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6 Screenshots

About This File

Plunder is an adult mod mixing sexual life and followers.
It is also called "Blunder", alias Plunder for Oblivion.
It's a kind of complete mod for gamers wanting a sexual canvas behind the game world.
If you were looking for mere sex opportunities for your character, you may have found what you seek.
If you want an Oblivion game with full adult content support, then you have it.



Blunder must be downloaded from loverslab.com and from nowhere else, because:
  > it contains dirty small talks
  > some dialogues (Pirvov's, Mysti's) contains racism, cruelty and perversion
  > many situations involve violent sex
  > it is dependent of Lovers With PK: Blunder's a Lovers mod
Uninstalling Plunder will not undo things made with it.
  > actors can be heavily altered, even killed outside your decision
  > to uninstall, just track down anything named "plunder" in your data dir and delete it
Plunder 0.6 is not Work-in-progress, neither Alpha, but Beta (until version 1.0):
  > Plunder's fully playable and robust

  > your suggestions are welcome, especially when you detect a "lost case" or a bug or a compatibility problem

     > my english is horrid, but I promise to make efforts

General Direction

Plunder gives to your game world sexual activites between NPCs.
It also manages the resulting sexual acts and all the moves prior to sex.
Therefore, you'll hear a woman rejecting the advance of a courtisan, or welcoming him.
You'll see people returning to home to have sex.
You'll see a shamelessly masturbator fapping before a couple making love (with good chances to interrupt them).
You'll see a bandit forcing one of his female mate to sex.
The sex life brought by Plunder is thick, with quantity of data: privacy, decency, responsibility, shyness.
And logically, this is what you want when you download Plunder.


But a gamer will want an interface to this sexual life, usable by followers, with all constraints (and there are many).
Therefore, Plunder brings you a followers system and a faction firmly tied to this sexual life.


You can ignore some parts in Plunder, it's fine and the mod will adapt.
Mainly, you can only use the sex life, but not the faction, neither the follower system.


I'd be a good idea to check the ini file of Plunder, located at Data/Ini/, to start adjusting things as you want them.
Some options are accessible by the lever beside the "Plunder Chest" at Sinkhole (see below).


What requires Plunder?

OBSE 2.1 is required first.
If you use Blockhead, Plunder will be able to identify children and elders against their Age Face Gen, beyond its normal scrutinity.
If you want to review your travel log after game, showing everything happening around you, install ConScribe, which is also a plugin for OBSE.


Plunder requires then Lovers w/ PK 1.41.
You'd better download LAPF 1.62, which contains everything you want.
  > You should add Lovers Creatures
  > You need MB2 animation files if you want to see masturbation. MB2's esp is not required
    > stage times for masturbation are the ones you set in Lovers for normal sex progression
    > without MB2 esp, Plunder gives you no way to masturbate
For load order, place Plunder.esp among the Lovers family, not before Lovers with PK.esp.

  > do not include Plunder.esp in Wrye's bashed patch if you use the tweak: all armors/clothing playable


Better Cities - Imperial City Island is incompatible because it modifies Sinkhole Cave.

  > same for mods moving the location of Sinkhole Cave (or editing the terrain around), like Unique Landscapes - Imperial Isle.


You need Lovers Slave Trader, if you want to use LST slaves along Plunder's. Otherwise, it's optional.
  > I recommend installing the complete Bravil Underground


About conflicts, use your brain: if you install mods doing the same things, you're on your own.

From the moment sex starts, Plunder excludes from Sex AI people doing sex.

  > this guarantees a certain compatibility with many Lovers mods

  > Plunder is forbidden to interfere in sexual acts it has not started itself

  > however, Plunder will (by default) use these sexual acts to update: love/rape story, fatigue after sex

A following system mod (allowing you to hire people) is compatible, if really you want to keep it. You should try Plunder's first.
  > if you keep your follower system, then never use Plunder's

  > anyone following you is recognized by Plunder in any case (your followers won't go courting, for example)
For a companion mod (NPCs designed to follow you):
  > do not hire these companions, do not convert them, never
  > use their own system to command them, Plunder will recognize them as mere follower
Plunder manages after-sex fatigue, depending of the sexual act performed, Glow should be in conflict.
Any affective system making people moving around is completely incompatible.

When you don't know: test.

Plunder has low compatibility on these levels:
- any neutralized NPC by Plunder can be enslaved by the LST Enslave spell (and non-persistent actors are okay, see below)
- any duplicated NPC by Plunder registers as destructible on death, entirely managed by Plunder
- any duplicated NPC by Plunder receives their former body from SetBody (SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition 1.46a)

- if you use Tamago Club, then Plunder will ask to it the fertility status of a woman and her ovulation peak

- if you use Hiyoko Club, then Plunder should recognize one of your children (this depends, however, of their Age Face Gen)

  > if you need a mod to use kids with Plunder: see this post


Features: on the player's side
The Dispose Spell:

- you choose to have a lesser power or a spell at start
- this spell works on NPCs, mainly, and on nothing at all (empty space)
- the first case gives you the Dispose Menu, to hire someone for example
- the second case gives you the Order Menu, to command your team or call people
- you can hire nearly anybody against gold
  > essential NPCs are special, Plunder tries to protect vanilla's until their quests are over
- once hired, a NPC can receive orders, becoming a member of the Plunder Faction


Small Talks:
- apart a few exceptions, we don't talk in Plunder, instead we use message boxes and buttons to answer
- it gives a Morrowind touch to Oblivion


