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(If you want to know more, google "Zavadlav" and use TWP for instant page translation)
> Can't say I am happy I am familiar with this case, but I must say that our justice system unfairly treated this young man. It is true he isn't right in his head and he behaved very immaturely and arrogant during first two trials but calling him a monster just because he revenged his youngest brother who was molested for years while the system turned their back on him and his family who asked for help because his younger brother was drug addict and because they have criminal records isn't fair. The parents of killed young men had stronger connections and better lawyers. That's how system works in our country. And it is a lie that he would continue his killing rampage if he wouldn't be stopped. He only wanted those three.
> My Prince met the younger brother, his two sisters and the father and talked to them some time ago when they were in our city doing some private business. Two fathers of killed young men lied about their sons presenting them as a model citizens while the truth is that they were drug dealers, molesters and local criminals. Antonio also checked the whole case and it was true: Zavadlav snapped and killed molesters when he saw how hard they beaten his youngest brother. My Prince said that he does not justify his acts, especially drugs abuse, and that he wouldn't kill them if he was him. He would break them so much that they will be permanent invalids unable to walk and use hands. Anyway, the reason for posting this entry is to inform you how many true stories that the law marked as monsters aren't true and that the system is covering its corruption and flaws.


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