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Blood Raven - CBBE TBBP / 7B BBP / UNP TBBP HDT / Bodyslide - Ultra Skimpy Mashup 1.6

4 Screenshots

About This File

Ultra skimpy armor mashup for CBBE TBBP / 7B (Bombshell) BBP / UNP TBBP HDT / Bodyslide. To obtain the armor type help "blood raven" in the console and use player.additem with the codes provided.



For troubleshooting, please read the "required mod" pages that correspond with the armor version you're trying to use.



Credits & Acknowledgements

  • Sbire for fixing and cleaning the 7B version!
  • All respective creators of the armors used in this mashup
  • Caliente for the Bodyslide and Outfit Studio programs
  • Blabba for the Bodyslide & Outfit Studio tutorials
  • Nightasy for the tutorials on 3DS Max, Nifskope and packaging

What's New in Version 1.6


  • 1.6 Fixed wrist gap in 7B version

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