- you can try to neutralize any NPC with your fists
- do not think the neutralization in combat is quick-and-go
  > pieces of equipment must be pulled out, it's violent
  > sometimes, you cannot hope to neutralize your opponent, who's too strong
  > you need a good score in Hand to Hand and in Strength, against the same skill/attribute of your opponent
- you can be neutralized by someone using fists against you and wanting to rape you
- if you play a woman, creatures will also try to neutralize you if they have the "bad idea"
  > you need Lovers Creatures, otherwise they won't attempt anything beside normal attacks
- playing a woman pushes you to be cunning and alert on potential threats, giving a new touch to the game style
- you can also attempt another style of neutralization against a non hostile NPC:
  > you must no be in combat and the target must not be hostile toward you
  > sneak, being detected has no importance, and strike with your fist
  > follow the instructions on the screen and don't let your target escape
  > you need a good Agility and a good Strength against the same attributes of your victim
- before a neutralized target (by you or anyone else), get close to know what to do
  > you can convert (as Plunderers) or enslave (as slaves) neutralized enemies
  > if you convert quest characters (especially vanilla's) you may have to kill them after to advance the quest


Sexual Life:
- like anyone else in the game world, you have two indices: Excitment (which is social) and Sex Need
- to obtain excitation: kill things, neutralize people, complete quests, discover a new location, hear an orgasm...
- once obtained, a part of your excitation can transform itself into sex need
- with a high excitation and a high sex need, you are a good lover at bed (ie: producing "good love" in your relation)
- each day, your excitment cools off or restores itself a bit, your remaining sex need (depending whether you had sex) too
- you can try to seduce someone with the Dispose spell
  > the resulting small talk is driven by the decency of your speaker, and you adapt to this decency in your answers
  > excepted the last one, marked [quit], which will certainly destroy your relation (you may have reasons to do that)
- in high privacy area (like in town in daylight), your partner will lead you to "a quieter place", ie: their private bed
  > and sometimes, it's locked
  > your partner will try to give you the key, if one is available (you may have to do a break-in for complex situations)

  > or you can ask your lover to accompany you, looking for a quieter place when there's none
- you can have as many partners you want, but, when you give pleasure, your other lovers deteriorate a bit their love to you
- don't be surprised the first time you have sex with your partner, your armor is removed
  > you will reequip automatically by leaving the area or by being attacked, until then you remain as you are
  > your clothes are not concerned
- with your Dispose spell, you can set the sexual orientation of anybody, including Essential characters


Your Team:
- you can order your team to assault the area with up to three assault groups
  > the attack is looking professional, but beware of traps
  > you are not supposed to assault towns with your team... be careful, especially with Plunderers
- you can order up to 9 followers to plunder the area
  > do not worry about encumberance, surplus go to the Plunder Chest (see below)
- you have other orders to follow, hold the position, etc.
  > "follow, engage" means: engage at will => attack on sight (dangerous in civilian areas)
  > just say "follow regroup" to keep things as normal
- you can call for reinforcements or order the retreat
  > reinforcements appear at the entry you took if you are deep in a dungeon
- these orders can be immediate or delayed, globally Plunder's followers aren't robots reacting at the same time

- I advise you to practice your leaderhip around Sinkhole before going into real situations
- any team mate doing a kill will progress by gaining health abilities and, if they are capable, a heal spell
  > Plunderers have the best progression, their second kill bring them a bonus in hand to hand
  > Companions are good, too, just remember people have to be in your team to progress
  > you surely will organize hunts (mudcrabs, deers... just say Assault!) to prepare your new recruits for real action


Your Faction:
- you cannot access the inventory of the Levy, you must upgrade/promote/demote your follower to another rank

  > and sometimes, you cannot: try to rise the disposition of your follower above 70 (by default) to promote them Companion
- your members can live at Sinkhole (slaves cannot live elsewhere)
  > Sinkhole is north of the Imperial City, on the city island, the sole cave in this part

  > you can deactivate the respawning bandits at Sinkhole by using the lever beside the Plunder Chest
- each member has a day life and, when you return there, people are busy
  > this life at Sinkhole was designed accordingly to the mod's name, it's a harsh/uncivilized life
  > mostly, your faction may look like a ring of bandits or a camp of shamelessly folks
- you'll find a large stone chest there, it's the "Plunder Chest"
  > fill it with usable loot and cast Dispose on it: your team will reequip with the content
  > you can leave food inside, books, potions, tools, bows and weapon, anything usefull for your members in their day life
  > this is indeed where they search things
- on the right side of the Plunder Chest, you have a lever
  > activate it to change your sexual preferences, some settings or reset certain data in Plunder
- other things at Sinkhole date from the previous versions of Plunder:
  > some traders
  > a quest "Sinkhole Installation", which terminates once you negotiate slaves prices with Mysti
    > if you want to play "real" (with the original quest), say you want to "go to Sinkhole later" at start, then go to it
  > all these old things are discontinued but fully usable; you might find a use of these traders anyway
- by searching the place a bit, you'll meet "Mysti", who can sell you furniture and infrastructure
  > you have to reach "mercantile trust" as she says, ie: grow the barter gold of each trader to 3000
  > she will agree to remove the annoying trap in the cave, if you have gold


Features: NPCs' side

- with default settings, women have not the reflex to have the "bad idea" to willing to rape an opponent in combat
  > unless they feel simultaneously Hate and Like to the targeted sex, like any NPC having "amazon" in their name
  > in intense combat, a woman can override this limitation and rape a man being just neutralized
  > any woman is perfectly able to rape a neutralized man, if she thinks the idea interesting
- when a combattant has the "bad idea", they remove their weapon and attempt a neutralization, exactly as you do it yourself
- the more a combattant has sex need, the more they will think about the "bad idea" (which can be a bad idea, indeed, against powerful opponents)
- any NPC seeing, with their eyes, a neutralized target on the ground will go to them
  > their reaction depends, sometimes they walk away
  > your faction members always go, even without seeing them
- on some occasion, you'll witness a crazed creature (even deers!) attacking people (or you)
  > they received Excitation and transformed it successfully in sex need, turning them crazy

