Hi all, I have decided to create a blog where I will post all my mod concepts that I think about and design (on paper). Unfortunately, due to personal disabilities, I have found it very hard to learn the skills needed to create mods. Game/ mod design has always been an interest and something I have spent hundreds of hours doing and trying to learn but had no success. I was taking a course focusing on games design and I enjoyed it for the most part (especially concept design and planning) however it became very clear I was struggling to understand and grasp certain concepts. After some appointments I was diagnosed with a range of learning difficulties which was making it harder for me to understand. Now I don't let these things bother me or define me however I have to put in more time and effort than most in order to understand and sadly creating mods has proven to be a very very difficult thing for me to learn. I still have a creative mind and love Skyrim and other games such as fallout and spent hours modding and coming up with my own concepts of mods and games that I could only dream of making.
I know its a long shot and I know the likeliness of someone willing to volunteer and make my concepts a reality is practically nothing I still like to write and share my concepts and ideas especially when such an active community brings new stuff out for a game that's over 12 years old.
Edited by MiniMania1
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