Algunos modelos 3d, cuarta parte
No se si podre presentar todo el trabajo en modelos 3d durante mi ausencia en el blog, pero de momento aqui esta la cuarta parte.
Hace unos meses, inicie eltrabajo en un sdkfz 263 ficticio con la idea de adaptarlo como el vehiculo de mando de la protagonista, he trabajado en bastantes vehiculos con esa idea y aun no tengo claro cual elegire para tal cometido.
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I don't know if I will be able to present all the work in 3D models during my absence from the blog, but for now here is the fourth part.
A few months ago, I started working on a fictional SDKFZ 263 with the idea of adapting it as the protagonist's command vehicle. I have worked on quite a few vehicles with that idea and I am still not sure which one I will choose for this purpose.
Aqui esta el modelo acabado pero sin pintar. En esos dias, decidi realizar toda la serie de vehiculos historicos pues eran transformaciones muy sencillas teniendo el chasis hecho.
Here is the finished model but unpainted. In those days, I decided to make the entire series of historic vehicles because they were very simple transformations once the chassis was done.
Aqui esta el 263 ya pintado, con el terminado acabe con rapidez el resto de modelos: 231, 232 y 233. En los dos primeros utilice planos, pero en el tercero adapte su interior y armamento a su servicio en el ejercito imperial.
Here is the 263 already painted, with it finished I quickly finished the rest of the models: 231, 232 and 233. In the first two I used plans, but in the third I adapted its interior and weapons to its service in the imperial army.
sdkfz 231
Sdkfz 232
Sdkfz 233
A este modelo le detalle el interior, en esta imagen aun no estaba acabado del todo .
Para las unidades de liquidadoras realice un par de vehiculos ligeros que utilice en alguna vineta para la revision de Carpa 1808. No recuerdo si llegue a presentar las revisiones de algunos numeros de la revista. Si no lo hubiera hecho, los ire enlazando.
I detailed the interior of this model, in this image it was not completely finished yet.
For the liquidator units, I made a couple of light vehicles that I used in some vignette for the review of Carpa 1808. I don't remember if I got to present the reviews of some issues of the magazine. If I haven't done it, I will link them.
Este es el modelo para el transporte de personal y aunque me base en algunos vehiculos blindados del ejercito rojo, en su mayoria de detalles, se trata de modelos ficticios.
This is the model for personnel transport and although I based it on some armored vehicles of the Red Army, most of the details are fictitious models.
Este es el modelo con torreta.
Turret model.
Este semioruga con su pequeño cañon anticarro esta basado en una improvisacion del ejercito rojo. Historicamente solo es correcta la pieza artillera y sus planchas blindadas, el resto del camion y sus orugas es un diseño ficticio.
This half-track with its small anti-tank cannon is based on an improvisation of the Red Army. Historically, only the artillery piece and its armored plates are correct, the rest of the truck and its tracks is a fictitious design.
Una tarde confinamiento me dio por hacer este autopropulsado sovietico y como ya tenia hechos el chasis y el cañon fue un pasatiempo de lo mas agradable. Procure seguir planos aunque no los segui al 100%.
One afternoon in confinement I decided to make this Soviet self-propelled vehicle and since I already had the chassis and the cannon made, it was a most pleasant pastime. I tried to follow plans although I did not follow them 100%.
Y aqui esta el modelo pintado.
And here is the painted model.
Cierro esta cuarta entrada con esta pieza de artilleria realizada para el ejercito imperial y basada en un modelo italiano de la segunda guerra mundial.
I close this fourth entry with this piece of artillery made for the imperial army and based on an Italian model from the Second World War.
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