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Trace: Chapter Eighteen: Divulging (Part One)



Chapter Eighteen: Divulging (Part One)

Previous Chapter: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/521/entry-3552-trace-chapter-seventeen-culmination/
Next Chapter: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/521/entry-4899-trace-chapter-nineteen-divulging-part-two/


Also it's been a hella long time since I've updated this and so to catch up on the most major event that's been going on with this story done since the last chapter, check out (probably before reading the chapter unless you've already read it) Trace: Chapter Seventeen (½): Culling on my tumblr here. (The spoiler has the individual parts linked)



Part One


After settling all the matters in regards to the Dark Brotherhood and the new Sanctuary for the time being, Trace returned to the Cistern… with a rather reluctant Astrid in tow.




Astrid: Normally I wouldn’t mind going where I’m not wanted, but are you sure it’s okay for me to be in here?




Trace: Where else would you go? You’re a wanted woman, and if the Brotherhood found wind of your survival and I’m not around, what do you think is going to happen? Face it, the only place that’s currently safe is at my side, and my side happens to be in the Cistern.




Astrid rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help but smirk.


Astrid: Seems like you’ve become extremely confident since that kiss. Don’t think that I’ll just—




The assassin’s attention turned from Trace’s arrogance to the fierce look other members of the Thieves Guild were giving her…


Etienne: Gods, SHE’S back… The Guild Master’s whore…


Rune: And she has ANOTHER woman with her, and look at the garb of her! She’s a fucking member of the Dark Brotherhood!


Etienne: Probably was in good with Maven. Damnable woman…




Trace: Hey, Astrid! Over here!




Trace’s voice snapped Astrid out of her trance, and the former Dark Sister looked over and saw Trace standing beside a bed waving her down. Rather than continuing to stand around and receive dirty looks from people who didn’t want her to be there, Astrid headed over to the energetic Imperial…




Astrid: So what’s the plan, Jalena?


Trace looked left and right and then nodded.


Trace: Ehehehe… Stay here for a bit.


Astrid: What!?


Trace: Stay here for a bit. I’ll be back soon, alright.




Astrid thought it over for a moment, and then sighed and took a seat on the bed.


Astrid: It’s not like I have anything ELSE to do… Go on, and do whatever it is that you must. I’ll just be here listening to the ire of your lover’s comrades.




Trace bent forward and gave Astrid a light kiss on her forehead, stunning the Nord.


Trace: Thank you, Astrid. I really—


Astrid: J-just hurry up and go!




Trace: Aww come on… There’s no reason to play hard to get.


Trace fell to her knees and Astrid laughed.


Astrid: No… I suppose there isn’t, is there…


Trace leaned forward once more, and there was no astonishment on the face of the Nord as the two shared a quick but passionate kiss. When they tore apart from one another, Trace quickly set off, but Astrid saw the look in her eyes before she was able to turn away.


Astrid: (…And seeing Jalena’s many faces isn’t that bad either…)



Part Two


Not even two minutes went by before someone cleared their throat and Astrid was reminded that she had once again been left in a rather familiar situation… A hostile environment…
However, although it was obvious that no one wanted her there, it didn’t seem like anyone would approach her either. So after returning some of the Guild members’ nasty jeers, Astrid laid back, closed her eyes, and let the tension flow from her body…


Astrid: (It’s been so long since I didn’t have to go to sleep with one eye open… Since I could just close my eyes and not have to worry about anyone… Or anything… Thinking back though, I don’t think I’ve had a real chance to relax ever since my uncle’s unwanted advances…)




Lost in her own thoughts, the combination of fatigue, stress, mourning, and the opportunity to just let it all go made for just the right ingredients for Astrid to easily drift off to sleep. Unfortunately for the former Dark Sister though, she wasn’t asleep for fifteen minutes before the loud boom of someone forcing their way into the Cistern shook her awake and put her on alert.


Astrid: (Is it an attack? Dammit, all I have is this shitty iron dagger… Did the Imperials—)




The person caused the disturbance revealed themselves almost instantly, and Astrid smiled to herself when she realized that although she didn’t physically cause that boom, her presence sure enough instigated it. A fact that was further proven by the pissed off silver haired thief that was staring a hole straight through her.




