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The Androcratic Federation Faction Mod For Galactic Civilizations 3


What is this mod about? 

This mod installs 9 custom made factions to the game Galactic Civ 3

1. The Androcratic Federation (TAF) is essentially a maledom themed Star Trek fan fiction faction, centered around the use and enforcement of female sex slavery and mindcontrol.

2. The Apemen faction is a fan fiction faction based off the works of Cagri's Lost in an Apeworld.

3. Toms Faction is a tribute to an adoring fan of mine. :) 

4. Three Star Wars Factions

5. A futa Faction

6. A Wonder Woman femdom faction

7. And a Stepford faction.

The whole package includes nearly 100 girls from anime/games/other crossover into a star trek theme.

What is required and how do I install?

Download both files, override? YES.

Too use this mod, you will need to buy and install https://store.steampowered.com/app/226860/Galactic_Civilizations_III/ 

To install, copy all the files from the Factions folder to your mydocuments/mygames/GC3Crusade/Factions
Afterwhich you are done, load up the game and enjoy :)


Im not a modder, Im an artist. So this mod is a first for me.

And do I hereby grant permission for others to reuse my art assets however they like. I only ask for the briefest of mentions. ❤️

Please support me at https://www.patreon.com/Daloknight

Edited by daloknight

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