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  1. Fair enough. Either way, she's stunning.?
  2. Does that character preset come with the dress? She's gorgeous.?
  3. You are a God for converting AoM. Bravo.
  4. What was this? It's not there anymore. It was a bikini version of all vanilla clothing. Very much skin, very less clothing Does anyone still have it? I might take a shot converting it to UUNP. Ok...So here are the files. Yoou may or may not need the Bodyslide files, but they're here too. https://mega.nz/#F!P4ggFSxI!PY4VZ-uOiZY5I6tH1t4xHQ(remodel) https://mega.nz/#F!WtYwXQTb!5PTR3GOC0oME15JO1NNKTA(standalone) Again, thanks for taking a vrack at this Delakh. Edit: The standalone does work for the UUNP body, but the remodel forces the authors UNPB on npcs. You can morph the npcs in Racemenu but if you remove the remodled gear from an npc, they will also have the author's preset instead of yours. After looking through the files, it looks like LouisWolf already did all the hard work. He just didn't add the pieces to a slider group so you could use the presets. I'll attach the SliderGroup file on this post. Just add it into CalienteTools>BodySlide>SliderGroups and you should be golden. P.S.: This only works for the standalone version. I did notice a little bit of clipping on BodySlide's preview window. If it's too noticeable, let me know and I can see about fixing it. LouisWolf Tropical Clothing Remodel.xml
  5. What was this? It's not there anymore. It was a bikini version of all vanilla clothing. Very much skin, very less clothing Does anyone still have it? I might take a shot converting it to UUNP.
  6. I don't usually make requests for UUNP conversions, but this is too good to pass up: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64584/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D64584&pUp=1 That with a working weight slider would be GLORIOUS.
  7. Hello. Can anyone point me to a resource that explains how to use these body slide files? That would be much appreciated. Thanks. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/38362-project-unified-unp/page-91?do=findComment&comment=1447154
  8. I keep having to delete mods to make room for all Diablio's conversions.
  9. Awesome conversions! What exactly is this Zap, though? It allows you to remove certain pieces of the armor in Bodyslide -- like removing the cloth around the breast area if you like skin, or in this case, removing the fingers from the gloves to get bare hands instead of finger cushions.
  10. Just looked at the files.... Holy shit. This will be tedious conversion. It's not the worst chapi/dadag set out there, but it will take some effort. When I saw that, I knew I wouldn't have time to convert it, at the moment. I did convert one of the tops, though; it's not too crazy. Most of the tops are one size, though. I figured there might be someone on here who would be able to give it slider support. There are a lot of modders here who are more talented at this than I am. I'll give it a shot if no one else does it, though.
  11. If anyone has the chance, this outfit set would be sweet for conversion. http://mitakusaner.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1211.html I was actually in the process of converting it for my game until I got sidetracked with some RL issues. If I'm lucky I might be able to convert it to UUNP-UNPB (which is the body I use), but I won't have time to make sure all the sliders work with other bodies. If nobody wants to try converting it, I'll see what I can do when the RL issues are sorted out -- but I have no idea when that will be. I figured I would just put it out there in case some of the more talented modders here want to take a crack at it first.
  12. This armor is like the end-all for my non-lore friendly "lost in time" character. Fantastic work.
  13. It is a body (the Unified UNP Body = UUNP). It's designed to work with Bodyslide: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/? The biggest difference between UUNP and your current UNPB body is that UUNP is weighted, beautifully, for HDT (belly, butt jiggles and breast movement). Plus it has way more vertices (which just means it looks way better). Hey buddy, I still have a question: do I need to install an UNP body BEFORE; or do I just need BodySlide, XPMSE and textures? Thanks Bodyslide generates the nifs -- the only thing needed is the skeleton, hdt (if you want breast, butt and belly jiggles) and UNP/CBBE compatible textures (depending on the body you choose).
  14. It is a body (the Unified UNP Body = UUNP). It's designed to work with Bodyslide: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015/? The biggest difference between UUNP and your current UNPB body is that UUNP is weighted, beautifully, for HDT (belly, butt jiggles and breast movement). Plus it has way more vertices (which just means it looks way better). Instructions 1. You download Bodyslide 2 and Outfit Studio, open up the Bodyslide program (wherever your game folder is located, go to: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim>Data>CalienteTools>Bodyslide and double click the Bodyslide application). 2. At the top of the Bodyslide program you'll see a bunch of drop down menus and below that "Low Weight" on the left side and "High Weight" on the right side. 3. Download a UUNP converted armor. There are many on this thread. 4. Install the UUNP converted armor with whatever mod manager you use. 5. If you still have Bodyslide open, close it and reopen it so the new installed UUNP files register. 6. Once Bodyslide is reopened, click on the drop down menu next to "Outfit/Body". 7. Find the name of the armor conversion you just installed and click on it. 8. Click on the drop down menu next to "Preset." 9. Find the body type you love to use most -- in your case "UUNP - UNPB." 10. At the bottom of the Bodyslide program you'll see a big button that says "Build." 11. Click on that and you have a UUNP-UNPB version of your new armor set. 12. If the armor you downloaded has multiple pieces, repeat steps 6-11 until you've converted every piece of your new armor. Semi-advanced instructions (but not really) Sometimes you'll download an armor with so many individual pieces converting them one at a time is insanity. For instance, if you download http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72344/? it comes with almost 30 individual pieces. In the event there are too many pieces to do it one-at-a-time, use these instructions in conjunction with the above instructions. 1. Once you've done everything from step 1-6 up above, at the bottom left of the Bodyslide program you'll see a button that says "Batch Build." 2. Click on "Batch Build" and you'll see any UUNP armor pieces you've downloaded with check marks next to them. 3. Right click and highlight "Select None." Click it. 4. The check marks are now gone. Find the armor pieces you want to convert. 5. Check the boxes next to every piece you're wanting to convert. 6. Once you've check marked all the pieces you want to convert, click "Build" on the Batch Build menu. 7. Bodyslide will now convert all the pieces to whichever UUNP body you selected (in this case, UUNP-UNPB). 8. Do a Mexican hat dance, or something. Notes If you have the latest RaceMenu installed, at any time during this you can tick the "RaceMenu Morphs" box at the bottom left of Bodyslide. This will allow you to manipulate the shape of your armor in-game in case you want to mix and match bodies. P.S. - If you want to replace your old UNPB body (or any UNP derivative) with a UUNP body, follow these steps. WITH hdt 1. Open Bodyslide. 2. Click the drop down menu next to "Outfit/Body." 3. Scroll down to "Unified UNP HDT" and select it. 4. Click the drop down menu next to "Presets" and find the body of your choice (in this case, UUNP - UNPB). 5. Click on the big "Build" button at the bottom of Bodyslide. 6. Boom -- new UUNP - UNPB body with breast, butt and belly physics. (You can also repeat steps 1-5 with Unified UNP Hands & Feet if you want -- they were made to work with the UUNP body), WITHOUT hdt 1. Open Bodyslide. 2. Click the drop down menu next to "Outfit/Body." 3. Scroll down to "Unified UNP" and select it. 4. Click the drop down menu next to "Presets" and find the body of your choice (in this case, UUNP - UNPB). 5. Click on the big "Build" button at the bottom of Bodyslide. 6. Boom -- new UUNP - UNPB body without breast, butt and belly physics. (You can also repeat steps 1-5 with Unified UNP Hands & Feet if you want -- they were made to work with the UUNP body),
  15. The Dancer Girl is easily my new favorite female outfit. Awesome conversion.
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