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  • Half-Baked Idea Specialist
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  1. Is this the one you were looking for? https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/197
  2. Well my game with your mod loads more than it crashes, and is almost constantly stable when loaded for the first time so I'd say you did a hell of a job in the face of a frustrating issue. Thanks for your efforts, I for one appreciate the work all the more knowing what you had to deal with.
  3. Are you using the right Playable Ashley Graham as well as nekomodo's add-on? Looks like that's loading Leon's skeleton. If you're using these mods installed in this order - 1) Playable Ashley Graham (nexus, I use v1.5) 2) nekomodo PAG add-on (here) 3) your chosen outfit mod - then all you can try is using the Ashley animations add-on (shouldn't be necessary) or try the 'uninstall all mods/re-read archives/ reinstall mods' process on Fluffy.
  4. The Milk Maid mod is on the Russian site still, but the nude is kinda lazy and borked - the author/editor just removed the bikini top leaving dents in the breasts. alternatively there's still The Red Leather Bikini mod on the Nexus, with an addon pack that includes a 'larger' kinda nude
  5. I can report I've reproduced this bug myself, using nekomodo's PAG addon (jacket) after using the cannon to kill the gigante. Wow, weird AF thing to happen. On a brighter note @nekomodo I'm experiencing very few load crashes. One question though- does the PAG mod or your addon load vanilla Ashley head files? The Aerosmith mod is VERY bright in some lighting, like there's a fullbright setting on it (though visually it seems more like subsurface scattering turned up to 11) and the head mesh seems differently lit when using your mod to play as the Aerosmith Ashley.
  6. Haha at least I know I'm not alone as I wrestle with saturation and brightness sliders til my eyes bleed!
  7. Its on the Nexus, 'Ada Red Leather Bikini Addons Pack' https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/537
  8. That's awesome. I liked the unexpected transformation enough, but the scope issue finished me 😆
  9. @nekomodomade a plugin that makes it possible to choose which Ashley outfit replaces Leon's villain costume. It's posted 2 pages back. Or find it here:
  10. The Laketko versions are better in some ways (if you're running at higher resolutions the textures are a huge improvement, and some fit vanilla accessories better without edits) but often worse for skin tone matching. Later ones have better eye specular layers, but it can be a lottery as to which skin to use. For some of his stuff I used to first load one of the faces from this thread and then apply Pavel's preset which resulted in the Pavel head attached to the pale neck parts from these mods. Paired with the Maya skin I could get something that was not perfect but better than a vanilla skintone match. Currently I use Pavel's Ayane with Pavel's Kasumi DOA6 texture (yes, they fit with no issue) and a vanilla skin as the Kasumi tone is dark enough to get a match, although I did edit the skin a little for brightness and saturation. I probably spend too much time messing with this stuff.
  11. Agreed, we could do with an Aerosmith Ada now and coupled with the Playable Ada/Ashley plugins from our friends Emiya_Kiristugu and Nekomodo here we'd have a pretty much definitive edition of this classic game 😆
  12. Aerosmith version of Ashley nude arrived: https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/562
  13. So far as I remember you can use either Unique Player and Companions or the straight up simpler Unique Player. You could also use the Maya Companion and Race mod skin, which is colour matchable and applies as an overlay, but that's trickier to do.
  14. Big thanks again @Emiya_Kiristuguand @nekomodo your work is very much appreciated.
  15. New addon pack (including nude, huge milkers etc) for the Ada Bikini mod just went up on the Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/537
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