  > only creatures natively hostile to you are concerned, not your horse

Sexual Life:
- I think I told you nearly everything in the General Direction section: people are moving to have sex

- Essential NPCs from Oblivion and Knights of the Nine are restricted in their Sex AI (you can add more mods if you want)

  > they cannot decide sex, so they cannot go away for this reason

  > you always can stop someone (essential or not) on the move by chosing "Hey, come back!" with the Dispose spell
- Plunder randomizes the Lovers' voice of women
- Plunder also randomizes (a bit) the Personality attribute to avoid seeing the same numbers for everyone
- when you complete a quest or discover a location, the gain of excitation propagates to nearby NPCs (and creatures)
- children are ignored, either for deciding sex or to be a target for sex
- any actor sneaking (you included) avoids deciding sex or be a target for sex
- NPCs try to "marry" when you meet them, Plunder searches where they sleep and with who, mainly

  > and for those who have no love story at all, they try, each day, to find a bit of happyness with someone
- nobility folks (counts and countesses) are married when Plunder initializes

  > you can add other couples in the file Data/Ini/PlunderMarry.ini (use the lever beside the Plunder Chest to apply)
- Plunder keeps tracks of any love story between two people, even between bandits
  > to not pollute your cosave, obsolete stories are destroyed when you reload your game
- NPCs are happy with a single lover normally, it depends on their Responsibility

  > the more you play, the more people "taste" others and build their lover preference
- any guard is an ambulant love-killer and people try to remain correct when they see one (and sometimes, they don't see them)
- rapists exist in the world and can perform sexual aggression against weak victims
- you may see people naked, because of any reason related their sexual life, and normally:
  > they will find clothes automatically (they always prefer clothes to armor)
  > if you want to help them, drop shoes, pants, shirt (what they lack) around you
  > if they don't want what you drop, that certainly means they are "unarmored", like you are before loving sex
- a NPC feeling desire for you (and searching for love) will certainly approach you to tell you sweet words
  > accordingly to their decency, the "sweet words" will be more or less rude or precious
  > you can shorten this approach while in the real dialogue, it damages disposition, without any other consequence
    > the real dialogue is there to allow you to see the face of your courtisan, since the small talk will be displayed after
  > beware if you choose the rude answer in the small talk and if your speaker is feeling love-at-first-sight it may happen that:
    > prude ones can become erotomanic stalker, constructing a real love story - you'd better ignore them for a long while
    > social ones are the worst, spreading gossips on your back, inflicting faction damage
    > lusty ones usually turn mad

    > you have no way to detect a love-at-first sight, so be careful
- a partner may request more sex after sex, that means they felt at the same time the pleasure of sex and the pleasure of love
  > this is also true for your partners
- on the contrary, a NPC may refuse sex to another (you included)
  > for you, there's two types of refusal: normal and critical
  > normal refusal is soft (you read no hostility): you can ask again with no risk
  > critical refusal sounds like your relation is over, I wouldn't set your hopes up
- since there's no porn in Oblivion, masturbators bother couples by fapping before them
- any victim of a rape will trigger a reaction to it once they recover their mind
  > this reaction depends, you may see anything


Emergency Kit:

Either click on the target or type "player." before the command (for example: player.additem xx725D1 50).

"xx" refers to the load order number of Plunder.esp in hexadecimal.


1. You want to remove a neutralization with the console:

removeitem xx065203 1

setunconscious 0


2. You want to add 20 Excitment or Sex Need:

additem xx725D1 20


additem xx725D2 20


3. You want to break/fix a masturbation:

removeitem xx0658F3 100

and if doesn't work:

setunconscious 0


4. You want to alter the decency of someone by 20:

additem xx08E88B 20


removeitem xx08E88B 20


Last words:

On a general advice, do not hire your lovers. Subordination kills desire.


Plunder does not allow essential members/followers.
You can bypass it with the console:
  > open the console and click on the companion
  > type: SetRefEssential 1

If they are from Oblivion or Knights of the Nine, they'll gain the Sex AI restriction, as explained above.


If you have Bravil Undergound, it would be a good idea to leave some slaves (LST or not) in town to avoid bad surprises.


You can enslave a neutralized target with the LST spell, if you want. If applicable, the NPC will be duplicated.
Or, you can "export" a Plunder slave to LST. See page 2 of the Dispose Menu, the option "I'll find you an owner".
  > the export is direct, and the slave is ready to train


If your character bears the Lovers' flag slave, you may receive message from Plunder warning you someone wants to "use" you.
Because Plunder recognized your character as sex slave.


When seducing someone, open the console: you have the details of the desire of your character, it may help you.

When trying to neutralize an opponent, open the console: your hits are displayed with their efficiency, if this efficiency is above 0%.


To have a Favorite, you must have a relation with love above their Personality / 2.
If this is the case, you have the option in the Dispose Menu, page 2. It results in a free new member: your favorite.
Favorites can live at Sinkhole, with a special day life. They are also immune to jealousy.


If you encounter CTD while converting a neutralized target:
  > it would be a good idea to quicksave before a conversion
  > in the current state of Plunder, this CTD is not frequent and it is advised to kill the target causing the CTD

  > sometimes, raping the target before converting them resolve the situation
If you encounter CTD while sex is starting/running/ending:
  > give it another try, if it persists, warn me on the forum
If you encounter CTD in another situation...
  > first, be sure to have the last version of Plunder

  > next, like above, try again, if it persists warn me on the forum


Thank you and enjoy the day with Plunder.

