being at 0.00001% speed, I just wish it was when my character's breasts are at like 90%-100% of their current capacity and not after 4 hours pass and I'm at like 20%, it would be a really immersive way of telling how close I am to being full in my opinion.


Example: Character has 140 total Milk Capacity.

  1. At 0 current milk in boobs, character will run at 100% of their speed.
  2. The closer they get to 140, the slower they'll get, starting at 50% of their total capacity (70 in this case). This would be to have a decent "grace period" where the character won't have their speed affected by the milk sloshing in boobies unless there's enough milk in them to actually start adding weight.
  3. At 140 current milk in boobs, character will run at 0.00001% of their speed or won't be able to move at all, completely immobile unless they empty boobs.


Total Milk Capacity won't matter since it'll be percentage based. So regardless of total capacity the character will always have to empty their boobs to be able to run again. That's only an example of what I thought of could be a decent system for the speed debuff to be compatible with any amount of milk.


Again, I apologize if you felt I was attacking the mod or you, I love this mod too much and I'd never do that, I believe this was just miscommunication. I understand how it works currently, and I also understand why it was made that way. My point is that it doesn't really pair up well with high quantities of milk capacity and milk generation.


In the end, this is your mod and it's your right to develop it however you want. And I'm sure a lot of people have come in here saying "blah blah this should be this way or that way" over the years, but that wasn't my intention in the least, I only suggested adding an option. Take care!

Edited by HerChianti
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19 hours ago, HerChianti said:

I think you took it personal when my post wasn't criticizing the current method nor saying it was wrong. I'm very sorry for this. I was merely suggesting an alternative for the people that play with big quantities of milk capacity.


All I was doing is requesting a second way of calculating milkyness in the breasts and I thought I was as detailed as I could with how I wanted it to work, I'll try to explain it better now:


The way it works now is that as soon as current milk amount is over 25-30, even if the character's total milk capacity is like 86 (that would be around level 40 milk maid give or take), they're already walking at 0.00001% speed when they have like more than half of their capacity left. And if one is playing with high quantities of milk generation, in a few hours you're already walking at 0.00001% speed without even being halfway into max capacity.


So, what I suggested was being able to have an option to switch the debuff to being percentage based. So the closer you're to your full capacity (whatever number that may be, 10, 40, 183, etc), the slower you'll be, to the point of full being 0.00001%. I do like being at 0.00001% speed, I just wish it was when my character's breasts are at like 90%-100% of their current capacity and not after 4 hours pass and I'm at like 20%, it would be a really immersive way of telling how close I am to being full in my opinion.


Example: Character has 140 total Milk Capacity.

  1. At 0 current milk in boobs, character will run at 100% of their speed.
  2. The closer they get to 140, the slower they'll get, starting at 50% of their total capacity (70 in this case). This would be to have a decent "grace period" where the character won't have their speed affected by the milk sloshing in boobies unless there's enough milk in them to actually start adding weight.
  3. At 140 current milk in boobs, character will run at 0.00001% of their speed or won't be able to move at all, completely immobile unless they empty boobs.


Total Milk Capacity won't matter since it'll be percentage based. So regardless of total capacity the character will always have to empty their boobs to be able to run again. That's only an example of what I thought of could be a decent system for the speed debuff to be compatible with any amount of milk.


Again, I apologize if you felt I was attacking the mod or you, I love this mod too much and I'd never do that, I believe this was just miscommunication. I understand how it works currently, and I also understand why it was made that way. My point is that it doesn't really pair up well with high quantities of milk capacity and milk generation.


In the end, this is your mod and it's your right to develop it however you want. And I'm sure a lot of people have come in here saying "blah blah this should be this way or that way" over the years, but that wasn't my intention in the least, I only suggested adding an option. Take care!

idk how that would work, at 100% at 140 milk you would still get at least -1800-3600% stats

i guess i can try to add toggle for breast debuff, so you only get debuff for milk and not breasts themself

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5 hours ago, Ed86 said:

idk how that would work, at 100% at 140 milk you would still get at least -1800-3600% stats

i guess i can try to add toggle for breast debuff, so you only get debuff for milk and not breasts themself

Well if you include the stats/skills/regen debuffs to my suggestion then they would all work together based off the percentage amount of milk currently in boobs.


