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Psychotic lying bitch





> The full article is in the spoiler bellow:






> I hate rape and rapists, but i also hate notorious and psychotic liars like this girl. If this story is accurate and true, it is simply unbelievable what are some people capable to do don't even caring about ruining somebody's life. Not sure the prison is the best solution for her, but some "hard core" mental institution with electric shock therapies might be helpful in her case.


> This case reminds me on similar happenings to my Prince in the Hotel. One lady and one girl accused my Prince for attempt of rape because he confronted them with their mischief. It happened in the time when he was the chief of the security. But nobody believed them because we knew he hates rape and rapists. (One more argument that he is not rapist is that when his partner is not active in sex, but indifferent, he cannot have sex or erection. His partner must be wanting to have sex with him). Our hotel lawyer talked to them and threatened them that we shall sue them for lying and false accusation if they do not apologize to my Prince and publicly confess they lied. Since they knew they would lost the case, they confessed they lied and they apologized to my Prince. Anyway, since then, he always has a witness when talk with people.

Edited by Evaloves4

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hate notorious and psychotic liars like this girl.

The problem here is like the story of "the boy who cried  'Wolf' "

Too many false accusations, people begin to distrust, and soon legitimate accusations are treated as false, or ignored altogether.

  It has been a long hard road to get people to believe women when they say they were raped.


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