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Algunos modelos 3d



Tras la pandemia, enfermedad y otro tipo de complicaciones, he dejado desatendido este blog desde enero del año pasado, para ir poniendome al corriente ire haciendo algunas entradas que resuman el trabajo en modelos 3d que he ido preparando para Carpa y la historia de Amparo y sus compañeras.

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After the pandemic, illness and other types of complications, I have left this blog unattended since January of last year, to catch up I will make some posts that summarize the work on 3D models that I have been preparing for Carpa and the story of Amparo and her companions.


He decidio empezar desde septiembre del año 2022, poco antes de comenzar el trabajo en el numero fotografico de ese año. La imagen presenta una version ficticia de un tractor de artilleria sovietico de la segunda guerra mundial. Trabaje en el pues necesitaba un remolque para algunas piezas de artilleria pesadas que iba haciendo para futuros numeros de la revista.

I have decided to start from September 2022, shortly before starting work on the photographic issue of that year. The image presents a fictional version of a Soviet artillery tractor from World War II. I worked on it because I needed a trailer for some heavy artillery pieces that he was making for future issues of the magazine.



Estas son las grandes piezas que hice antes de acabar el año, la primera esta basada en un modelo sovietico de la segunda guerra mundial y la segunda esta hecha a partir de un modelo italiano de la primera guerra mundial.

These are the great pieces that I made before the end of the year, the first is based on a Soviet model from the Second World War and the second is made from an Italian model from the First World War.


Y aqui esta el remolque y la pieza en posicion de arrastre. Mientras trabajaba en el Carpa fotografico, construi algunos modelos mas de artilleria para las protagonista de nuestra historia.

And here is the trailer and the piece in the towing position. While working on the Photographic Carpa, I built some more artillery models for the protagonists of our story.



Para estas piezas me base en algunos modelos reales de la primera y segunda guerra mundial fabricados por Schneider.

For these pieces I based myself on some real models from the First and Second World Wars manufactured by Schneider.


Para los carros pesados de Carmencita y su canciller realice este vehiculo de recuperacion, aunque esta inspirado en un vehiculo norteamericano real no tiene muchos puntos de contacto con el y, podemos considerarlo como un diseño totalmente ficticio.

For the heavy vehicles of Carmencita and her chancellor, I made this recovery vehicle. Although it is inspired by a real North American vehicle, it does not have many points of contact with it and we can consider it as a completely fictitious design.


Durante este pasado año e iba mejorando en esto del modelado 3d fui revisando algunos modelos que ya tenia construidos como es el caso de este STG 3 de cañon corto que diseñe para las tropas de la primera agrupacion, en este caso, si que me ceñi al modelo historico y solo le añadi algunos detalles para su servicio en la primera agrupacion acorazada.

During this past year, and I was improving in 3D modeling, I reviewed some models that I had already built, such as this short-barreled STG 3 that I designed for the troops of the first group. In this case, I did stick to the historical model and only added some details for its service in the first armored group.


Este Panzer 3 ausf K esta basado en el modelo historico en su modelado, pero luce el esquema de colores reglamentario para bosques invernales diseñado por las ingenieras de la canciller Catalina.

This Panzer 3 ausf K is based on the historical model in its modeling, but sports the regulatory color scheme for winter forests designed by Chancellor Catherine's engineers.


Este es el ultimo de los modelos basados en el chasis del P3 que revise y solamente su numeral es ficticio, en este caso me base en planos y procure realizar un modelo lo mas ajustado al real.

Durante esos meses, esta primera entrada, llega hasta febrero de 2023, mas o menos, hice lo mismo con un viejo modelo de Panzer 4 ausf H que habia realizado hace mucho tiempo, mejore su modelado y a partir de su chasis realice varias de las versiones que se hicieron en su tiempo, algunas de estas ya las habia hecho, pero no quede muy contento y, practicamente, las hice de nuevo.

This is the last of the models based on the P3 chassis that I reviewed and only its number is fictitious, in this case I based myself on plans and tried to make a model that is as close to the real thing as possible.

During those months, this first entry lasts until February 2023, more or less, I did the same with an old Panzer 4 ausf H model that I had made a long time ago, I improved its modeling and made several of the versions from its chassis. that were made in their time, some of these I had already done, but I was not very happy and, practically, I did them again.


Este es el modelo del que parti para realizar toda la serie que comentaba, el modelo esta inspirado en el real, pero adaptado a mis necesidades.

This is the model from which I started to make the entire series that I mentioned, the model is inspired by the real one, but adapted to my needs.


Esta fue la transformacion mas sencilla y presenta el prototipo de una pieza artillera en servicio durante la segunda guerra mundial, Panzer 4 wirbelwind, en combate se utilizo el modelo final con torreta pero me divirtio mucho revisar uno de mis primeros modelos.

This was the simplest transformation and presents the prototype of an artillery piece in service during the Second World War, Panzer 4 wirbelwind, in combat the final model with a turret was used but I had a lot of fun reviewing one of my first models.


Como tenia hechos estos dos modelos, con o sin torreta, no pude evitar realizar un Mobelwagen y adaptarlo al ejercito de Carmencita. Al tener hecha la base del panzar 4, era muy sencillo el realizar todas estas versiones en pocas semanas.

Since I had made these two models, with or without turret, I couldn't help but make a Mobelwagen and adapt it to Carmencita's army. Having made the base of panzar 4, it was very easy to make all these versions in a few weeks.


Este es el Mobelwagen


Y, logicamente, no me pude estar y modele este Kugelblitz.

And, logically, I couldn't be there and model this Kugelblitz.


Este es un STG 4 de las ultimas series fabricadas y puede considerarse un modelo fiel a la realidad en un 90%.

This is an STG 4 from the latest series manufactured and can be considered a 90% true model.


Como para el STG 4 hice las ruedas metalicas y otros detalles de las ultimas series construi este Jagdpanzer 4 con super estructura elevada y la version habitual y cañon largo.

As for the STG 4 I made the metal wheels and other details of the latest series, I built this Jagdpanzer 4 with a super elevated structure and the usual version and long barrel.


Cierro esta primera entrada del blog recopilatoria con el modelo de Brumbar que hice al poco de empezar el año 2023, en la siguiente entrada continuare poniendome al dia y revisando los modelos 3d que ido haciendo durante los ultimos meses. Todos los modelos estan hechos con Blender al modelar y pintados con Substance painter.

I close this first entry of the compilation blog with the Brumbar model that I made shortly after the start of the year 2023, in the next entry I will continue updating and reviewing the 3D models that I have been making during the last few months. All models are made with Blender when modeling and painted with Substance painter.






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With some weapons from the First World War, I get the feeling that creating fear was part of the design. 😲

And my absolute favorite from an aesthetic point of view:




The gun basically screams, you want a fight with us?

Take that!


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