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Fun with High Explosives



blog-0502362001422159719.jpgOf course that's not the end of that weapon you want pointed at you (tbh you don't want the other end pointed at you either) but I felt like taking that shot (I have another one but I'll upload it at some other point.)


Basically I've been playing with the Red Glare (fully upgraded and accompanied by the various perks that make explosives fun) and watching ghouls' and deathclaws' limbs flying all over the place is highly entertaining, however it has led to me to reveal more of the list of weapons that Cris isn't allowed to use (a short list that contains every weapon that uses fire and mini nuke launchers (ESPECIALLY the experimental MIRV)) and that list has been expanded to included high explosives (her littering her Baja island home with C4 didn't help her case) which included the Red Glare (the Red Glare has been added to the same class as the experimental MIRV, as weapons that she only gets access to in the most dire circumstances) however this has annoyed Cris as the Red Glare combines three of her favourite things;

  1. Dakka (although there is never enough)
  2. fire (its incendiary rockets)
  3. explosives

So yeah, that's some more background on Cris (and this is non-psycho Cris as well.) Just because I felt like it and couldn't be fucked with a comic about it.


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