Noticing that the Cistern had suddenly gone quite with Vex’s arrival, Astrid decided to give these nosy people what they wanted to see. After a light stretch, Astrid walked over to the Imperial with a smirk on her face.


Astrid: Unfortunately you ruined this little rest I was trying to catch up on. However, I’d say it was worth it so that we could finally meet at last, silver thief.




Vex: I don’t like your tone, assassin. And I DON’T like you being here either.


Astrid: *grins* This wasn’t my first choice either. I mean, a sewer? Really? But Trace—


Vex: Let’s get one thing straight assassin, I don’t like you. I don’t think I’ll ever truly like you. And another thing, I am NOT going to give Trace over to you or anyone else without a fight!


Astrid: Oh, but I’m loving you at the moment, Vexy. Mainly because you’re so lovably more foolhardy than I thought if you think you can take me on. I’ve killed invalids more threatening than you, girl.


Astrid’s string of insults garnered gasps and murmurs from the onlookers, and the Imperial took Astrid’s words as a challenge and fell into an offense stance.


Vex: *narrows her eyes* Big talk, Nord. However, the last person who took me lightly ended up in the bottom of Lake Honrich. So do not try me!




The two stared each other down with opposing looks on their faces, Vex was clearly agitated by Astrid as indicated by the disdain on her face, whereas Astrid was enjoying getting a reaction out of Vex and could only smile… Which in turn annoyed Vex even further. This this silent but vicious cycle continued for some time, and for those looking on it soon became evident that it was inevitable that the two women could come to blows…




…That is until Astrid let up and dropped her sly grin, and gave the Imperial a warm smile.


Astrid: Not bad… Not bad at all. Alright thief, you pass.


Vex: Pass? Are you out of your mind? What in Oblivion are you talking about?




Astrid saw the look of confusion on the Imperial’s face and before she could tell her what she meant, the door to the Cistern’s hidden entrance opened and two very familiar voices came from that direction…


Trace: So PROMISE me that you won’t tell a soul about the hidden entrance. I could get in serious trouble for—




The blonde haired Nord gave Trace a warm smile and pressed but a finger to Trace’s lips to silence her.


Mjoll: Aye, I promise. But ONLY because I’m in SUCH a good mood because you came back… So much so that I’ll tolerate coming back to this place again.




Before Trace knew what was happening, Mjoll pulled her in close and her lips met the Nords in a way that stimulated Trace to her core. Before Trace could wrap her head around this new feeling, Mjoll then lifted her off the ground and left the Imperial breathless with a deep, intense, and passionate kiss, which although surprising was more than welcomed by Trace.




Mjoll: Divines thank you for sending Jalena back to me, and in one piece.


Trace: J-jeez! I wasn’t in THAT much danger.


Mjoll: Sure Kitten, whatever you say.




Trace ‘angrily’ pushed herself away from Mjoll with a huff, which backfired as the Nord continued to tease her for that. After letting up on Trace, the duo composed themselves and turned the corner… However, upon seeing Vex and Astrid looking right at her, Trace froze.


Mjoll: What’s wrong? What has you—




Mjoll followed Trace’s gaze, and no more words needed to be said as she saw Vex and a woman dressed in the garb of a Dark Brotherhood member staring right back at them. Just like a Trace a feeling began to build within the Nord, but it wasn’t one of fear or hesitation…

Part Three


Mjoll: I see… Now I understand…




The feeling Mjoll felt was of anger and action. With weapon in hand, Mjoll rushed at the pair and Trace, having thawed out just a moment too late, could only call out to Mjoll.


Trace: Mjoll, wait! This isn’t why I—




Vex: Oh, I see how it is.


Seeing Mjoll’s actions, Vex reacted in kind while Astrid simply laughed at the hilarity of this situation.


Astrid: This is rich Jalena.