What's New in Version 0.6.91


- when wanting to say their desire to someone in the same faction, people can be impressed to be from a lesser rank and renounce (BNub345)
- reduced (a bit) the response time from team and from sex quests
- when trying to find their bed, an actor could take another furniture => fixed
- changed "rank diff" to "subordination" in the desire calculation to avoid a misunderstanding (BNub345)
- when duplicating a vampire, the latter loses their vampirism => fixed (BNub345) - it appears to be a code regression, still unexplained

- fixed the barter gold when you invest with Mysti and the likes, now the count is correct
- once a trader has more than 49.999 gold, no more gold is obtained
- fixed member's occupation - it was source of CTD (perhaps the last one this time) when a member decided to train
- removed people with ghost effect/ability from the neutralization system

- forced evp for interrupted actions (Hey, come back!), it was reported people didn't comply sometimes (Langoune)

While Plunder is version 0.6x, updates are made by merely erasing old files with new ones (save your ini file, if you have modified it).
Or just replace Plunder.esp (if the sources have no interest for you).


Old change Log


- fixed an error stopping general combat once a combat rape occured
- now, pacify spell works when player is really alone (i.e: no follower, not only the team)

- there was some neglects when removing neutralization (missing out-of-bound, ispelltarget), all fixed


- CTD reduction for PC level offset while promoting and upgrading (misunderstanding of a thing about bows)
- also restored voice while doing so (the NPC appears briefly naked, but is no more teleported)
- reduced (vainquished?) the "CTD in a Bastion" while duplicating an actor
- removed a forgotten debug line in the masturbation token

- added an invisible quest object for members to bypass leveled inventory items trouble
- also, updated all members on start (compatibility)
- fixed random ctd on masturbation token (removeme was called in the same frame of pose tokens removal)
- also, removed the call to SexEnd for masturbation (useless, at least for now)
- fixed broken LST slaves avoiding recover on ground (LST is not considering sex with broken slaves as rape)
- fixed the lust token (joining provoked cancelation)


0.686: RC
- path grid around Sinkhole have been reduced (to avoid CTD: go to Sinkhole on foot, start from the stables)
- the level by offset system is now protected against all forms of CTD
- error in hiring a parented ref, the request was ignored: now fixed
- assaulters in the team now continue assault after a rape or a mere decide fate for target
- various compatibility tests were made, nothing new
- there's one thing left: members having a negative item count duplicate those items, it is a game mechanism and I don't think it could be avoided
- Plunder is now is the hands of gamers, all the scheduled work is done (but new ideas are welcome), so this is somewhat a RC
- I can't promise a lost case is not hidding in the scripts, but they should be very rare now

+ edit: I think I didn't upload the right version, but the dev's, in case I reupload


0.685: Oblivion & SI Team Compatibility
- now, everybody following you (not only your team) is protected against reset to base actor after closing an Oblivion Gate
  > drawback: you cannot call for reinforcements once into Oblivion
- using the door to Shivering Isles teleports your followers (not only your team) to the adequate location (fringe invaded or not)
- your teammates now appear everywhere, not only in interior and break combat to rejoin you (idea throwed away)
  > but your teammates cannot rejoin you in the Arena
- added security about the Lovers Slave Flag token concerning the player (when someone wants to "use" you)
- the ready state of a NPC excludes now swimming, riding a horse and sneaking in the Sex AI (the last is for player's partners)
- corrected the real sex need day normalization, the difference was not added
- removed cheese wedge from free food supplies: unexplained bug growing quantities only for this item
- a female lover wanting sex again and left alone transforms now her sex act as pure masturbation (fixes an oddity in the relation)
- limited the disposition damage for sex reactions (only if disposition is above 50)
- packed a mini mod, hiyokogrow, see this post for details


0.684: Emergency Fix for Sinkhole
- fixed the naked token for members living at sinkhole (avoids CTD)
- removed double bedrolls from tents, therefore added three tents (to avoid mortality after sex to the maximum)
- if you have bought the tents in the camp, use the console:
  > prid xx00a75a (where xx is the load order of Plunder.esp)
  > disable
  > enable
  > the new tents will appear
- path grid has been corrected accordingly


0.683: Tamago & Hiyoko Clubs compatibility (and more other things than I was expecting)
- if you have Tamago, the ovulation peak given by Plunder is ignored
  > for example, if Lovers SexSense displays "ovum", then the target is in the ovulation peak, having the Sex Need bonus
- Tamago can now answer to the fertility state of a woman, setting pregnancy and post-partum statuses
- your Dispose spell can now recognize one of your children from Hiyoko (however, FaceGen must respond they are a kid)
- you can now ask your (non-member) lover to "accompany" you when you need a quieter place and none is available
  > this depends on their disposition and the love of your relation (some NPCs, like Dark Seducers, will not pronounce an answer)
  > it's also a practical way to move your lover anywhere, but you can't tell them to wait
- the unarmor token waits now Lovers to remove itself before rearmoring you (especially when surprised by a combat - you ended naked)
- you can now deactivate the bandit spawners at Sinkhole, or re-enable them, with the lever (rcy68)
  > only the bandits at the entrance and in the first cave are concerned
  > you must have no mod modifying SinkHole to get it working as expected
- now, disposing corpses and containers is compatible with parent/child refs, all the disabling system has been reviewed and is safe
  > no more multiple corpses/containers vanishing at the same time
  > this is also true when converting the parent ref actor: all child actors are still there now
- reequipping your team use now the pure female armor exclusion for men (movomo)
- Favorites could be seduced in a certain case: fixed (langoune)
- when player is the partner for casual sex, and is going away, sex will be canceled instead entering suspend mode (langoune)
- the order menu excludes now people you set in residence by telling to them "Stay here"
  > therefore, you can dispatch your members in certain locations and Plunder will try to ensure package continuity
- Mysti orders now to the traders to remove any scripted items to not wear them (like the zealot hoods)
- dismissing rules have changed: you can now only dismiss someone having a package stack (not a converted, then) and being not a slave
  > that means you can dismiss some plunderers, regardless the calamity they'll spread on the world...
- each day, the *real* sex need of an actor normalizes against the World Temperature, to keep things right on the long term
  > this is also true for your character
- the Diagnose spell displays now Plunder's indices (and female stuff)
- error in order assault against neutralized target, combat rape was launched instead of the mere decide fate: fixed


