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"What mod is this?" Thread

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please tell me do anyone still keep the armor in this thread? Can you reupload it?


the armor made by Xelus is good and all but I refer the one brewmasterhal provide with no sleeve. Now the link is gone.

Thanks in advance.


The file below has the original suit and a modified version, re uploaded it for you.



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Very good. In case people don't read about the 'MS2' location in that old thread, they are found in an Ayleid container in the IC Market District.

Whoever made that mod foolishly forgot to include these location shots:








Unfortunately YangYang's 'Sexy Nurse' isn't part of the AIR compilation. I was unable to find Adrenaline's link, but it might have been removed anyway thanks to Mediafire's crusade to purge uploaded archives with 'Sexy' in their file name, so here is a new and less suspicious link:


http://www.mediafire.com/?849yv6b3cnsd860 - it has one additional colour variant besides the basic versions, but not YangYang's never shared colour range.

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This pic looks interesting.


It reminds me of the poses that can be found in (ThatOne)'s zombie/goblin animations thread, however the picture suggests that there is animation to it and scripting. Almost like lovers. Does anyone know what this is?



That doesn't look like any font I have ever seen in oblivion.  Not completely writing this off but it appears to me to be a pose with someone popping so text up.  Maybe I am wrong......

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