Ignoring the assassin, Vex tried to use her superior speed to land a crippling blow on Mjoll in order to end this swiftly, but to Vex’s surprise Mjoll dodged her attack and continued rushing right at Astrid.






Astrid: Oh come now kinsmen, even with your simple barbarian brain you should know that you do NOT want to have a go at me.




Astrid’s words fell on deaf ears as Mjoll viciously brought her battleax down with the full intent of splitting Astrid in twine, but it was in vain as Astrid was easily able to avoid it by slightly jumping backwards…




Mjoll: You… You’re the reason Jalena is caught up in all this killing nonsense!


Astrid: Am I really, milkdrinker? Jalena has a gift. A gift that if I hadn’t come along would have manifested itself terribly on one of her Thieves Guild assignments. Heck, the whole Goldenglow mess was proof of that.


Mjoll: No that’s only proof of that she became because of you! You pulled her into your world—


Astrid: And what? You think a hot head like you is going to be able to pull her out of it? Trace and I, our business will come to an end when it does, so stand down Mjoll, else I’ll finally put a blade between your eyes like I’ve wanted to do for months now.


Mjoll: Bold talk for a coward who attacks from the shadows! Well I’m here right now. You want to end this? Then let’s settle this, assassin!




The two Nords primed themselves to attack, but before either side was able make a move, Trace put herself between them in an attempt to deflate the situation… Or at least prevent it from escalating further.



Part Four


Trace: Astrid! Mjoll! I… I didn’t… I didn’t bring you all here so you could fight each other! Especially not over me!




Vex: Then do tell, Trace… What DID you bring us here for?


Trace looked over and saw that the annoyed look on Vex’s face was as intact as it ever was.


Vex: Wait, don’t tell me. Were we supposed to go on a little picnic and discuss our feelings and how much we each care for you? Not even Mjoll’s THAT naïve, Jalena!




Trace shook her head feverishly.


Trace: N-n-no! Not a picnic, but I… I DID hope that by gathering you all together that I could… I want to to explain everything to each of you, to let you all know where my heart is, and after it’s all over… To hopefully see if you all could perhaps understand where I’m coming from.




Vex staggered momentarily, before placing her hand across her face and sighing.


Vex: You’ve… You’ve got to be kidding me… You really think that we’d be able to peacefully get through a “talk” without trying to rip each other’s heads off? Mjoll and I harbor no lack of ill will towards one another, and neither of us particularly care for your assassin girl.


Mjoll: I hate to admit it, but Vex is right. This wasn’t well thought out, Jalena. I mean, Vex is pretty hot headed, and who knows what your… “Leader” is going to do…




Astrid: First off, I’m not Trace’s leader… Not anymore. And secondly, Trace is doing her best to try and do right by us in her own quirky little way. We may not like it, but before we dismiss her idea let’s at least hear her out. I for one think I’m deserved this much at the very least.




Mjoll and Vex shared an unconvinced look, but ultimately they gave in with a defeated sigh.


Mjoll: How bad could it be?


Vex: Terrible.




Trace: (Good. Now that the hard part is over…) Come on over and get comfortable. This… Is DEFINITELY going to take a while.




The quartet made their way towards Trace’s bed, but before any of them could get comfortable Vex suddenly began to start talking rather loudly from out of nowhere…


Vex: Don’t think I didn’t notice you all… Clear the Cistern you nosy good-for-nothings, or I’ll have my friends here relieve some stress off your shoulders.




As if they’d practiced it a hundred times, Astrid and Mjoll instantly flanked Vex and brandished their weapons… And without another word the Cistern cleared out immediately.






Moments later…


After changing their attire into something more comfortable to lounge around in, Trace, Vex, and Astrid rearranged some furniture to accommodate everyone. Still not sold on this whole idea, Vex gave Trace a cold look.


Vex: Alright Jalena, the floor is yours.



Part Five


Trace stood before her trio of lovers, all with different emotions displayed on their faces, and smiled.


Trace: I would have never imagined the three of you ever cooperating, never mind actually being in sync with one another. (This might go well after all…)




Vex and Mjoll shared a dreadful look, and they each tried to plead their case on why that was absolutely not true. Their constant refusals though had the unintended effect of causing Astrid to laugh almost uncontrollably.