0.682: Vanilla compatibility & LST compatibility
- native daedra NPCs are now bisexual by default
  > Golden Saints and Dark Seducers native from Shivering Isles
  > Dremoras native from Oblivion also have Hate for both sexes (even for their own kind) and commonly use rape in combat
- yellow team combattants (those in the Arena match cell) gain now Hate against both sexes
  > that means women may attempt to rape a male player
- the player cannot unequip/drop their rainment during an arena match (but the opponent still can)
- no neutralize menu in the Arena anymore: if you hit a neutralized opponent, you rape them and/or you damage them
- new ini settings: read carefully their description in the related file
  > paramEssentialNoSex: forbids any essential NPC to be concerned by the Sex AI (disabled by default)
  > paramEssentials: exclude from Sex AI decision any essential NPC from the listed mods (Oblivion and Knights of the Nine by default)
    > tested with BravilUnderground as mod added in restriction for Essential NPCs
  > paramExcitationCourting: the amount of Excitation gained while being courtized can be set manually (default 2)
  > paramExcitationOrgasm: the amount of Excitation gained while hearing an orgasm can be set manually (default 1)
  > paramExcitationKill: the amount of Excitation gained on kill can be set manually (default 1)
  > paramExcitationKnock: the amount of Excitation gained on neutralizing an opponent can be set manually (default 3)
  > paramAllowDamage: allow damage from creatures (disabled by default) expands to external mods
  > paramSexOnDemand: ask for Sex Pos Group in the Dispose Menu (BNub345) (disabled by default)
    > if no motion is found after filtering them, the default motion array will be played
- enforcing the securities for Essential NPCs above, your Dispose spell is now able to stop a NPC *on the move* for sex (click on "Hey, come back!")
- bug spotted by BNub345: the ini setting paramUnclothCombat was not used => fixed
- bug in create member: low level processing targets were excluded, ignoring the security of the Dispose Menu => fixed
- bug in reset data: player was ignored (due to 0.681) => fixed
- mental damage from rape has been adjusted, whether the victim holds grip or not, and the crush uses the real sex need instead of the raw one
  > also, mental damage is ignored when rape is from an external mod
- attempting to reach 0 CTD in conversion by unequipping weapon on a target to duplicate (I have a suspicion for bows)
  > the current level of CTD when converting is around 1.7% (accordingly to my logs: 175 conversions made, 3 CTD), so it's hard now to find a test subject
- pacify ability when neutralized is modulated for player: applied only if the team is empty
- assault order leads now to possible rape on neutralized
- assault order now scans more targets (it will be more immediate in interior, but not in exterior)
- forgotten bug: PlunderExtra.esp was fixed: TG stolen goods were not applied in dialogue => fixed
- experiment: while reequipping your team (with the plunder chest), men will deny wearing pure female armors (any feedback appreciated)
  > supported: female restrictive mods (men path is female path where is found "\f\"), vella, darkrose & any Growlf
  > this is experimental, because it should end as ini setting once proved reliable


0.681: final touches before compatibility expansion
- in desire calculation, Fame and Infamy are now excluded from Responsibility diff (because they are already impacting Disposition)
- with some mods, combat never ceases after neutralizing an isolated enemy, now just punch your victim anew to stop combat

  > removed: this is part of compatibility, wasn't tested, and, worse, it can stop vanilla combats (update, please by re-downloading 0.68.1)
- resetting Plunder Data (with the lever) led to a bug, people were forbidden to find a marital status: fixed
- now, people you don't have met for a few days update their Excitment/Sex Need for this number of days
- in slave trade with Mysti, LST slaves weren't reacting accordingly: fixed
- also (still with Mysti), duplicated LST slaves weren't flagged as destroyable at once (you had to sneak into the forbidden cell): fixed
  > if you are already in this situation: you could have to merely kill the slaves with the console
- now, dead duplicated actors are deleted in a single row (faster and better for SetBody)
- you can now set a random amount in PlunderMarry.ini file (the description inside has been updated and some relations are now random)


0.68: stabilization update (WARNING: updating from 0.67 requires your attention - read the forum)
- 56 scripts have been adjusted to provide stability, I can't list all adjustements
  > mainly, this looked like a war on Plunder's CTDs, and it was not nice to see
- new ini setting: the Arousal Amount Divisor, it commands the transfer between Excitment and Sex Need
- you can now set the World Temperature with the lever, more importantly you can reset Plunder Data
  > that means: Excitment, Sex Need, etc.
- the harem is now finished:
  > Favorites use various masturbation positions while waiting their turn
  > the dispose spell on masturbation works at all attempts
  > Favorites remain naked longer, forcing Lovers and any package to give up
  > while using personal slaves, Favorites are no more bisexual (excepted if you set them as)
  > Favorites only use the unarmor token, like you, but use it to remove also clothes, not only armor
- code has been simplified to avoid the cold cases left behind the previous fixes (more stable)
- a big work has been made around your faction members, where most of the problems were concentrated
- Excitation while hearing orgasm has come back, but only if the masturbator is sex compatible
- Neutralization has been enhanced
  > now an ability tries to maintain enemies at bay
  > arena opponents remain very angry between neutralizations
  > code simplification and more defenses around Plunder's cloning facility
- Masturbation has changed, if you look closer, to be freed of CTDs, but the price was simplification

- Sex suspension (waiting your arrival) has been enhanced
  > all sex moves and sex acts are now using more intensively the timeout
  > you have 20 sex movers, so it should be okay, since timeout is ordinary 300 secs
- now your partner remains on place when you ask for sex/declare desire, also gets up from bed

