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Blog about various random thoughts

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Influencers? Thank you, but no, thank you!

> I would be very miserable if I would let them to tell me how to live my life. I still have my brain and senses which didn't fail me so far.  Maybe they are "helpful" to someone, but they play no role in my life at all. I don't want to become intellectual zombie who depends on their opinion. I have studied this subject much deeper than I answer on it. This is only my short opinion about it and I have no desire to discuss about it with anyone. If they are doing good job in your life, well, fi


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Bullet train

> Finally!!! After so many bad movies we watched recently (especially Marvel's) we watched very interesting, funny, entertaining, humorous, and with good acting, effects and dialogues action movie in Tarantino's style - Bullet train. My, we died laughing and weren't bored for even one second. I warmly recommend this movie to you, but since we all have different tastes for movies, I do not and I cannot guarantee you that you would like it as we did.   > The reason I posted this en


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> This man was a true friend and our supporter (still is) since my Prince and I joined LL. He was always there for us with words of encouragements and honesty. Beside that, he is faithful reader and the follower of my blog. If we could, we would always welcome him in our house and make him the member of our family, because we sincerely love him. I'm using this opportunity to wish him   ... of course, my Prince, Ivy, Mikey and Precious wish him too:   And this messag


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Psychotic lying bitch

> The full article is in the spoiler bellow:   > I hate rape and rapists, but i also hate notorious and psychotic liars like this girl. If this story is accurate and true, it is simply unbelievable what are some people capable to do don't even caring about ruining somebody's life. Not sure the prison is the best solution for her, but some "hard core" mental institution with electric shock therapies might be helpful in her case.   > This case reminds me on similar h


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I'm sorry (Apology)

> (This song has English subtitle)  - This is one of my and my luvs' favorite songs   > More and more people nowadays have a problem saying "I'm sorry" when they hurt you or do wrong to you. It makes me very sad. One of many reasons for it lies in the psychological approach that teaches how every individual matters more than others and "Don't ever apologize! You degrade yourself if you do!" Baloney!!! That's what it is. > We are teaching our children to ALWAYS apologize and


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Believing in dreams?

> I am not talking about dreams as synonyms of our desires, hopes, and wishes, but dreams as the "product" of our sleep. > Just as many people believe in horoscopes, many also believe in dreams. I do not say that some dreams may not come true, but I wouldn't blindly trust them. Not going into wide interpretation of the source and meanings of the dreams, I just want to tell you how some dreams burdened me and made me cry like the dreams my luvs are leaving me for good. So, dreams can a


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Abandoned and neglected? No way!!!

> This reminded me on my Prince's Uncle who was legless (in wheelchair) and diabetic, almost blind. When we started dating I helped them financially although they didn't want to take my money so i started to buy things they needed but they never asked anyone for. They were poor but they were proud. Later on, when we started to live together, Uncle was alone, but only for short time, few days until we settled. Since I moved out from my parents' home and my Prince and I started to live together


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This really pisses me off now

> It started as a tease of Mr. @Sir Bron and it turned into fucking annoying search. Namely, my Prince's father had a saying that he lived accordingly and he taught his son to do the same. The saying goes like this: "It's not important what I like, want, and makes me happy, but what you like, want, and makes you happy." I quoted this saying several times in my diaries but I can't find it now. I tried many combinations of the words using LL search, Google search, Yahoo search, and Bing but cou


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Who cheats more, women or men?

> This blog entry is NOT about making men look bad or criticizing them. It's rather showing the fact that men are more unfaithful than women. There are also surveys that say women are most likely to cheat more, like this article: https://nypost.com/2022/08/23/women-are-more-likely-to-cheat-than-men-heres-why/  but in general, men cheat more than women. Well, both sides tried to defend their own gender and none of the presented numbers can be taken as the final conclusion of who is more unfait


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Trust to those who knows (more than you)

> My Prince had to learn this lesson on hard way. ? > Namely, doing their departments checking, they came to the kitchen. He suddenly noticed the big bowl of oysters. He asked the chief of the kitchen if he can taste few. He was told they aren't fresh, they started to smell and they are separated for food disposal. My Ivy told me she and my Prince smelled oysters and she told him not to eat it. But my Prince didn't feel the same smell as they did. He said they smell fine and just as h


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Every coin have two sides

> I am NOT saying that men like the one from this true story doesn't exist. I'm just saying that I haven't met a single one of them. Even my Prince was like most men in this area before we met, but he changed. He realized that even his friends doesn't buy his story. Yes, there are women who exaggerate too, but they are great minority. We speak about sex among friends but from totally different angle.    