That way, instead of having this:



You could just have 1 spell attached to a script that reads the percentage of milk currently in the breasts and prints the debuff onto the player depending on how close the milk amount is to the player's total milk capacity instead of having 1 Spell for each unit of milk from 1 to 25.


So like, since MME_Unmilked25 has all the debuff Magnitudes at 100 (which is what I assume you want the debuffs to cap at), you could make it like this:



  1. Character has 220 Total Milk Capacity
  2. Then at 110 Current Milk they'll start suffering the debuff (because it's 50% of 220)
  3. When current milk reaches the max 220, they'll suffer the full 100 Magnitude to their speed/skills/stats/etc


This way, no matter how much Total Milk Capacity the player has, the debuffs will always work from 0 to 100.


I don't know if that was clear enough. I have no programming knowledge so all I can do is try to explain the process as best as I can.


Unrelated question: Do you speak Spanish? Because if you do we could probably understand each other a lot better. English is my second language so sometimes what I want to say doesn't come out right.

Edited by HerChianti
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24 minutes ago, HerChianti said:

You could just have 1 spell with a script that reads the percentage of milk in the breasts currently and prints the debuff onto the player depending on how close it is to 100% instead of having 1 Spell for each unit of milk from 1 to 25.


All of the MME_Unmilked01 - 25 and MME_Wellmilked01 - 25 spells are unused. There are only two spells that control the milk debuffs: 000D7B "MME_Unmilked" & 039F87 "MME_WellMilked".


The one section of code that controls the strength of the debuffs is located at Line 2306 of MilkQUEST.psc:


		;Unmilked debuff
		numEffects = (MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).GetNumEffects()
		effectCount = 0
		while (effectCount < numEffects)
			(MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, MilkCnt as int)
			effectCount= effectCount + 1


If you want to change the logic yourself, all you need to do is change the line "(MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, MilkCnt as int)" to:


(MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (MilkCnt as int / MilkMax as int) * 25)


And then recompile MilkQUEST


Edit: Changed the location and code of the spell, was accidentally grabbing the info from the old version of MilkQUEST

Edited by wm46
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37 minutes ago, wm46 said:


All of the MME_Unmilked01 - 25 and MME_Wellmilked01 - 25 spells are unused. There are only two spells that control the milk debuffs: 000D7B "MME_Unmilked" & 039F87 "MME_WellMilked".


The one section of code that controls the strength of the debuffs is located at Line 2306 of MilkQUEST.psc:


		;Unmilked debuff
		numEffects = (MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).GetNumEffects()
		effectCount = 0
		while (effectCount < numEffects)
			(MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, MilkCnt as int)
			effectCount= effectCount + 1


If you want to change the logic yourself, all you need to do is change the line "(MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, MilkCnt as int)" to:


(MME_Spells_Buffs.GetAt(1) as Spell).SetNthEffectMagnitude(effectCount, (MilkCnt as int / MilkMax as int) * 25)


And then recompile MilkQUEST


Edit: Changed the location and code of the spell, was accidentally grabbing the info from the old version of MilkQUEST


You know, I sort of suspected the 1-25 spells were unused, because I kept trying to change the magnitudes in them hoping I'd get what I wanted without having to bother Ed86 with all of this, but nothing changed. Then again they are still there in the .esp so I thought they were still being used somehow.


Oh ok you edited it, found it now hehe.


Now to figure out how to compile a script ?



Edited by HerChianti
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On 7/3/2022 at 11:21 AM, sirgilly said:

This works well for milk mod, but for some odd reason is not capturing milk addict, not sure why. I have it loaded after milk addict. Is it because slif is loaded after both? Should slif be loaded before?


My script doesn't touch MilkAddict's butt scaling. If you have SLIF installed then Milk Addict scaling should be working with no issue; Milk Addict works by scaling the butt bone instead of using any morphs, so you'll see its effects under "Default Modus -> NPCButt"

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8 minutes ago, HerChianti said:

You know, I sort of suspected the 1-25 spells were unused, because I kept trying to change the magnitudes in them hoping I'd get what I wanted without having to bother Ed86 with all of this, but nothing changed. Then again they are still there in the .esp so I thought they were still being used.


Anyway, I don't seem to have any of those lines at all in MilkQUEST.psc ?




You might have a different line of code because it changed from version to version, but it should be right underneath that snippet of code you posted in the first image:



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