0.676: a step into the harem

- fixed the fallout behavior spotted by Langoune, now a sex mover will greet you, especially when you're trespassing...
- removed the natural bisexuality of Favorites, you have to set it manually now (Langoune) - a male fantasm forgotten in the code, perhaps...
- when calculating desire to the player, any Favorite will use 100 in Disposition instead of the real one
- now, your Dispose spell reacts to masturbation, allowing you to join if the other is a Favorite or has a *positive* love story with you
- after sex, members living in sinkhole return to their duties a bit faster
- soften the rules of love a bit and added a tiny randomization (details on the forum)
- therefore, jealousy is now randomized and scaled to the pleasure given, leading to possible quick clashes
- enhanced sex movers maintenance and cancelation, same for the movers reserved to the team
- lovers notice guards as usual, but they now check if the guards are looking to determine whether the area is safe for sex
- added 3 ini settings to help movers to find their target (when sleeping on a double bed, under a canadian tent, etc.)
  > default values seem okay, you don't have to update your ini file
- added impossibilities to plunder the Plunder Chest/Crate/Cask
- discovered a bug: GetAV Encumbrance works one time only for NPCs... so I have to write a new function, now token Encumbrance works in full
- all scripts were recompiled due to reinited variables for movers (and one removed in the process)

0.675: love (new ini file added and one setting in Plunder.ini added - update your files)
- fixed the renaming bug spotted by WolfW, you do not have to open a menu to see the result applied anymore
- added an ini setting paramAllowCreatures to exclude creatures from combat-rape (KevinWulf)
- added Data/Ini/PlunderMarry.ini to replace the hard-coded relations, they are now dynamic with this file (KevinWulf)
- the lever beside the Plunder Chest allows you now to reset predefined stories (if you add some in the above file)
- added a dead npc with the name "Deceased Lover" (for widows)
- orgams in love now scale to your World Temperature (warning: if you play in a Minime/Virgin world, your overexcitmnet makes you a bad lover)
- desire calculation tries to harden when fidelity is at stake, also your receptivity will be lower
- seduction (for you) followed the movement and is now harder, even impossible sometimes
- fixed the bug of lover voice, now members plundering a corpse clean it of any unplayable item
+ I got the TamagoSetBody error stream, but failed to isolate it - it seems that a reload fixes it (this thing is very weird)
+ new rules for love are now under watch: Plunder must validate the new love relationship system or decline it - your help is welcome

0.674: dialogue ameliorations (erase your Data/Sound/ dir with the one in the archive!)
- now, Golden Saints, Dark Seducers and Dremoras can greet once converted/hired
- you can view now your Excitment/Sex Need in the Order Menu
- replaced Excitation by Excitment in the Dispose Menu
- when ending dialogue with Mysti, she orders the traders to dump their 0 weight/0 value items (claiming they are evil, perhaps)
- no more "powerfull", stay "powerful" (same for gracefulLness), including script comments
- refusal/seduction/courting have less language errors
- same for the slave trade
- some gold amounts for the camp furnitures were inexact - fixed
- traders don't react to Excitation anymore
- being courted brings 2 Excitation, but hearing a masturbation orgasm has no more any effect on Excitment
+ update: I can't reproduce the TamagoSetBody error, so I suppose it was dependent of the unarmor token before 0.65
  > warn me, please, if you get TamagoSetBody inondating your console with OBSE errors and have 0.67 version

0.673: team and hunt ameliorations
- the bug invocating the Order Menu while sliding with the mouse is gone forever, also the Order Menu appears a bit faster
- now, members stop disputing the loot, they also stop to check on your body if you have plundered their loot
- scan for assault uses now the loving system to detect targets (more reliable, but a bit delayed before catching them)
- members awaiting you (because you do sex) adapt now to complex situations, like interrupted by combat
- fixed a shit in member normalization: guards were still guards (mess a click in the class page)
- now, a free iron arrow is given for those wanting to shoot at the archery range (to avoid seeing them doing nothing while in position)
- now, members take a number of arrows equals to their Marksman skill (of each type, like previously)
- when hunting prey, and Oblivion messes its AI (deers pasturing around you), members force an attack to engage the hunt proper

0.672: honor to the Arena
- fixed rainment unstrippable
- now scripted equipment (like the weapons in the Arena) cannot be stolen in combat (dropped instead)
- neutralization of an arena opponent is short (5 seconds) and only the options revive/rape are available (no conversion/kill)
- fixed the weird faint after reviving a neutralized target
- expanded protection against CTD by dropping any scripted item on the ground from a target about to be duplicated

0.671: maintenance
- added more entries to the travel log when courting fails between NPCs, also when refusing sex
- fixed an error spotted by Tachyon for NPCs not having a proper bed and believing the area was free of guards
- now memory access to the present actors is protected by the loving system, any script using it is safe of memory leak (performance)
- now NPCs hesitate before masturbating, this will lower masturbation frequency

