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  1. This is simple and achieves a goal, I dig it. Would be nice if you could hook her up with jensen or mikail to cuck nazeem further. Of course that goes down the rabbit hole of making a mod to cuck multiple skyrim couples.
  2. The two likely culprits that pop up are the windows kernel itself and skyrim. As above I would verify game files but I would also launch command prompt as admin and run sfc /scannow just to make sure windows system file corruption isn't the issue. That's about the best I can do with the time that I have to look at this.
  3. For some reason this mod has stopped working. The version reads out as 0, it can't hook into SL aroused, and the option for NPCs to use collared slaves for comfort is greyed out. Any idea what might be going on here?
  4. Any idea what addon disables the ability to use slaves for random NPC comfort? Thought just zaz was needed for the zbfslavefaction?
  5. Yeah I'm using 2023 but I did also have the independent prostitutes expansion hooked in. I'll nuke that and purge the related files to see if that works. Regarding 2 and 3 it should be totally optional. The idea behind them is for you to not be the only pimp/hooker in skyrim and that there's some competition in the mix. Plus it just means the wenches actually do wench things.
  6. Hey there again, sorry for being quiet but I the most recent version is so rock solid that I haven't had much to say about it. However I am curious where you're storing the toggle information for the require orgasm option in the MCM menu? I want to modify it for my own private version of the mod so that actors are never excluded until their arousal drops below a certain amount. Just personal preference on the interpretation of the mod and allows those with high time rates in slax to act like the sex-crazed monsters they've become.
  7. Nice mod going here, Couple questions/issues though. 1. The percentage based sliders don't seem to work and are stuck at 0%, am I missing a step in the installation process? 2. Would love it if there was an option for a notification message in the upper left like "A hooker is approaching a client" or "A hooker just started dancing" so that it's easier to know when something is happening while zooming around if freecam mode 3. What do you think of adding in an option to have some npcs as independent prostitutes like the one mod for the original tdf does. Cept do it by clothing or a spell instead of the faction list that used. Would be nice since radiant prostitution did that well and it allowed all barmaids/tavern wenches to perform as such.
  8. Luckily it managed to resurrect the dead. Looks like skyrim itself is the issue so I would use steam to verify integrity of the game files. If you're admin you can also use this to add a registry edit that adds the ability to fix ownership issues in the right click menu. Can always try running that on the skyrim folder itself to see if it fixes any weird permissions. Takes quite awhile to complete though. That being said I rarely log in now so unlikely to help you further here. Take Ownership Menu Hacks.7z
  9. Makes sense, I haven't touched Geck/Creation kit since the oblivion days so I'm just always amazed how expanded the capabilities have become.
  10. Holy hell thanks for doing me some knowledge. Didn't realize how complicated the modding mechanics are nowadays.
  11. Guess I'm just confused as to what the problem was. Thought it was conflict with the mod itself since I noticed using OMOD to add the items does indeed strip the keywords. Since someone else was having the same problem I wanted to see if they had a workaround or found an alternative way to do what that mod did that didn't strip the keywords.
  12. I figured someone smarter than me had made a robco patcher script to inject those packs into leveled lists like the mod does so they have the tags applied properly. That or someone particularly insane actually made a mod that just adds them to leveled lists.
  13. Apologies I'm old and the brain glitches out sometime. I thought that was the end of the thread mentioning this mod wasn't working due to it being an OMOD. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/67483?tab=description Was wondering if there was a leveled list to substitute for it or not.
  14. Out of curiosity has anyone created a manual fix for this besides not using the mods? Right now if I see something I like I just console it in but would really like a traditional leveled list to mitigate the hassle.
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