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Vargr - Chap 82 Cliff Banger





I crashed so much until I found the culprit.. I was almost done with this shit tbh xD

But thanks to Yorpers clue and a lot of testing I found out who did it >__>

Next entry will be very, very less of one specific asshole character that was the culprit for reasons I still don't know >__>

Her punishment will be not getting more screentime than necessary. Fuck you Alina :classic_dry:


Entry is still lewd as hell :classic_cool:




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I was never planing on making a big boss fight.. But I was planing on involving the Women a lot in it to show off some inexperienced, yet promising fighters.. Least Alina was supposed to be. Now? Fuck her to the moon -_-

We will be having Arlan having a feast with this stupid piece of masked meat and move the fuck away from Alina asap! Throw her in a crate and ship her to hammerfell and beyond! She can kiss my ass I swear.. >__>

Positive sideeffect: I know now that I can still use Tink, I thought she was it x,x and I made a very cute character out of her preset I want to do bad things to, so it would've sucked if I couldn't use that one ?

Most of the later half was done with the thought in mind I will crash eventually at one point. I also didn't plan on leaving blue behind but I did so while testing and rushing a little but for the end of this hell. The last bits where done however, after I finally figured shit out xD

Might as well throw something nicer in >__>


Soo don't expect something super cool happening in the fight x,x  

Still hope you'll enjoy it ?

Next entry: Arlan time ?




Recommended Comments

Well, you've been pretty early with this one, posted just when I was about to leave for a few days. Expected to be able to read it on my tablet, but well never really got around to until I got home, so a few late, random comments. ^^

Sucks about blue, she probably was my fav out of the chars involved in this one ... I'm starting to think I'm developing a weak spot for friendly, blue skinned, hot, female, Daedra. ;)

Arlans, dreams are frightening. Just imagine something with mom's attitude and command aura and his ... other erh ... abilities. Does not need any Alduin anymore to end the world.


Talk about cruel and unusual punishments ... though I know that specific one. So ... how does Bosmer poetry rank vs. Vogon one? Inquiring mind needs to know. ^^

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53 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Well, you've been pretty early with this one, posted just when I was about to leave for a few days. Expected to be able to read it on my tablet, but well never really got around to until I got home, so a few late, random comments. ^^

Yeah, as you know we got a few snowy day's, meaning I was on call duty. Which also means the days I didn't had to go out at night were free ?


53 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Sucks about blue, she probably was my fav out of the chars involved in this one ... I'm starting to think I'm developing a weak spot for friendly, blue skinned, hot, female, Daedra. ;)

And I am starting to think many, many side chars I did in the past couple of month, or the last year overall, make for far more sympathetic Chars than the main group. Lilits group for one is far more nicer than Arlans apart from Maari of course?

Don't worry, I made a few scenes with her But not so many. If I had her included in the last bits of the masked Dudes parts, I would've way too much to pose x,X


53 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Arlans, dreams are frightening. Just imagine something with mom's attitude and command aura and his ... other erh ... abilities. Does not need any Alduin anymore to end the world.

Aye oO just imagine someone like him with actual political power behind? I mean their off spring would be the heir to windhelm (something I never really agreed on was bethesdas version of Jarls.. The Jarl position was, as far as I remember  was not really a hereditary position?)


Regardless, don't you fear this kind of Creature. Arlan is second generation. His off springs shouldn't get too much daedric blood unless he makes one with Alice. Now THAT is a thing you don't want to see breath :classic_ohmy:


53 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Talk about cruel and unusual punishments ... though I know that specific one. So ... how does Bosmer poetry rank vs. Vogon one? Inquiring mind needs to know. ^^

Mh since I really have no idea about Vogon... Bosmer poetry is pretty much love letters to the most boring parts of nature. Roots and stuff ?

We probably would have more fun with Orc poems.. Least those have battles involved I imagine

Edited by Gukahn
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1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

Mh since I really have no idea about Vogon


Whatcha, mean you've no idea about Vogon? You didn't read the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy? Sheeesh, you barely qualify as a sentient being until you did. ?

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1 hour ago, Talesien said:


Whatcha, mean you've no idea about Vogon? You didn't read the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy? Sheeesh, you barely qualify as a sentient being until you did. ?

I watched the movie.. But I can't say I remember much :classic_ohmy:

And I am a sentient being!  ?


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