Vex was the first to take note of the Nord’s laughter and sighed after giving her a rather cutting look.


Vex: What’s so damn funny, Nord? You’ve been chuckling at everything me and the Lioness have been doing for quite some time now.


Astrid took a few deep breaths to calm herself and then looked at the Imperial with an earnest smile on her face.


Astrid: This… This atmosphere is so refreshing after what’s been going on with my fam… with the Dark Brotherhood as of late. My apologies.




Vex: Right…


Vex sat down again, and once again turned to her fellow Imperial.


Vex: So… You said you wanted to explain things to us. Well then, I think it’s about time to do just that.




Trace nodded, and then closed her eyes in an attempt to calm her racing heart, but it was no use.


Trace: (I… There’s no tricks I can use to get through all of this. I thought I’d resolved myself already but with them in front of me…)


Trace shook the thoughts and took a deep breath. All this waiting was messing with her head. She decided that today was the day she’d put everything out there, so in order to do just that she decided to simply push through her nerves as best she could.




Without a second thought, Trace walked up to and then knelt down in front of Vex and give her the most earnest smile Vex had ever seen from her.


Vex: J-Jale… Trace! W-w-what are you doing!?




Trace: Vex… I’ve loved you for so long… Since the first time I saw the “Silver Thief” seven years ago.




Trace turned to the others with a sense of longing in her eyes.


Trace: I was only thirteen and still living on the streets at the time, still begging for scraps… When I first saw Vex…


Mjoll: Divines… You were homeless… Jalena… I never knew—


Trace: I never told you, you or Astrid. It… It wasn’t exactly a period of my life that I was exactly proud of… Scraping by while assholes like Aerin walked around with their head up their asses, getting fat and stupid all the while leeching off their parent’s coin…




Trace: Sorry Mjoll, I just… *sigh* He’s never been exactly kind to me, then or now… Anyway, Vex was a few years older than me, but to someone who had nothing, her beauty and her confidence seemed almost like something out of the tales of legend. I… She made me want to be more than a street urchin, more than I ever dreamed I could be...




Trace: Her presence gave me a drive, a desire, unlike any I’d felt before… And more than anything, she saved me from a life alone on the streets. Heck, she probably saved me from being taken advantage of and discarded by some brigand or adventurer, probably to die in a hole somewhere, that or going from me ending up on a path even darker than I could imagine…




As she finished talking about the past, it was as if everything faded away for Trace and it was only her and Vex here. As feelings of the intimacy they once shared rose within her, Trace reached out towards Vex as if to caress her cheek… and then everything snapped back into focus and her hand stopped.


Trace: I… I truly wanted to be with Vex and Vex alone … But she didn’t want to be with me. At least not then, not when we met… Nor when I first saw…



Part Six


Trace looked past Vex and her eyes went straight to Mjoll. Instantly Mjoll saw the the fear in them and was worried for the Imperial.


Mjoll: W-what’s wrong Tra—Jalena?




Trace swallowed hard and shook her head.


Trace: I was still madly in love with Vex when that coward… When… When Aerin brought you, Mjoll, to Riften. Even though she was unconscious on his back, I could feel the strength that exuded from her, and something else…




Trace: There was… Something about you Mjoll that attracted me to you, and I couldn’t put my finger on it until we finally spoke face to face. Honestly, you were beautiful, like Vex, but I couldn’t even begin to compare your beauties… But, but Mjoll you… You just shined so… Brilliantly. Remembering how you were all smiles at me when we first met and how adamant you were about cleaning up the city… It made me want to change.






Trace sighed and looked away.


Trace: But then… everything went wrong when… Do you remember what you said? About the Guild?




Mjoll: What’re you—!!


Mjoll suddenly realized why Trace seemed to be tip-toeing around with this part of the conversation. Turning to get eye contact with Vex, who gave her an apprehensive look in response, started her answer to Trace’s question with a nod.


