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Vargr - Chap 73 Begone thot!





???? I deleted a glorious hentai looking scene! Because it Would've fucked up a Character T___T I should've brought Sofia to this shit show! She into it! >-<





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I mastered the technique of using the Lewd to bullshit may way out of 70% of every fightscene! Praise me! xD

So yeah, I think I said Arlan needs a House.. Now he has a bit more than just a House and probably sold something off to a random guy he shouldn't have.. He yet again solved a problem of himself and created One for the rest of Skyrim.. He is a true hero oO


SO! Real talk

We will start Dawnguard in the next entrys, either right the next one, or the one after. Here is the thing..

I need Serana.. It's not that I want her, I need her in this story but I couldn't find one I like. Under the trillion replacers there was nothing so I don't care anymore.

Here is what we will do,

I will give everybody who cares enough about it the chance to send me a PN or write in the comments which Serana replacer they would like me to use. It doesn't even need to be a replacer, it can be a normal standalone follower who is going to be used as Serana. (only needs to look like a vamp.)

Only Rule: Don't send me Jailbait Seranas. I will not use any japano Serana either because they tend to be the jailbait ones. xD I am doing porn here Dudes, I don't want this kind of chars in here.

If I don't get any hints, I will either use my emergency serana which is a Lazy Follower or I make her a Dude and call him Steve ?

Regardless if anyone cares enough to make suggestions, I want you to know that this Dawnguard gig won't end with Serana being happy. To be honest I will need to fight the urge to throw her into an active volcano  the entire Time she is on screen >__>

Which probably will reflect on how Arlan will treat her. So don't give me any thing you don't want to be treated as Monster bait either :classic_angel:


PS: Arlan is an Asshole and Sofia will own his ass for eternity



Recommended Comments

good luck not yeeting the useless vampire off a cliff dude. you have more restraint than I do. show her all the restraint you can, because I sure as hell wont. ?


the entry was a bit on the scattered side, but It still made sense to me :) 

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Great Work! As for the fight scenes you did good enough. I'm not saying it was mediocre I'm saying it is above average and most of all I really liked it. :sweat_smile:

As for Serana.... Well the one I use for now is more lore friendly. :sweat_smile::heart:;):thumbsup: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69631 this one uses the vanilla body paths.

Though the one Ramasesll recommended is not so bad either.  

Edited by Jay-Omms
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Umh ... this is ... something different. Feels a bit rushed, considering that you took your sweet time with about everything else before. But ok, we shall call it 'story progress'. ;)


I think I already told you my recommendation (or rather the replacer I currently use, mostly because it breaks with the gothic, dark haired, "looks more like an Imperial" Serana that most replacers follow): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/99174

Btw. is that actually a player home?

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9 hours ago, yorpers said:

good luck not yeeting the useless vampire off a cliff dude. you have more restraint than I do. show her all the restraint you can, because I sure as hell wont. ?

Restraint.. I have so little of it but still more than you? xD sheeet


9 hours ago, yorpers said:

the entry was a bit on the scattered side, but It still made sense to me :) 

Thanks nor noting that out x,x I think I did the transitions wrong this time


7 hours ago, RamasesII said:

Mmmm Hot Mommy Daughter action!!!

You and I think alike.. I need to make such a scene >_> in fact I did but never posted it.. I need to make such a scene again and post it!

Thanks for your suggestion ^^


5 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:

As for the fight scenes you did good enough. I'm not saying it was mediocre I'm saying it is above average and most of all I really liked it. :sweat_smile:

I know what you mean ? It wasn't a very bad one but it wasn't a  good one compared to others either, I will have to get more patient with doing them again


Thanks for the link Dude^^


2 hours ago, Talesien said:

Umh ... this is ... something different. Feels a bit rushed, considering that you took your sweet time with about everything else before. But ok, we shall call it 'story progress'. ;)

I agree.. It is a bit too fast x,x I think I lost my patience after the game mocked up a few times too many during a few scenes.

(But I found out what my Lazy Follower Limit in one Cell is.. 11 >_>) I am probably the only person that actually likes load doors for that reason alone.

Let's be fair and call it what it is, rushed progress ?


