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Creators, You Do Not Own Your Content



Okay, so here's the deal. Too many creators of Sims CC have this idea in their heads that they can restrict other people from using their content in certain ways; not including the mesh when recoloring, not modifying the mesh, not posting their creations on other websites even with credit, and worst of all, charging money for "exclusive" content. Sometimes it's just because creators didn't read EA's service agreement... and sometimes it's outright vanity. Note that what I post here comes straight from EA and the Sims team, and are absolute fact.


First off, section five of the service agreement: https://www.ea.com/terms-of-service#section5


"You are responsible for your UGC. You may not upload UGC that infringes a third party's intellectual property rights or that violates the law, this Agreement or a third party's right of privacy or right of publicity.


EA may, in its sole discretion, remove, edit or disable UGC for any reason, including if EA reasonably determines that UGC violates this Agreement. EA does not assume any responsibility or liability for UGC, for removing it, or not removing it or other Content. EA does not pre-screen all UGC and does not endorse or approve any UGC available on EA Services.


When you contribute UGC, you grant to EA, its licensors and licensees a non-exclusive, perpetual, transferable, worldwide, sublicensable license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, publicly perform, publicly display or otherwise transmit and communicate the UGC, or any portion thereof, in any manner or form and in any medium or forum, whether now known or hereafter devised, without notice, payment or attribution of any kind to you or any third party. You also grant all other users who can access and use your UGC on an EA Service the right to use, copy, modify, display, perform, create derivative works from, and otherwise communicate and distribute your UGC on or through the relevant EA Service without further notice, attribution or compensation to you."


I went ahead and asked for a short of "dumbed down" summary of this section. I was told this: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Game-Information/inquiry-about-EA-service-agreement/m-p/6476531/highlight/false#M1933





"As per the User Agreement, all user generated content (UGC) cannot be restricted by the creator if they use EA game assets. UGC includes not only CC or mods, UGC can also be screenshots from the game, videos, or content you upload to the Gallery.

By restricting we mean the following:

  • Requires payment
  • Requires creator permission


However, even if not required, it is considered common courtesy to credit a creator if you re-use and slightly modify their created content."


And lastly, from a SimGuru: http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/comment/16175450/#Comment_16175450


"CC/Mods locked behind a paywall and Patreon.

  1. CC/Mods Locked Behind Paywalls - Creators cannot lock content they make using our game behind a paywall. While we do not police this content (there is no way we would create a team simply to monitor this) we do take reports sent to us seriously and action accordingly.
  2. Patreon - We understand that folks who make CC / Mods for others to enjoy are doing it in their free time and may desire to offset costs to create the content by using this service. As long as the content is still made available FOR FREE we do not mind these types of pages. Folks who have a Patreon page are welcome to provide folks with "early access" incentives for their content but it should be made available to the general public within 2-3 weeks of it being given to folks early."


I think all of that is pretty clear. I myself was under the assumption some time ago that I owned my CC, and that I could say things like, "you cannot recolor without my permission!! You can't include the mesh!!!" Welp, I was wrong, just like many creators are. OR SOME PEOPLE DON'T CARE LIKE PANDORASIMS. That site indeed steals free content from creators and demands you pay a monthly fee to have access to all of it. They even say on their contact page: http://pandorasims.net/contact.html




  1. Asking about anything not related to this site.

  2. Stupid stuff like just saying hello.

  3. Requests for free subscriptions.

  4. About what I am doing is wrong. Tough tits I'm doing it I DON'T CARE what YOU think! I don't even read these emails don't waste your time!

  5. Copyright bullshit. These are unofficial mods they have NO copyright so All your mods are belong to me!

  6. About how you paid for mods your paying for the convenience and the self installer which makes YOUR life easier that's what YOUR paying for!

  7. ANY spam will automatically get deleted and your email BLOCKED FOREVER. So your wasting your time!

  8. ANY urls or web address's will be blocked. SO kiss my ass spammers!"


As far as I know, the site is ran by one person, and they sound like some angsty teen who likes to break any rule because that makes them "hardcore." On the FAQ, it says: http://pandorasims.net/faq.html


"Q: Do you realize what your doing is unethical and wrong?!
A: No it's not because everything created in the sims is unofficial mods and they have NO copyright."


That answer is NOT correct. But of course, if you were to try and email them with the correct information, they'd "delete it sucka!" Some of YOUR stuff might even be on PandoraSims. Please urge anyone with an account to cancel it, and report the site to EA to help get it shut down. It's not just unethical, it's illegal.