- my security check in cutted down the player decision to rape a vainquished - fixed (this bores me, really...)
- removed the spam for "I am neutralized added to your inventory" in case of an interrupted combat rape against the player
- now children count
  > hiyokos with an old age face gen may escape the check, other mods using blockhead to make faces yound will be okay
  > also option for candy wasn't reachable
- removed desire to a single sided enemy (both sides are tested and the idea of a trap is buried)
- conversion leads to auto order "following leader"
- landlord was removed: useless, NPCs exchange their keys when they match, as expected since the beginning (...)
  > you may have difficulty with partners living in a inn, though (like Shelley in Cheydinhall) - just break in or ask sex when within the building
- carefully checked that a lover could want to rejoin a distant partner not loaded in memory for sex - alright
- strengthened all checks around the player - delayed members appears at the right spot when in exterior - alright
- delays after sex (when people are on the ground) are now a bit longer, I think I'm on the limit, seems okay though
- now the sex movers are released when starting sex instead of waiting the end of sex - who knows, perhaps someone will push to 20 folks in orgy
- this also gives the hand to Lovers w/Pk to prepare actors and avoids a specific case described just below
- allowed one second to the naked token to avoid heavy evp on specific packages where "Amor unequipped" is checked (multiple reequip at the same time - for me, it's a CTD threat)
- allowed naked people unable to find clothes to use armor instead (they will prefer clothes)
- tested all forms of sex
  > complex scenarii: goblin raping my gal while adventurer and hostile bandit were around, sex canceling, re-neutralization and so on - alright
  > assault rape - alright (I didn't succeed the aggression)
  > I was about to write that Bravil Underground was too quiet, but my gal was assaulted by Aga, who failed - creepy experience - alright
  > normal sex, nothing (bad) to report - alright
  > intimidated sex is okay and rape token works - alright
  > my gang of gals, with Weakest Sex active, gang raped a bandit lost in Sinkhole and some masturbated before their turn - alright
- played the intruder while sex was about to start behind the door - alright - quitted the room, etc. - alright
  > nevertheless, by doing this, you risk to have the partner unclothed - it didn't happen to me
- tested guards looking at Carwen doing sex, and interrupted her with comments - alright
- now, the teammates waiting you to finish rejoin the player when sex is done completely, and not before - a petty detail, but it counts
- big change in the sex ai, the sexual need of the thinker is now tested for *each* target (instead of one time for all)
  > it randomizes by the bottom the rapes occurence
  > it allows people to be still interested in courting
- when a courtized one (between NPCs) refuses, the love damage is now scaled to his/her desire (1-6 instead of 1) to reduce harassment a little
- marital ties generator now use average of lesser and prime desire (= 50 by default) instead of love-at-first-sigh
  > it was weird to see people failing to have marital ties, then seducing their obvious love and easily succedding
- robes, suits and the like are now automatically unequipped when starting sex
- Plunder allows sex consumption a bit faster to be at the level of Lovers
- masturbation is consumed, too, with a standard loss 1-5 Excitation and 1-5 Sex Need
- when guards are around, they count, even in dungeon, to rise the privacy level of the area (you may see "tolerable" oddities, though) and not only in town by night
- your orders assault and plunder have now bigger ranges (and when I mean bigger...: you can hunt deers now)
- removed a double check to reset people on their business after sex - one is sufficient
- the travel log indicates now when someone decides to ignore a neutralized target
- I don't know if it was possible, but cheating with the unarmor token to duplicate your equipment is no more allowed
- members reequip when assigned to the team (accordingly to their pace, I mean, since they may take their time)
- things should be quicker prior to sex for: deciding fate of a neutralized target and creatures jumping on victims
- now he entire quiver is removed when shaked on the ground or punched in the face
- reduced (from range 30 to range 20) the amount of confidence destroyed by a rape when the victim is unable to resist
- only the nearest sexual act is commented, if sensitive to it
- now rape assault really oppose rapist and victim

0.66 is dedicated to girls, as player character
+ 0.665: big shit about children and a bad security check set in 0.660 preventing the player to rape a neutralized foe
- now rapists must be excited *and* in need to decide to choose a victim
  > it will have a severe impact on Bravil Underground, I found it was hard, for a girl, to run behind slaves to avoid rape
  > while trying to seduce Bron, I also noticed he was on a move to rape Agnes with... 0% Sex Need - weird, weird, weird...
  > I think Bravil Underground will be more "correct" with this version (rapes will be less frequent)
  > also, amazons were too many to rush out their cave to attack and rape nearby male dwellers
- globally, the game is more depend of the World Temperature you set in the ini file
  > also less masturbations with default settings, but the day restriction is now for town (outside has no more hour restriction)
  > also, if you change the World Temperature, actors' update (each new day) will use it to normalize (their Excitation only)
    > if you play with a World Temperature "Virgin", people will lose many Excitation each day, therefore it will become quiet again
- you can disagree to be neutralized either by modifying the ini (new setting) or using the level beside the Plunder Chest
- corrected a misspelling in the desire in the console: "him dispostion to you" => "his disposition to you"
- now, the bad idea of a man evaluates the disposition and the subordination (Plunder Faction only) against his sex need
- removed the weapon type when thinking the bad idea (a bowman and a staff bearer will think)
  > met the case with amazons, those having a bow must be allowed to think "bad"
- damage from creature raping victims has been reduced (long orgasms were deadly)
- modified the conditions to unlock "mercantile trust" with Mysti, now dead traders are ignored
  > my character was raped by Pirov and I retaliated
- Leuvia was believing the player was in the Mages Guild faction while not joined, now she don't know until you pass over Associate rank
- reduced a bit the distant propagation of excitation on events and corrected double gain for player
- enforced the combat rape, now the initiator checks the victim is neutralized at each step (this a mere security)
- added Calm and Pacify Surroundings spells and their scripts, but they are not used for the moment
- added a check to get the key to the "quieter place", if the partner is the landlord (avoids double inventory check)
- I noticed I don't have mentioned the player (or anyone else) escapes the Sex AI targetting system by sneaking - fixed the mod's description
  > I remembered it, because I sneak nearly all the time with a lone girl
  > originally, I had implemented this from the beginning because of the spy in Bravil Underground
- added some messages to the player and to the travel log when some cases where sex is canceled
  > I didn't tolerate Boldon (in Kvatch) was going to masturbate in his tent instead of talking to me, so I observed him close
  > I (me myself) knew it would break his privacy, but a standard player could not understand why
- modified the description to mention rape damages victim's sex need

