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Life1.thumb.png.77ff13bbc312240d90f06bff83e85e7e.png          My new life began. The owner of the shack tore off my clothes, added some tattoos and varnish on my toenails. I had to be respectable for the new customers. He forced me to take some drug, something called Jet. I hoped it wouldn't be as addictive as cigarettes... 




Life2.thumb.png.f7f5216e5c78d60b58e394716b5c10de.png             I was escorted to another room and restrained in the same way except this time I was blindfolded. Only one person remained in the room with me. 

"I am your Master. Whatever I tell you to do, you do. You work for me. This club must become the best in the area. If you don't obey, you will be forced to. Until you die."

He hit me for some time with his whip before leaving the room.

"Dear customers, this room is open."




Life3.thumb.png.1f09a1036a63a523574be6e0212392c9.png          After a few rounds, the Master returned and he was not happy.

"You useless brat! If I hear any more complaining customers, you're going to spend the whole night on the cross."

I protected myself from the lashes, hoping they would stop.




Life4.thumb.png.742553687594b1b7b3a1f4f73e1bfd8f.png          Once my shift was over, I was escorted to the common room where I had a mattress, a suitcase and a cooler. These were my only possessions, each day inspected by the Master. I didn't know how I held up. The will to live or the Jet? Hard to tell. 




Life5.thumb.png.72a231051012d41ae88b586978febc90.png             A few days passed. My duties as a slave changed. The more obedient I was, the fewer problems I had. I was no longer obliged to take care of the customers but I had to clean the shack. I would rather be a maid than be accompanied by those disgusting pigs.




Life6.thumb.png.53231f48a21629f26b2b19e7f388c8bd.png          Later in the day, I was even allowed to go outside. The collar was set to explode unless I got home first. I had a few hours to find materials to produce one of these slavers' drugs. The first one was rust, I had to get it with gloves to avoid hurting myself. 




Life7.thumb.png.8a069aa77cdd1232878b2ef0851fe15b.png             I still had some time left. Once I had collected the ingredients, I found an old toilet. I was sick, the Jet and the disgusting food I ate didn't help. Since my capture, this was the only time I was not being watched. 




Life8.thumb.png.92acc7259064c67ee9dc13a2ebb81224.png          While I vomited, I took the time to think of a solution to remove this collar. I couldn't do it but maybe there were some innocent people who would be able to do it? I couldn't go too far away from the shack but I could wait for someone to come by?




Life9.thumb.png.1bb6a4cf1a3d63f312a14dfd82312dd1.png          With the time I had left, I decided to wait at an old bus station. I was exhausted and filthy. I sincerely hoped that someone would come by and save me from the horrible nightmare that my life had become. 




Life10.thumb.png.e3a0f36b095860fe453e790e94b12927.png          An hour later, nothing happened. Animal noises in the distance and the howling of ghouls that populated some parts of the city. I knew its name now, Lexington. It would be a distant memory when I was going to get rescued. 




Life11.thumb.png.6660e44d8d4a3b94a5482146a5e1a876.png             I put myself on the bus. I waved my arms, hoping someone would see me. Time was running out...




Life12.thumb.png.aea0ad3945116081a70e6b3dd29b91d1.png             I was still waiting. The rain was falling I used it to clean myself. It was going to be difficult to see someone coming in this weather...




Life13.thumb.png.5783e27d8b72de5cbe05060f5362fced.png             It was getting dark. The rain didn't stop, I took shelter at the bus stop. I had only one hour left before I had to go back to the shack. 




Life14.thumb.png.b57f4f32a0ead9dc5413085a1e8f1a41.png             I looked around one last time from the bus. No one ever came by and it was time for me to go back to the shack. I was bummed but it was enough to create hope. Hope that I could escape from here someday. 




Life15.thumb.png.3cb042b336068a88d4c89c635e82a9f6.png             A few days later, I was taken to a hideout for an "interrogation" regarding the time I took to complete my mission. They were not very happy. 

"Look, I got what you asked for, it wasn't very easy in the city with those monsters lurking around."

I tried to save my skin.




Life16.thumb.png.81a03e20e78017319a330e1e7ccfb7bd.png           "You haven't met me yet girl but you should know that I love whipping slaves like you. I can see it in your eyes, you know you've been naughty and you deserve it. Don't worry, you'll get your dose of Jet right after."

He wasn't wrong about the Jet, I was starting to get hooked.




Life17.thumb.png.e278e83d9f1e6da34c5b58cc7b172b4d.png          "Please stop! I've had enough! I didn't mean to attract the ghouls, I don't know how to defend myself."

"Keep begging for mercy. You know what, I'll let you go now but I'll get you some presents before you leave. I'll put in a good word for the boss to teach you how to fight."




Life18.thumb.png.65c5bdc1aded6625652e036dcde9cb5d.png             I was taken back to the shack and led to the bathroom. I could see my face, adorned with piercings and earrings. I had to hurry up and clean myself up. A new shift was about to start and I was expected to be there. 




Life19.thumb.png.999114c6be92d6285d17b5099320513a.png          "You don't need clothes, make the customers happy and everything will be fine for you."

These were the words the Master gave me before leading me into the party room. I found this guy, a smooth talker. I introduced myself to him. 

"Hey handsome! I heard you were looking for an adventure? Just so you know, I'm an adventure. Do you want anything?"

"You seem out of place girly. I'll have a beer and who knows, maybe more."


Life20.thumb.png.a71312e1b1d366a3d6951273aae8a4a6.png             A few days later, I was called by the boss himself. He wanted to see me at the factory for a special job. I was escorted to him in handcuffs. 

"I heard about your wanderings. You will have a chance to redeem yourself: you are my new fighter and you will have to beat other slaves. You win, we'll give you better jobs. You lose... You don't want to know. Here, a septum and some Jet, you'll need it."




Edited by Stanoth


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