As for actual creators, yes, we must have common courtesy and credit anyone whose work we use, but creators must also know that they cannot put such restrictions on their content. All of this should not be used as an excuse to claim other people's work as your own, but it SHOULD be used to broaden creative freedom and abolish fear mongering. We may all use any CC however we want, and that opens up new and broader opportunities for artists developing this content, but we should not be rude about it.

If you're on Patreon, and you have exclusive content only available to people who donate, please consider the facts and operate honestly, allow all of your content to anyone, and simply switch to the early access option mentioned above. Know your rights as creators.


Recommended Comments

Well, sure they don't own it, but like. Some folks put a lot of hard work into the stuff they make and them saying things like "don't include the mesh" if they made a mesh themselves is more of a reflection of recognition for that work - more of a matter of respect and boundaries than claiming ownership. The Patreon and Paywall stuff I can definitely understand though.

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The Pandorasims example is somewhat aggravating. Taking the work of others as it's own, and making people pay for it seems despicable. -_-

Hopefully, only a minority of people would fall for that kind of trap... and he'll finish to catch EA's eye. =)

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He as good as admits stealing here...


Ignore the popups... :bawling:. It's actually against patreon rules even if EA doesn't have a stance on it,

Just need to find out what name he operates under

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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 7:27 PM, CausticWitch said:

Well, sure they don't own it, but like. Some folks put a lot of hard work into the stuff they make and them saying things like "don't include the mesh" if they made a mesh themselves is more of a reflection of recognition for that work - more of a matter of respect and boundaries than claiming ownership. The Patreon and Paywall stuff I can definitely understand though.

well, I clearly talked about courtesy in the blog

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On ‎12‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 1:30 PM, Tex said:

Should I shut him down?

shut who down, the Pandora sims guy? absolutely

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12 hours ago, R-Lo said:

He as good as admits stealing here...


Ignore the popups... :bawling:. It's actually against patreon rules even if EA doesn't have a stance on it,

Just need to find out what name he operates under

WOW. I did NOT see that part. what a dick.

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8 hours ago, Reitanna said:

shut who down, the Pandora sims guy? absolutely

Them of course. We've had an similar situation at work, where our created assets were stolen by an ex-coworker, who decided to sell them. Fortunetly it did end well, for us, not so well for him.

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13 hours ago, Tex said:

Them of course. We've had an similar situation at work, where our created assets were stolen by an ex-coworker, who decided to sell them. Fortunetly it did end well, for us, not so well for him.

I will never understand thievery. it's like... there's an easy way to get recognition and money... it's called working for it. I guess it's not the work that's easy, but staying out of trouble is. why can't people just be honest? it's not that hard.

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16 minutes ago, Reitanna said:

I will never understand thievery. it's like... there's an easy way to get recognition and money... it's called working for it. I guess it's not the work that's easy, but staying out of trouble is. why can't people just be honest? it's not that hard.

And yet, it's easier to take what others have, and earn money either way, and even if it backfires, you rarely lose anything. 

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This is nothing new.  Many games do the same thing.  Even City of Heroes had in t's TOS that characters created by players were the property of Paragon Studios.


It sucks, totally.  As a heads up, anything stored on google docs is owned by google as part of it's TOS.  I imagine their lawyers told them to do that in case of data loss, BUT it leads to alot of potential for abuse.

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21 hours ago, Tex said:

And yet, it's easier to take what others have, and earn money either way, and even if it backfires, you rarely lose anything. 

it's really hard for me to remember these things because my morals are like my religion. it took me a long time to realize that lying and cheating is NOT rare as I previously thought, and admittedly, I'm still pretty naïve to this factor, even though I'm in my late twenties.

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Well, I'm just going by cold hard logic. Besides, humanity is already pretty much corrupt. We're likely lorded over by an small group of people that simply pull strings, when need be, which in turn also causes us to become more numb to all the horrible things that happen.

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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 3:19 PM, Tex said:

Well, I'm just going by cold hard logic. Besides, humanity is already pretty much corrupt. We're likely lorded over by an small group of people that simply pull strings, when need be, which in turn also causes us to become more numb to all the horrible things that happen.

humanity is corrupt because of our natural instincts to harm and destroy. some of us learn to stifle these instincts, better known as "good, honest people." whereas I know that good things happen to bad people, there's still that naivety from my younger years still comes out because you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I'm well passed the critical period, and my morals are my laws. but no matter what, I stick by one rule to remind myself that the world is full of dishonesty and corruption; never trust anyone. you can only encourage people to do the right thing, and even though the success rate is at a low percentage, you can at least say you did something.

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