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Beautiful women and how to make them


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I'd really like to know what textures or ENB was used.

Mature skin and K enb


Do your chacters vergil require RaceMenu and CharGen?

I knew I forgot something, kinda stupid of me :s. Yup, It's pretty much essential in all the characters I make.


Just want to give a big shout out to Thedarksalyer for creating this character for me










I really REALY appreciate it!

Glad it worked for you since a friend of mine reported that it caused him to CTD.

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just ask what did u guys think the most beautiful face texture mod  for skyrim ? beside Fair skin, and SG female texture renewal


It depends on the style you prefer.



Bella, but only if you like Glamazons, the makeup isn't everybody's style, really: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2812/?


Pretty Face for the ones who like childlike and flawless, but somewhat cartoonish faces: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/7887/?


I myself use the CBBE face pack. It's not bad at all, but needs some reworking by CK for my favorite followers and as I use a variant of CBBE body textures too, I don't have to care for seams.

I have to admit, I don't know a mod that delivers a face pack that comes even close to the SG or Mature Skin (there is a smooth variant available too) faces, when it comes to the combination of beauty and realism.

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Varania DovahKiir / Redguard / Nightblade Assassin / Lotta Booty

So i've made some changes to my character, i gave her a haircut, and added a little bit of this and that.

Facial Piercings x2

Equipable Tongues by Nxez

Aykenna Body
Female Muscle Texture CBEEv3
Aureolean - BAM Edition
THGY Tattered Souls Layered Tatoos
SOS - Schlongs Of Skyrim Futa UNPB
SG Hair
Brows - Normal Resolution
Dragonfly's TBBP w/ butt bounce
Belle's Better Females
Sporty Sexy Sweat






































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Hi everybody this is my first character. I think she is coming along - long ways to go compared to some of the ENB enhanced characters on here but Im rather new to this.


Here she is before getting preggers






And here she is post impregnation




I'm using:


the eyes of beauty


Dimonized UNP




Sweaty Body UNP


b3lisario UNP pregnant body mod


Mature Skin texture UNP



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Here is my old Darkelf (DorkElf hee hee).


Using Racemenu, and chargen extension, and that massive SG hair pack I found, as well as my Eyes for elves mod along with SG renewal textures.







Now these were taken a while ago, she looks a lot different now, I will post a current pic of her soon for you.









chargen extension = http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36925/

racemenu = http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29624

eyes for elves = http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36885

sg renewal = http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35267

And the hair pack... I have not seen it since.



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I hope you guys dont mind if i ask this here but does anyone got a save for a dark elf similar to this one here?






Yeah its from Beautiful Followers, and the package does have the facegen files but i have no idea how could i use that to create a toon. Turning on the "is preset" in toolkit didnt work obviously. Any help would be appreciated in this matter :D


Oh and here is my char using the save The DarkSlayer posted. (Big thanks for that by the way :P ) Didnt really change anything beside the hair and eyes. The textures is RealGirls (the large one) with Sporty Blessed UNPB Athletic + Sporty Sexy Sweat UNP.


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Remember everyone that topic its to : showing your char and posting the mods / how you do to make like that, for just posting pics without saying how you make the char / mods already have another topic just for that here : http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15224-show-your-skyrim-counterpart/page-132 , please pay attention at that, because soon or later a moderator or adm can seen that and will lock that topic because that.

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Remember everyone that topic its to : showing your char and posting the mods / how you do to make like that, for just posting pics without saying how you make the char / mods already have another topic just for that here : http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15224-show-your-skyrim-counterpart/page-132 , please pay attention at that, because soon or later a moderator or adm can seen that and will lock that topic because that.


I have the links to that information in the third spoiler.

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Remember everyone that topic its to : showing your char and posting the mods / how you do to make like that, for just posting pics without saying how you make the char / mods already have another topic just for that here : http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15224-show-your-skyrim-counterpart/page-132 , please pay attention at that, because soon or later a moderator or adm can seen that and will lock that topic because that.


I have the links to that information in the third spoiler.


Belive not saying you,but ppl keep posting just pics sometimes, and forget a moderator can get mad with that.

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Nice dude.


You can ask Mailamea for help. She pretty much made the girls of skyrim mod playable characters, don't exactly know where to find her thread though haha.


Hey vergil got any saves left? I'd like a mean looking and pretty badass female character if you don't mind HAHA



I'd be happy to send you my character except I have no idea how to do that : ( . I'm very new to this. I had Skyrim on 360 and only got it for PC like 2 weeks ago. I've been buggering around with mods and lurking in the shadows here since then but I still have a lot to learn. If you guide me through how to give you a save I'd definitely oblige though. Happy to learn!

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Hey vergil got any saves left? I'd like a mean looking and pretty badass female character if you don't mind HAHA


Save Sent :angel:


Thanks dude. I'm gonna change her scars with Gizmodian's.


I'd be happy to send you my character except I have no idea how to do that : ( . I'm very new to this. I had Skyrim on 360 and only got it for PC like 2 weeks ago. I've been buggering around with mods and lurking in the shadows here since then but I still have a lot to learn. If you guide me through how to give you a save I'd definitely oblige though. Happy to learn!




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I keep looking into modding skyrim, but everything keeps going over my head.  Has anyone ever just packaged all the mods they use together and made a torrent.  I want to make something like gwangdoll's character but I have no idea where to even start on something like that.


Could someone take me through the steps from going from vanilla skyrim to something amazing?


If asking something like this isn't kosher let me know.

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So i have been wanting to come back and replay Skyrim and make a new character now having trouble since i seem to be really serious about what my character looks like and this one caught my eye and i saw user "Dekusinpost something about this on Page 5, I see what mods he used and all but i ain't good what so ever with sliders and to match my character etc at all and was wondering if anyone could help me with a save game file and mods needed to be used for the image below.



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I want to remake the face of this follower girl from http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=144273128


The mod itself require nothing but skyrim, but the auther did offer another race mod called "TurnDownX race 4.2" (see http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19186-jackgas-stuff/), I am not sure if we can remake the face with the mod though, can't find the same eye shape in it myself.


Not sure how to do it correctly, can anyone help?

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Is it possible just "load" her face file somewhere and use it as my char face?

if so, how do I do that?


Skyrim Face Transfer

It has no mod support so you'll have to assign back the hairs, eye color etc. Aside from that, I haven't encountered any problems with it.



hmmmm... not sure if I get you right.

The mod can simply run the save data file, which is .ess file, and load the main char's appearance from them, right?

How do I use it to load the Kasumi follower file?

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That mod does not work for NPC's and followers, it appears he has mis-read your question.

My previous post still stands, I don't believe it's currently possible.


Thank you.

well it seems this request is so much more difficult than I thought at begining. :(


How about using creature kit? I didn't study it yet, but if it work, I will gona try.


and is that possible at least to know what mods auther used to create the Kasumi face?

or we will never know if the auther doesn't want to share the secrect?

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