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About This File

New animation variants for Torture Devices furniture.


Spicy Altered Biped Animations

Kindly consider one notable victim of limited animation pools: Bound In Public, an otherwise excellent mod hamstrung by a dearth of device animations. There was previously little impetus to expand upon the Torture Devices animation set that BiP uses. After all, the player is unlikely to encounter such furniture in the natural course of the game. Even then you wouldn't likely use the same restraining device several times in a row.


BiP changed that calculus. Now you can be stuck in one place, on one device, for several scenes worth of animations. Mix this with only one available animation for certain devices and suddenly a sense of tedium is warring with your sense of arousal. Spicy Altered Biped Animations is here to help! In a continuing quest for desperately needed variety, this mod adds new animation variants that can play in addition to the original Torture Devices animations.



For now, SABA includes a handful of new animation variants for the F-Frame and X-Cross. Animations made for the X-Cross are split between front-facing and rear-facing, and will only be called on the correct device. No miraculous 180 degree rotations here! For players using FusionGirl, the genitals will open during animations if applicable.


The current animation list includes:


F-Frame Anal

F-Frame Oral

F-Frame Vaginal

F-Frame Spitroast Anal/Oral

F-Frame Spitroast Vag/Oral

X-Cross (front facing) Anal

X-Cross (front facing) Vaginal

X-Cross (rear facing) Anal

X-Cross (rear facing) Vaginal


Technical Stuff

SABA animation variants are based on the original animations by Vader666. Actor positions are changed using Screen Archer Menu (SAM) and saved as a new hkx file with Pose Converter. Critically, the end user does not require SAM or related mods. All you need is a typical, working AAF setup with compatible skeleton and bodies (and Torture Devices, of course). See the Requirements section for more detail.


The actors in these animations are intended to all be scaled at 1.0. It is recommended to use SavageCabbage Animations Rescaling to guarantee correct actor scales.


Custom Moans is used for sound. If you don't have it installed, that's alright, you just won't hear any sounds associated with the animations. For users who haven't installed Custom Moans before, please be careful not to install any of its animation pack support. You will very likely break your AAF setup if you do so.





Q) Will this conflict with other patches?

A) No. SABA doesn't overwrite or rely on third party XML files. It may be safely installed alongside the currently available omnibus patches.


Q) Which male/female bodies does the user need?

A) Anything compatible with AAF and the ZeX skeleton. Genitals will only open for the FusionGirl body. SABA animations were created using FusionGirl and Atomic Muscle (legacy) with a zero sliders preset for both. Animations will look closest to the intended poses with these bodies/settings. Presets that stray dramatically from zero sliders may encounter more body clipping.


Q) Do these animations work for various gender combinations?

A) Animations are not restricted by gender, and will play for any combination of humanoid (e.g. human skeleton) actors. The poses assume female receiver with male partner(s). Other combinations may not have quite as precise an alignment of bodies and genitals.


Q) Will you add more animations?

A) I would certainly like to. Frankly there are only so many ways to position an actor whose body is clamped onto a giant bondage device. ? Nonetheless, there are other devices and other poses rattling around in my head. There's a reason this mod is named “Biped Animations” instead of "Spicy TD Animations" or somesuch.


Q) Will there be any staging or trees?

A) TD animations are single stage. SABA's animation variants, therefore, are single stage as well. I can only alter the position of the actors via SAM, not their motion. There's little point to making stages where the pace and movement of the actors never changes, in my opinion.


Q) Is there a way for a user to further tweak these animations on their end?

A) Screen Archer Menu, of course. If you want to start from the original TD animations instead of modifying the modified files (lol), my SAM adjustment files are included in the FOMOD as a modder's resource.


Q) Do these animations have the same flickering issue as your creature animations?

A) Strangely enough, I haven't witnessed it so far. Your mileage may vary.


Hard Requirements

-Working AAF installation (I strongly recommend AAF v171+)

-Torture Devices


Soft Requirements

-Custom Moans, if you want the animations to have sound.  Install only the sounds, NOT animation pack support.



-Fusion Girl, for pose accuracy and working female genitals.

-SavageCabbage Animations Rescaling, which scales humans and creatures to the originally intended size for all animations.

-Vioxsis Strap-on (ZeX Bones fixed), for greatly improved genital alignment of strapons.


My Thanks To

-Vader666, for creating the original Torture Devices mod and animations.

-EgoBallistic (current custodian of Torture Devices), for permission to release my TD animation variants.

-Maxie, for the incomparable Screen Archer Menu and Pose Converter.

-kziitd, for helping make strapons equip more consistently.

-Special thanks to the AAF Help Discord for their assistance past, present, and future.

-Honorable mention to Saya_Scarlett for the often thankless work of maintaining the AAF Fucking Manual.



The hkx files in this mod are modified variants of the original Torture Devices animations. As such, they may not be reproduced, modified, or re-used without permission from the current custodian of Torture Devices (I hereby mirror any such permissions granted). SAM adjustment files may be used for any purpose that conforms to the permissions of Screen Archer Menu. All other files may be used for any non-monetary purpose.

Edited by spicydoritos
minor description edits

What's New in Version 1.00




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