Mjoll: Aye, I remember. I had said, “To call it a guild is ridiculous. How can people who would betray one another over a gold coin be considered part of an association?”




Trace looked at Vex who looked like she could kill Mjoll this instant by the look on her face. She motioned for Mjoll to stop talking, but Mjoll either didn’t see Trace’s actions, or didn’t care about the consequences of her words...


Mjoll: “They're the worst kind.”


Mjoll looked at Astrid and sighed.


Mjoll: I said that, “Even the Dark Brotherhood abides by a strict set of rules and tradition. These thieves are just rabble—”




A dagger flew by the Mjoll’s head silencing and stunning her.




Vex stood and was about to mount an assault on Mjoll, but Astrid held her back preventing the Imperial’s unwise course of action.


Vex: Let go! Let go of me, assassin! I’ll kill her! I’ll—


Astrid: Calm down, Vex. Remember we’re doing this for Trace, not ourselves. I assumed you’d have realized that there were going to be words shared that we weren’t going to like hearing.


Vex: I… I did. But...




Vex hung her head and stopped struggling against Astrid.


Astrid: Have you calmed down now?


Vex nodded and Astrid released her grip on the Imperial. After taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, Vex shot a nasty Trace’s way that caused her to visibly recoil.


Vex: I’m calm… But I just want to know how you could just let her talk about us that way when she knew NOTHING about us at all!?




Mjoll: Hmph, rather than digging into Jalena, how about you remind us, thief. Exactly who was it out of the three of us that DIDN’T visit Jalena when she was in prison?




A suffocating silence fell over the four of them, for they all knew, especially Mjoll herself, how deep her words cut. Rather than forging a path through Mjoll’s mess and addressing the issue, Trace took control of the conversation once again by avoiding it altogether…


Trace: Look… I DID want to punch Mjoll in the face alright. I wanted to tell her just how wrong she was… But then I remembered Mercer…


Vex: What ABOUT Mercer?


Trace: I… I remembered how he treated the… “Failures”… The members who got caught by the guards… I remembered the stories of what happened with Karliah… And to be honest, I kind of agreed with Mjoll.




Mjoll/ Astrid /Vex: WHAT!?



Part Seven


Trace rolled her eyes.


Trace: *sigh* Bryn, Delvin, Vex, Vekel, and Tonilla. Those were the only members at the time that I remotely trusted in the guild, and Vekel and Tonilla weren’t, heck, they still AREN’T even legitimately IN the Guild. Although not often, I’ve seen how we cheated each other. And I’ve seen our people let one another take the fall over botched jobs… And… Although I knew Vex especially wouldn’t like it, I wanted to see how an honest life would be…




Trace let out a long drawn out sigh and looked at Mjoll with an annoyed look.


Trace: And so I started off our relationship with a lie. What did I say? That I agreed COMPLETELY with you?


Mjoll nodded and Trace shook her head.


Trace: Everyone else here knows the rest. We started going out, and I built up lie after lie, but I made it seem so real… Because honestly, I wanted it to be… But then that all ended when Sapphire let it slip that I may not be who it seemed …




Trace: Look Mjoll… I…




Just like on the day that Mjoll confronted Trace about her involvement with the Guild, the words Trace wanted to speak got stuck in her throat and her heart felt like it was going to explode under Mjoll’s gaze. Unable to handle this feeling of dread that welled within her, Trace dove right into the Cistern’s water…


Mjoll: TRACE!!!




Mjoll started after her, but Vex stopped her with an annoyed look on her face.


Mjoll: Get out of the way! Trace is—


Vex: She’s fine. Jalena just needed a moment to cool her head and compose herself. She used to do this a few years ago when she didn’t want people to see her in a really shitty looking state. Just think about it as if she took a break, and just wait for her to be ready.




No sooner than Vex stopped talking did Trace rise from the water with her back turned to the trio. She immediately summoned magicka in her hands and with a flick of her wrist dried herself off by expelling all of the water that was on her and her clothes back into the pool she had emerged from.


