Vargr - Chap 82 Cliff Banger
I crashed so much until I found the culprit.. I was almost done with this shit tbh xD
But thanks to Yorpers clue and a lot of testing I found out who did it >__>
Next entry will be very, very less of one specific asshole character that was the culprit for reasons I still don't know >__>
Her punishment will be not getting more screentime than necessary. Fuck you Alina
Entry is still lewd as hell
I was never planing on making a big boss fight.. But I was planing on involving the Women a lot in it to show off some inexperienced, yet promising fighters.. Least Alina was supposed to be. Now? Fuck her to the moon -_-
We will be having Arlan having a feast with this stupid piece of masked meat and move the fuck away from Alina asap! Throw her in a crate and ship her to hammerfell and beyond! She can kiss my ass I swear.. >__>
Positive sideeffect: I know now that I can still use Tink, I thought she was it x,x and I made a very cute character out of her preset I want to do bad things to, so it would've sucked if I couldn't use that one ?
Most of the later half was done with the thought in mind I will crash eventually at one point. I also didn't plan on leaving blue behind but I did so while testing and rushing a little but for the end of this hell. The last bits where done however, after I finally figured shit out xD
Might as well throw something nicer in >__>
Soo don't expect something super cool happening in the fight x,x
Still hope you'll enjoy it ?
Next entry: Arlan time ?
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