Yeah you did send me this, thanks again ^^


2 hours ago, Talesien said:

Btw. is that actually a player home?

Both are,


BTH I was close to take Sofias family home away from him (cause its so freaking big and Sarah would have her horses with it..)

But it's only half patched -_- I believe I am one update too far of the patch but these two places will do, Sarah will just have to ride Sofia to the city :classic_angel:

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awesom as always, i glad that you find good way to resolve whole situation! 
Thx for high nun last apperence, again im so sad that i won see here more reguraly, espesyally with those body writing (btw i thing black look beter then pink)  and a liitle sad that she was not  with cum inflated belly :(
Can't wait to see what next. Btw do i will see that nord girl come back after Arlan body write in here too? Long time ago we talk.... and wanna se her on public with that writings on her. 

As for Serena you know i care, but i myself never replace her ( i love her as she is) only use CBBE another beauty mods for girls. But i think i only serana replacer i see that i like is  was in MXR mods videos. But i will never gonna find it right not and he probably delete them after whole youtbe demonetisation dramma. 

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An interesting character who dies to become a villain will daedra full of jealousy and anger to finally re-die.

RIP Terra. You will be remembered.... or not.


Hahaha! Sofia the redhead miss big tits blue eyes. Did you think Arlan was going to fuck you? In your ass! He preferred the blonde with glasses! ?

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1 hour ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

awesom as always, i glad that you find good way to resolve whole situation! 

Thank you^^ I am too.. Would've sucked to lose Sarah.. The kinda brings some sanity into this  ?


1 hour ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

Thx for high nun last apperence, again im so sad that i won see here more reguraly, espesyally with those body writing (btw i thing black look beter then pink)  and a liitle sad that she was not  with cum inflated belly :(

Well there there, she isn't dead. I stored her and the other Nuns in a folder for later uses. She might return someday and there are always new victims to be seen :classic_angel: Surely the vampires will do their fair share of nasty naughtys too.. (Arlan can't be the only asshole in skyrim.. )


1 hour ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

Can't wait to see what next. Btw do i will see that nord girl come back after Arlan body write in here too? Long time ago we talk.... and wanna se her on public with that writings on her.

I haven't forgotten ^^ I will see what I can do in the future, I also still have the mod she is from and we're still near Riften. This Arc isn't over yet and I will play it as their House and Workplace are between Rift and Windhelm/Winterhold so there is nothing against Scenes in the city and with her. I just don't know exactly when ?


1 hour ago, ERPModEnjoyer said:

As for Serena you know i care, but i myself never replace her ( i love her as she is) only use CBBE another beauty mods for girls. But i think i only serana replacer i see that i like is  was in MXR mods videos. But i will never gonna find it right not and he probably delete them after whole youtbe demonetisation dramma. 

Yeah I heard about that.

Vanilla Serana.. Isn't a bad Idea and J linked someone very close to her vanilla version.. ? I'll wait a bit longer until I decide tho, I saved the suggestions and will  decide this or the next weekend :classic_angel:

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6 minutes ago, hana120 said:

An interesting character who dies to become a villain will daedra full of jealousy and anger to finally re-die.

RIP Terra. You will be remembered.... or not.

I will always remember her ?


6 minutes ago, hana120 said:

Hahaha! Sofia the redhead miss big tits blue eyes. Did you think Arlan was going to fuck you? In your ass! He preferred the blonde with glasses! ?

Sofia wanted him do sex the redguard tho.. And still got some after ?

She still his favorite :classic_angel: Alltho.. Hard to decide now.. Literally a Harem situation.. we need someone to take charge.. The Atlmer will be perfect for this job ?

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Great epsiode :)

Plus no Cliff hanger in the end , another pluss :)



i have no idea how you presnet the downguard story. The original one written to dowakhin... at least some part of it. Plus a dragon in it...


Serena replacer question:

i ehard lot of exist used none. maybe you need some body replacer/upgrader thing.