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Ufair treatment of foreign workers in our country

> Such things pisses me off very much. You really must be totally careless and heartless to do something like that. I wish to know if they would like others to treat their children and relatives the same. ? So, if anyone is planning to come and find the job in our country, be double careful if hiring agency to do it for you.


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Annoying people

> There are not many people who can easily drive my Prince crazy as one of his "knowing all" friend. That person always have the answer for his situations. For instance: He asked my Prince how is going? If he says: not good, his friend tells him why he is not doing good and what he should do to make it better. If my Prince respond with: good, his friend is telling him how can he make even better. If he says: great, his friend says that nobody is doing great and that it is delusion and fake fe


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Forgive yourself???

> "You have to forgive yourself" is saying that is "imported" from the West and is not a part of our culture. That's why people hardly understand it and accept it. I also think it is kind of silly for as far as I understand the meaning of forgiveness is always related to other person/people who do me wrong. I and myself aren't two separate persons disconnected from me and unrelated to me. I can, and should, and must regret for my wrong decisions and mischief, but I have nothing to forgive mys


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Happy Valentine

> Today is  the second holiday I love after Christmas.  It is Valentine and my Prince is taking my Ivy and me out tonight. He has surprise for us. Can't wait. As for you, i wish you  


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Your character builder?

> I was in my office with my luvs, my best friend Fran, Lidija, Malicija and Irena and Damir during the short break. My Fran was reading some news about earthquake in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He didn't finish reading the news when Irena, Malicija and Lidija asked: "How many were killed in earthquake?" My Prince couldn't believe what he was hearing. He told them: "You guys are unbelievable! How come none of you asked: "Are there any survivors?" Then he asked the rest of us did we asked ourselve


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So much of patriotism and national pride

> It is no secret that cheering in Europe and some other countries on other continents is everything else, mostly vandalism and hatred, but cheering for your club or national team. I could understand and NOT approve or justify singing Ustasha's songs if Croats played against Serbia who hated each other for centuries, but why sing such songs in the match against Turkey? It makes no sense. That act shows only one thing, spreading hatred against everything and everyone that is not Croatian. Thos


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Global pollution

> I am very pissed off often hearing or reading about global pollution. More concrete: what we can and should do to reduce it. And they bombing us with dozens of suggestions, advises and what we as citizens can and should do in our households to reduce pollution emissions. Fuck you, hypocrites. ? When did you ever say or try to stop F1 and Nascar racing? Hm?!? Did you ever read how much only one race of such kind pollute the air and environment?   >Here is only a fragment of this


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(If you want to know more, google "Zavadlav" and use TWP for instant page translation)   > Can't say I am happy I am familiar with this case, but I must say that our justice system unfairly treated this young man. It is true he isn't right in his head and he behaved very immaturely and arrogant during first two trials but calling him a monster just because he revenged his youngest brother who was molested for years while the system turned their back on him and his family who asked for


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Two different views of our love triangle

> This is how my Ivy and I see our love triangle. (My Prince is on the top, the head of the family, and our King and we love him equally but differently).   > And this is how he sees our love triangle. (My Ivy and me on the top as his queens whom he loves equally but differently).   > Both interpretations of our love triangle are true, although we see it differently.


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Ass wipping education

> I am sure we have all already learned so far that what is normal and common in one culture, could be abnormal and unacceptable in another culture. Namely, a day ago I saw a video of a Chinese female teacher in an elementary school demonstrating ass wiping by showing the children how to wipe their asses. Of course, she wasn't naked, neither the children. So, after she showed them how to do it, they had to do it the same way. I was surprised they did that in the school but I was also very thr


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Love cares but it knows its place

> If you care and love someone, knowing your luv is the natural result of that love and care. It means you want to be a part of your partner's life in every segment, not on the force, but rather as much and far and deep as he is letting you in his life. Since I met my Prince I was very involved in his life. He didn't ask me to, but I wanted to. That's me. He was involved in my life too. I told him everything about me because I wanted to have no secrets from him, although he never asked me to


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