Trace: I… I mean… I wanted to… Mjoll… I…


Trace’s thoughts were everywhere and she couldn’t control her breathing. She felt unsteady, lightheaded, and ready to burst at the seams…




…Until, to everyone’s surprise, Vex went over and embraced Trace from behind.


Vex: It’s alright Jalena. ‘Walk with the shadows, not into them.’ No one’s judging you, and any anger we have is rooted in the past… It’s what you do now that’ll sway us, and help us overcome our anger. So just take a few deep breaths, and I’ll be right here with you, Jalena.


Trace: Haaaa… T-thank you… Thank you so much, Vex. And s-sorry about that, you two. So after that day… Heh, *glances at Vex* Vex consoled me, and brought me out of the haze that Mjoll’s… that her hate, her words, her anger… her disappointment cast me into.




Trace: *sigh* I was happy to be going out with Vex at long last, but something was off. We were simply stifling one another. I needed her far too much, while she needed her own space almost constantly. Yet Vex was overly jealous, and if I even talked to someone she wasn’t sure I had feelings towards she’d snap. It… it wasn’t…


Vex: Healthy… I know…




Vex: Are you okay now?


Trace: Aye, I am.


Vex let go of Trace and moved back so that they could both get to their feet.


Trace: Thank you again, Vex. For everything—


Vex suddenly embraced Trace, who tensed at the sudden action before eventually responding in kind.


Trace: V-Vex!? Why—


Vex: I saw, no, I could tell how much you loved Mjoll, and I knew how authentic that love was… I was scared… Scared that now that I had finally surrendered to my feelings and accepted that I did like… that I loved you that you could possibly be swept away from me again…




This exclamation of fear, from Vex of all people, sent a chill down Trace’s spine. Trace grabbed Vex by the head almost desperately, unable to still her trembling hands.


Trace: Why… Why didn’t you just tell me that!?


Vex: Heh, I don’t know… I had built up this persona that you were enthralled by, and I thought… I thought that if I opened up to you and became who I truly am, who I was before Mercer recruited me—


Trace: No way… NO WAY! I… I would’ve… I would have loved you and only you. Us going out was a dream fulfilled for me! And although my heart’s a bit… special, there was no one else that occupied my heart—




Astrid: *sigh* Until I waltzed into Riften and killed that “kind” old crone… So I suppose this is where I ended up screwing everything up between you two, huh?




Everyone looked at Astrid, and she gave a defeated laugh.


Astrid: Look, I know that by the time I came into the picture that she wasn’t with either of you, but… Heh, so this… This whole mess… From the Dark Brotherhood to now… It really WAS all on me, wasn’t it…




Astrid’s words made Trace recall the words Rosalie told her when they last met, and she felt sick to her stomach.


Rosalie: This is all my fault… I’ve done nothing but bring bad luck to those I’ve been around recently… The Brotherhood, my friends, my husband…


Trace shook the memory from her head and hugged Astrid while holding back the tears that she felt were about to swell.


Trace: It’s not your fault! Why do you damn assassins keep thinking the worst about yourselves. None of this is your fault!




Mjoll: I don’t mean to interrupt your moment, but it feels like you two are talking about a bit more than just Trace’s love life. Did something happen that isn’t being explained?







Recommended Comments

Well a thief certainly must be confident to bring a warrior who hates the guild and a brotherhood assassin into the guild's cistern. O_o


That put aside, creative views, and charming quartet. ^^

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Great first part, can't wait for the second. Also wondering if you are gonna show where Trace's scar came from too.

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Well a thief certainly must be confident to bring a warrior who hates the guild and a brotherhood assassin into the guild's cistern. O_o


That put aside, creative views, and charming quartet. ^^

Confident? Only in the fact that Vex won't sic the rest of the Guild on them XD

And thanks :D


Great first part, can't wait for the second. Also wondering if you are gonna show where Trace's scar came from too.



Great first part, can't wait for the second. Also wondering if you are gonna show where Trace's scar came from too.

Thanks man. I... might get to that in an upcoming chapter (not the next part though XD)

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Nice! Trace is one of favorite characters out of your roster of characters. It's nice to see her story continue like this. :)

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