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About this blog

Playing the Sims 4 became dull and boring until I found a way to engage in storytelling with the help of mods and custom content. Since I am long past being a child, my stories are adult themed in nature. Many of my characters are flawed, much like myself, and they are all works of fiction. I am an avid collector of the human experience and I enjoy studying human behavior and human development. While I often write about the darker sides of human behavior, I do so to explore it within the confines of a purely fictional world and for my own amusement. I often grown a deep attachment to my characters and those who become close to the characters I create, and I hope that, with my storytelling, you feel the same way.


TW: There will be stories involving sex with pictures depicting sex acts from the Sims 4 along with prostitution, rape, discussion of childhood trauma such as molestation, neglect, rape, and mishandling in the foster care system. Again, these are all works of fiction but they do derive from real world knowledge in my own studies of human kind in my many years on this planet. 


I have just about every mod for WW and use those interactions to help tell my stories. I work full time and also run a nonprofit in my spare time so while this is something I genuinely love to do, I may not get a chance to update it as often as I would like. My hope would be at least once a week.


Thank you, I hope you enjoy.



Entries in this blog

Kailani - Homeless Prostitute Pt. 7

TW - Potential discussions of sexual content including prostitution and forced, coerced, and violent scenes that may depict rape (with screenshots of The Sims 4 with mods and CC). (childhood trauma and mistreatment may also be discussed in the form of neglect, abuse, and molestation for backstory purposes only with no explicit details)   ***This is a full gameplay of a homeless challenge that I am doing with a bit of a twist. There will likely be some rules I won't follow but for the m
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