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Entries in this blog

Vampire Hunter

No this isn't Storm although this new character was created with Storm's race and preset, I missed seeing Storm with her old hairstyle but didn't want to change her hair back since I liked the new one so I took a third option: I created a new character using her preset. There are more differences between this character (Frost) and Storm, she has a lower weight value (0 as opposed to 0.5) and different coloured eyes (green as opposed to blue) in addition to the old hairstyle.   She's a vampire



Black Sacrament

So I reinstalled the black sacrament armour and gave the regular coloured set to Storm and the Winter one to Cris. Also I upped the size of Cris' tits (not by much, she was at weight 0, I upped her to weight 0.25) might do the same to Mist to get her awesome bewbs back.




Storm showing how she earned her name in this one, I downloaded the Mighty Magic mod for Skyrim and holy fuck does it make Magic powerful as in actually worth using powerful! The Destruction magic ritual spells are actually worth using with that mod and warrant the special quest to get them as well, Storm's using Tempest (Lightning Storm renamed) in this shot.   Also I'm retconning a bit from this post; http://www.loverslab.com/blog/76/entry-1319-history/, all spells for immortality slowly tur



Killing Beth

I'm sure more than a few people around the interwebz would like to do this to Beth due to the recent announcements about the workshop from Valve but we can't (that would be illegal) so I used this mod to do it ingame; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65034/?.   Other than that I got nuthin' except for an announcement/warning/thing; I won't be updating this blog as often due to me recently getting a PS4 (and Final Fantasy type 0) so I've been playing that a lot more than any of the games I



Storm in new armour

Just some shots of Storm in new armour. I installed the BLESS armour pack when I reinstalled Skyrim for the nth time but never really used it on any of my characters (only Mist and Storm look good in any of the armours and even then it's only 1 or 2 of them) so here's Storm in one of them, annoyingly though her hair clips with that furry ruff thing around the neck.




I mentioned somewhere that I was going to do a playthrough without using any armour, well I've started it (started meaning I got my character prepped for it) and this is the character I'm using, she's a Redguard and I still can't get a Redguard to look good. Basically what you see* in the shot is what she will use during my playthrough with her.   *there is a necklace equipped but for some reason it doesn't show up with that particular set of clothes, she also has a ring that may be hard to ma



A Sexy Valkyrie

Meant to have this up earlier, but Mist's save fucked up and rather than find the problem I decided it would be faster to just recreate her so I took a little bit longer getting these shots than I would have (also testing a new mod got in the way.)   Also her tits seem smaller with the newest version of CBBE, which is annoying. Dunno how to fix it either, there go her perfect bewbs .   Also I've started running into the same problem I occasionally have with the nexus image share; I forget t



A Thief.

Just a few shots of Cris. I decided to test her out in the Guild Duelist armour (the same kind of light armour Storm wears) and it actually looks pretty good imo.   Also unlike the other TES Cris she prefers to use stealth, guile and a pair of daggers to achieve her goals rather than cheek, sarcasm, a fuckhuge sword and a healthy disrespect for authority. She's actually closer to Shadow than either of her predecessors.



A Nude Nord

Just a few shots of Jora in her natural state; butt naked. Honestly out of ideas as I'm doing stuff on all my other characters as well as doing a run on a character without using any armour, not Jora btw might have stuff from that up.   Also I'll try and update this blog every two days, it'll only have shots I took the day I update it though (unless I've been lazy/strangely organised and use shots taken the day before.)   Here's a link to the shots of Storm I took yesterday; http://www.nexus




When I first created Storm I probably mentioned some of her past as well as her immortality and eternal youth which I thought I should expand on (read; I was bored at work and decided to entertain myself this way) but first a kinda history lesson as well as my own headcanon on TES elves (including ones added by mods.)   In my own headcanon the TES elves are mortal, they just live longer than the human and beast races, maybe up to 200 but that's pushing it, which is why neither Cris nor Shadow




Just some shots of Cris, Jora and Storm, there are only 3 shots with crossbows in them (also Storm's crossbow has an annoying habit of clipping with her ass.)   There are two annoying things about the crossbows both Storm and Cris have; 1) I can't alter them so they can be tempered (probably due to them being Japanese mods) 2) there's no good poses with them.



Storm's Affliction

Just a few more shots from me. Also an explanation of the last shot of Storm; using too much magic makes her incredibly horny to the point where she can't do anything other than deal with it, this is a side effect of the process she used to become immortal (and eternally young) and is the price she's willing to pay to continue living.   And she's still one of my more normal characters personality wise (even if she will try to fuck anything that moves if she uses too much magic.)