Harem situation:

-Arlan get a hause, and lot of female in it

-some one buy the ebony blade -- the nasty weapon  (no not a single bead thing going to happen XD )

- this hause give a intresting tool to you :)Arlan has something he can lose. Plus this hasue need to be realy big so probably easy to find for its enemenys....

to me intresting how you use this tools to shape the story :)

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7 hours ago, Gukahn said:

She still his favorite :classic_angel: Alltho.. Hard to decide now.. Literally a Harem situation.. we need someone to take charge.. The Atlmer will be perfect for this job ?

Well, from the historical point of view ... the one in charge of the harem was usually the mother of the 'owner' of said harem. If she was not available, an aunt or elder sister. Point is the 'owner' had little say in who he spent the night with, his consorts where chosen for him. And there was usually a lot of jockying for favor with the person who chose, as bearing the child of the ruler gave a lot of power. Still sound like a harem situation? ?

And thanks for the links ... Winterberry looks nice, would be even nicer if it were in Falkreath. Actually the same author as the Sea Dragon, one of my all-time favorite player home.

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On 10/9/2023 at 8:27 PM, Nonseen said:

Great epsiode :)

Plus no Cliff hanger in the end , another pluss

See? I am not that evil at all! :classic_angel:


On 10/9/2023 at 8:27 PM, Nonseen said:

i have no idea how you presnet the downguard story. The original one written to dowakhin... at least some part of it. Plus a dragon in it...

Well we do have two Dragonborns in this story, but I already can tell you one thing..

There is going to be a lot mean spirited lewds in there >__> We're up against the one who raised Arlan after all.. :( I fear for ma Girls


On 10/9/2023 at 8:27 PM, Nonseen said:

-some one buy the ebony blade -- the nasty weapon  (no not a single bead thing going to happen XD )

Dependence if I forget or not.. xD But yeah chances are for a long while nothing.. xD

On 10/9/2023 at 8:27 PM, Nonseen said:

this hause give a intresting tool to you :)Arlan has something he can lose. Plus this hasue need to be realy big so probably easy to find for its enemenys....

to me intresting how you use this tools to shape the story :)

Aye, that and the Inn. We'll see about it. The next chapter is actually a slow one at first but I have a few Ideas I want to put in before we explore everything dawnguard. And we'll see what to do with those pesky vamps and stuff and how to involve Arlan and co in it. Isran will have to be very persuasive to get Arlan to join after he threw him out.. I hear Belial is freshly shaved :classic_angel:


On 10/9/2023 at 10:35 PM, Talesien said:

ell, from the historical point of view ... the one in charge of the harem was usually the mother of the 'owner' of said harem. If she was not available, an aunt or elder sister. Point is the 'owner' had little say in who he spent the night with, his consorts where chosen for him. And there was usually a lot of jockying for favor with the person who chose, as bearing the child of the ruler gave a lot of power. Still sound like a harem situation?

OK No that sounds more like.. I dunno ô,o Mom chooses your girl for the night.. Sounds not only weird.. It is weird. Wtf? oO


On 10/9/2023 at 10:35 PM, Talesien said:

And thanks for the links ... Winterberry looks nice, would be even nicer if it were in Falkreath. Actually the same author as the Sea Dragon, one of my all-time favorite player home.

No prob. I was thinking of a ship too.. But they are too small and not really fit them for a Home ? Sarah would be totally against a swimming home. She wants a horse after all >__>

Miss stormcloak is demanding ?


On 10/10/2023 at 10:31 AM, Jay-Omms said:

Look What I found :sweat_smile:

Not over my dead body ?

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1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

Isran will have to be very persuasive to get Arlan to join after he threw him out..

toget arlan back its easy if right thing given to them... like 10+ undressed hot female. or something similar in value of Arlan eyes :) He probably canot resist it... if sarah not present ( or near to the location :D :) ) ....