+ 0.651: prevented a freeze when player is being neutralized and using god mode (it won't prevent other weird things)
- when asked for sex, favorites and plunderers were not reacting like they are as sex initiators - fixed
  > a plunderer was leading you to a "quieter place", while they jump on you when being the sex initiator - bit weird
- favorites are now hesitating before refusing sex to the player (ie: they should accept at the end, normally)
- the bug of members living at sinkhole and redressing just after sex while lying on the ground is gone
- rewritten the naked token to be faster and more efficient, also reinited variables to avoid version conflict (and a beautiful CTD)
  > clothes are teleported if time if running out, like before, but at the end of the timeout, they are grabbed whatever the distance
- all functionnal tokens headers were rewritten to a more standard fashion
- added a function, unused for now, to retrieve a mover by its user (in preparation to restoring the food-search behavior of members)
- displaced the mannequin ref from Data to Faction (I hope no one already has the mannequin...)
- mess in the plunder order were repaired (try/catch was not testing the random loot assignation but... the random number itself)
- now, the unarmor token has a timout, 10 minutes for the player, 2 minutes for a NPC
  > this timeout does not advance if sex is running (or sleeping for npcs), so this is the time with nothing happening
- modified the OnSexEnd event for distant actors to be more nice to look at in the code (...)
  > for the moment, I don't regret my choice to allow sex consumption, despite it looks, when the player switches cells, like... rabbits?
- members at sinkhole were unable to retrieve clothes, their attempts were smashed by the day life system - fixed

- more pathgrid corrected
  > in sinkhole cave, one side around the pit was reputed to make people slip down and fall
  > now people pass between tents when going to the archery range
  > in the entry hall, one can take the stairs in diagonal
- I had to decide to allow sex consumption when the player goes away
  > it wasn't an easy choice, but I allowed it
  > it's true I don't want players bothered by the "plunderization" of Bravil Underground
  > so, now, rapists obtain satisfaction, at the price for them to not repeat their move when the player returns
  > also, lovers were unable to obtain satisfaction in a similar case
  > I really don't know what will happen to the sexual ambiance, I hope it wasn't a bad choice
- Male masturbators don't keep their "chinupo" after fapping, in any circunstance (was dependant of the choice above)
- now, Unarmor token aborts itself if the bearer has not a single piece of armor, player included
- enforced OnHit event to disallow summoned NPCs (I believed summoned actors were owned by a caster, but no)
  > from what I saw, summoned creatures rape victims in combat and auto-cancel sex when vanishing, it seems okay
- I tried again to fix masturbators' orientation, especially when they stand a couple making love as "inspiration"
- removed: any look at, they wasn't efficient
- there was an error for slaves, ignoring to go to the pit in Sinkhole cave - fixed
- added a new bonus for Plunderers: at their second kill, their gain a permanent +15 hand to hand, but no health
- crying slaves will continue to cry if the player wants them to follow him/her, forcing to leave the slave alone until the crisis is over
- only tamed slaves were responding after the Dispose Menu - fixed
- Companions lacked the requested disposition toward the player to be promoted - fixed
- now, essential neutralized NPCs can only be revived or raped by the player
- Plunder checks now the player has at least 2 gold pieces before giving them to kids for buying candy
- I tried again to enforce the stay put package, but I think the problem more complicated, located in the auto-evp following the previous package used

- Neutral moves to a neutralized target could have resulted in unended sex move - fixed
- The new day was not triggered (...)
- More conditions on the naked token to free any mover blocked (I don't think it was necessary)
- Entirely remade the life of the faction members
  > better use of the occupy token
  > safeguards against CTD for training furnitures: members must have the required weapon
  > people busy (mainly: in training) are now excluded from AI, but can be disturbed by a partner
  > the combat ring works, but not like I want it - I'll see that later
  > this is finally over: members won't go pick food anymore, but food stored in the plunder chest still is used
    > there's no way to prevent a find package to pick an entire pile
    > using a sex move may be possible - I'll see that later
  > corrected the pathgrid of Sinkhole, around the new camp and in the dungeons
  > added some packages (sleeping in the caves, drinking at camp...)
  > readers in the camp can now find books
- Now team mates who are reequipping pick a bow

- Assault order packages are now allowed to swim and fall, Plunder order packages are still forbidden to fall or swim
- Food is now limited for members to avoid giving them insane number of free rations
- standardized auto-remove mechanism for all functional tokens: crying, encumbrance, lust, masturbation, naked, neutralization, rape and unarmor
  > also added a check for these tokens in the diagnose spell (to allow seeing them on each member)
  > it may bring more stability - or, at least, we'll be confident it'd be "cleaner"
- refreshed some comments in source files, some were dating from Plunder 0.5
- there was a hidden bug in assault switching target, now the new target if really random
- assault and plunder targets switches are now protected against mem leak
- added a message for the player when only their Excitation changes (ie. without the sex need)
- tamed slaves cry no more
- added the landlord (if any) of the "quiet place" to help your partner to give you the key, also your partner won't give it anew if you already have it
- a serious bug in rape reaction was fixed, globally people were immune to rape view once the penetration was made
- guards will now fine only one time a sexual predator (for the current sexual aggression)
- there was an error in orgasm, the player was receiving twice the Excitation of the event
- in sex reaction, lowered the level of poor love for bad couples from -5 to -15 to allow a bit more adultery fun (when one fucks with someone else)
- deactivated the gains in Excitation for new map markers and quests completed, until we don't exit the sewers at game beginning
  > it was a rain of Excitation for the player character
  > especially with a mod removing, then regiving, map markers
- naked token checks now if the unarmor token is also there, and if so, it reenters sleeping mode
- I closed the gape for children as AI targets; despite being identified, they have no purpose and merely are ignored for now
- removed some unused variables in some scripts

- added log entries for tokens, when pertinent
- first fixes and adjustments

- Plunder provided as is



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