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Thank you for reading Calista's adventures!

Some numbers: 1108 screenshots, 160 hours played on my last save, triple it if you count the time spent creating scenes for the story. I started on December 04, 2022 and finished on July 20, 2023. To be honest, I wasn't planning on creating any adventures, I just wanted to live them with my character in my modded game. Then I got access to some tools (Photo Mode and Screen Archer Menu) and from there, I jumped in! I started posting on DeviantArt and then tried my luck here on LoversLab in March (that explains why I was able to publish 3 chapters a week, as they were already fully complete on DA until I caught up with the screenshots already published, when I switched to one chapter a week. Mondays to Saturdays, 4 screenshots on DA. Sundays, 24 screenshots on LL.).

If you've already played Fallout 4, I've tried to respect the game's events as much as possible, tailoring them to my character. The more screenshots I took with Calista, the more I became attached to her. When I began to feel that I was going in circles, I decided to write an open-ended finale. I'm pretty happy with the result, I managed to crate something quite complete that I was able to share with other people! 
If you've never played Fallout 4, well, I hope I've inspired you to give it a try, with the plethora of possibilities the game has to offer!

Whether you came for the story, for the predicaments leading to captivity or slavery, for Calista's feet or for her to be tickled, I say thank you! I'm going to rest for a while and come back in a few months with a bonus story or two to finish my Fallout 4 arc for good. I might have some Skyrim adventures planned but those will have to be postponed until next year. 


On a special note, I'd like to thank the entire Fallout 4 modding community. It's their work that makes the game so different and so close to the Fallout spirit that I particularly like in a post-apocalyptic game. You have probably recognized most of the mods from this website (resources, assets, characters, etc.) and I highly recommend you give them a try! I also posted my loadorder if you want to check it out (maybe broken by the time so be careful with it) 


Take care and see you around!



Edited by Stanoth


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