1 hour ago, Gukahn said:
On 10/9/2023 at 8:27 PM, Nonseen said:

Plus no Cliff hanger in the end , another pluss

See? I am not that evil at all! :classic_angel:

well we see ower time :)

mybe this one is a expection from the rule :P :) :) :)


1 hour ago, Gukahn said:

There is going to be a lot mean spirited lewds in there

this one thing expected from your story's :) if no lewidness i start thinking i reading the wrong blog : ) :P ( or soemthing bead happened with Ghukan :( )



Thinking loudly... few epsiode ago Arlan Momy showed her "evil" plan to make new race. This one is going to start work one point or another probably... plus the AI and its manipulation take its own effect ower time to... i thinking loudly i know but feels to me lot of let say potenital Event driver Actor present in this story :) (not to mention yes the vamp collection has own ideas what need to be done and how... )


final 2 question:

Kitten what going to do? and... our lovly innicent ( mostly :) ) Akice... (i think she come back from a long rest )

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2 hours ago, Gukahn said:

No prob. I was thinking of a ship too.. But they are too small and not really fit them for a Home ? Sarah would be totally against a swimming home. She wants a horse after all >__>

Miss stormcloak is demanding ?

Get her: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/53259

Flying home beats horse any time of the day ... well ok depends on why she wants that horse. ?


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12 hours ago, Nonseen said:

toget arlan back its easy if right thing given to them... like 10+ undressed hot female. or something similar in value of Arlan eyes :) He probably canot resist it... if sarah not present ( or near to the location :D :) ) ....

One would be enough and her name is Belial.. For a Day..While Isran is bound to a chair and watches ? After that Isran will have to write an Essay on what he has witnessed. Kitten will grade it and if it's anything lower than a B minus.. He will have to repeat watching until he gets it right ?


12 hours ago, Nonseen said:

mybe this one is a expection from the rule :P :) :) :)

Maybe, not hard to give a vampire that thing ?


12 hours ago, Nonseen said:

Thinking loudly... few epsiode ago Arlan Momy showed her "evil" plan to make new race. This one is going to start work one point or another probably.

Yes somwhere in between as Side story to give myself a breather from dawnguard. The script loose is written and the place where it happens, I found by accident already xD

Totally forgot her race mod comes with a location


12 hours ago, Nonseen said:

plus the AI and its manipulation take its own effect ower time to

it is starting now ? We finally tackle a Main Questline for the story, she is all about those >_>

Wanna know something else?

We finally get the hot redhead 3 some with Lilit and Sofia in reachable distance! I will call the entry Titts of Glory or something ?


All in All I can draw from a very big character pool for dawnguard. The problem won't be to find a good character, it will be to choose xD A good problem to have


12 hours ago, Nonseen said:

Kitten what going to do? and... our lovly innicent ( mostly :) ) Akice... (i think she come back from a long rest )

Kitten will of course be part of it. I already wrote her first dawnguard entrance in my head. Alice will return of course. The question is only when. I can bring her back whenever because of the way she went to Sheo, so no problems there ?


12 hours ago, Talesien said:

Flying home beats horse any time of the day ... well ok depends on why she wants that horse. ?

This is Sarah, not Sofia. She wants to ride it's back, not ride it's.. Anything else xD

And can you imagine Arlan having access to a flying Ship?

Not only skyrim would be fucked.. Let's best not give him that much power >__> I fear for hammerfell.. They suffered enough

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20 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Not over my dead body ?


I know. Right! :lol: Oh my God That one killed me. :wacko: :sweat_smile: :dizzy: 

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18 hours ago, Gukahn said:

Not only skyrim would be fucked.. Let's best not give him that much power >__> I fear for hammerfell.. They suffered enough

But ... but ... we've a decided shortage of Redguard titties. ?

(I blame G. having problems with dark skin and lighting. ) ;)

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17 hours ago, Talesien said:

But ... but ... we've a decided shortage of Redguard titties. ?

(I blame G. having problems with dark skin and lighting. ) ;)

Did you say something? ô,o




sorry I must've misread..


I mean..

Do you want to add something? o,ô




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7 minutes ago, Gukahn said:

Did you say something? ô,o


  Reveal hidden contents


sorry I must've misread..


I mean..

Do you want to add something? o,ô




Didn't say you don't handle Mud-Elfs well by now. ?


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7 minutes ago, Talesien said:

Didn't say you don't handle Mud-Elfs well by now. ?


Heeey ><

One of em is a redguard in Story and the other in race T^T

And these two big tittied Ones are glorious creations! ?

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