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Body Talk, Other Talk



Gotta admit, it's kind of interesting seeing the results of screwing the pooch like I did.


Homeless, Homesick has 12 likes and four comments that aren't me responding.


A Tale of Two Kallistas has only 6 likes.


And the blog post immediately following that, an entry in my flagship series The Tutelage of Neloth, garnered one comment and 4 likes.


What makes that worse is how silent I've been on the issues brought up in the TTK post. I even posted a Tutelage without bothering to clarify my position on its canon after I called it into question before, not to mention the weird, nebulous universes thing I kicked around. Time to set that straight, eh?


Tutelage of Neloth is canon, full stop.


Barbarian Kallista was a separate thing even before my little stunt with the bestiality question, so that will remain true. She was never intended to be a cop-out, I had merely realized she could be utilized as such. Given this, she will remain a separate entity. In essence, nothing has changed.


And finally, no more bullshit polls. They were only having half the effect I wanted - audience participation is something I really like, but it just wasn't motivating me. So, best nip that in the bud and just not do it at all.


Anyway, with that out of the way, there's a fair chance that unless you're one of my followers, you came here for nudes as promised in the Show Your Counterparts thread. So, here they are!


So I decided to take some time and really personalize a couple of my characters in more than just their faces. Specifically, two characters have had new bodies crafted for them - Kallista, and the rarely seen Raelyndreth. Under the spoilers, the nudes promised, as well as some tech talk about what I did for each of them and why.


Rae will get first showcase!

With Rae, my intention was to do a hips-and-ass-centric look. I like me some wide hips and thick thighs, but I'm not really an ass man, so balancing the two proved tricky.


Rae is a hunter by trade, so the idea in making her my hips-and-ass character was to make her look like she does a lot of walking, but less lifting than, say, Kallista. So I slimmed down her arms and torso, shrunk her bust, and thickened up her hipbone, thighs, and ass. I tried to make her look fast and lithe without being thin or willowy. Her bust is still probably a bit excessive for that theme, but I'm a tits guy and there's only so much I'm willing to sacrifice.


The ass fans out there will have to let me know how I did...







Kallista's next!

Kallista is a warrior, a fighter who's worn heavy armor almost as long as she's wielded a greatsword. So for her, the only thing to do was thicken her up all around. Torso, arms, legs, ass, tits... okay maybe that last one doesn't hold up under logic, but she's always been meant to be my chestiest character. Most of the changes are kinda subtle, but when you pop back and forth between her preset and the SevenBase Natural I used as a base for both characters' upgrades, it's a noticeable change.


Frankly at this stage I think Kallista's ass turned out better, but I'm hesitant to inflate Rae any more. I'll let the ass folks tell me which they prefer.





And here's a rare lewd bonus starring Kallista, as a thanks for reading this far. Strictly canon, I assure you. ;)




Recommended Comments

Tutelage of Neloth is canon, full stop.


Barbarian Kallista (...) will remain a separate entity.


And finally, no more (...) polls.

Good, good and good ! I'm glad you took some time to take what I think are the right decisions. Awaiting for the episodes to resume ! :D


About Rae, her lower body has excellent curves : muscular legs, yet thin waist. Her upper body does stick out a bit too much relatively to the waist IMO, but hey, everyone has its own compromise between tastes and realism I suppose. ;)

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I wouldn't read too much into the numbers. I've read all your stuff and I haven't once used the upboat function on this site. I also just happened to miss the last post. But I'm not the best population sample because I'm not here very often.


I don't think any previous criticisms were implying many negative feelings in the readers. Not a soul probably thought "bullshit poll, I won't read no more!"


Also not to be taken negative, but I'd say the majority of people don't care about details regarding the author and his process. I've given advice before but only on a whim. My general attitude is that I'll read whatever gets written. Any variables or details orbiting that are at the back of my mind.

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Damn those asses ;)


Kallista and Rae such a nice big ass :).


Tutelage of Neloth is canon , yeah :D thats one good series and there will be more I guess :D.


Barbarian or no, I really like Kallista so I don't mind too much wich version of her coming of her next :)

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