Lightning Storm

Yep I reinstalled Skyrim and the fucking game is still pissing me off (nothing as major as what made me uninstall it last time, other than Epic Elves mysteriously not working) and it looks different for some reason, maybe due to me enabling FXAA.   Anyway here's two shots of Storm, a shot of Mist and a shot of Jora to celebrate my return.   The title comes from the fact that the hair Storm has in this shot is the same as Lightning's from FFXIII and being the Lightning fanboy I am (but not ra



A Mage, a Rogue and a Warrior

Not done anything with this blog of mine in a while (haven't added anything since the second of February) so here's a preview shot of something I'll upload to the nexus at some point. It's Cris, Shadow and Isabell (on of the many Synx CM partners that where created when the Synx race was first created, I would use my own but she got fugly with the updates to the race) all in chainmail bikinis titled "The Dragonmail of Protection" after a comment made in an image that originally showed Cris also




Just thought I'd expand on Jora's personality a bit more (and why she uses the types of armour she does) it's nothing massive like Cris, Mist or Storm (she's not that important a character for that) but it should clarify some things (and why she'll occasionally appear in less revealing armour.)   Basically she feels her tits are the gods' gifts to the world and feels like keeping them covered up would be a shame to everyone around her. However when she enters super serious mode (most of my ch



Fun with High Explosives

Of course that's not the end of that weapon you want pointed at you (tbh you don't want the other end pointed at you either) but I felt like taking that shot (I have another one but I'll upload it at some other point.)   Basically I've been playing with the Red Glare (fully upgraded and accompanied by the various perks that make explosives fun) and watching ghouls' and deathclaws' limbs flying all over the place is highly entertaining, however it has led to me to reveal more of the list of wea




Just thought I'd do this post to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of me leaving the New Vegas nexus (fuck those cunts.) However there was one MASSIVE fucking problem; I WANTED to create a completely new image however when I re-installed NV for it EVERYTHING FUCKED UP, so I had to resort to using the top 3 highest rated shots I have on the nexus, my (appropriate) farewell shot to them and the one I think should have been the highest rated.   So yeah that's this blog post in a nutshell. I have o




Basically I'm out of ideas for shots so I thought that this would be the perfect time for me to ask people for requests on what kind of shot to upload. However I am going to add some limitations to these; Skyrim and Oblivion shots only, I'm not going to install a game just to take a screenshot. No shots with sex in them, I have taken these kinds of shot before but that was only on a whim If you're requesting a shot of my characters in a specific armour, make sure it's an armour that I can g



Mist's story

Thought I'd stop being lazy and finally do something about Mist's backstory, I even decided to add pictures to each part of it so you had something pretty to look at while I rambled (they're spoilered for my convenience, not yours.) There will also be breaks from the story for author comments (in brackets and in a different colour.)   Beginning;     No one knows where Mist comes from, she just appeared after (supposedly) being left for dead after an attack by bandits, however she has no kn




Decided to do this blog post since I got fuck all replies in the topic about a name for this lovely lady. So yeah suggestions for a name are all I want.



Happy New Year

Yep it's new years day here in Sunny Scotland and that means Storm's new hairstyle has been chosen. I've deleted the last entry (the one with the poll collecting what people wanted her new hairstyle to be) so you can't sneak a peek at the results and in a fairly close (there was 2 votes between two of them and for a long time it was all square, I was thinking I'd have to let a random number generator decide for me) run one of them has come out on top and here it is:      



Torturing Breeze

Latest comic I've uploaded to the nexus, this is the better quality one due to the nexus' annoying image size limit. Basically this comic is an excuse to give a list of who's older than who in my main 4 characters. Basically Teneicha is the oldest (although he's so insane he thinks he's the youngest) Breeze is the second oldest (although as Cris said she acts like a 5 year old on a perpetual sugar rush) Cris is the second youngest and Shadow is the youngest and those two are the more mature ones



Done with New Vegas

Yep as the title says I'm done with New Vegas. This has nothing to do with anything or anyone online but more to do with me; I only play NV anymore just to take screenshots however I've not been starting up New Vegas at all recently so in order to conserve HDD space (my laptop has two major flaws in what would otherwise be a brilliant computer; Windows fucking 8 (which I've moaned about enough) and its tiny HDD) I've decided I'm going to uninstall games I don't play as much anymore, which includ



The perfect Storm

I said I'd leave the whole "Create my Character" thing open for a week, but I got tired of waiting (I'm fickle like that) and ended up just kinda shoving everything but the kitchen sink (it technically conforms to the one set of suggestions I got that I didn't view as trolling .)   So Storm in a nutshell is what you'd get if you took; Anna's, Cris', Mist's and Serena's abilities and put them in a blender (sort of, Anna only uses Destruction, Restoration and Alteration magic whereas Storm uses



Create my Character

Because I decided to create (ANOTHER) new character (this time a Lunari) and I can't think of what to do with her I'm relying on you to do the thinking for me (considering I did all the thinking for my other characters I'm allowed to do this .)   With that out the way here's what you don't have to decide: her race and her name. I've gotten both of those already (her name is Storm btw.) What I do want input on are the following; class (I've sorted these into the 3 basic RPG classes; fighter, ro



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