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Billyy's SLAL Animations (2024-6-1)

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On 2/13/2021 at 3:57 PM, Billyy said:

Well it's not physics, it's hard-animated in with skeleton bones. Anything recentish I've done with anal has used it, and I'll continue to do so. However it can only go so big before kind of distorting so it can't go wide enough to be noticed for some creatures.


Old animations are a likely no, as if it's even possible to edit (old animations use skeletons that don't have anus bones) it would be a fairly large time investment for something fairly minor and not everyone uses.


Hello its Flufy :p how you doing hope you doing alright ^^ i have to say was not easy to get the 3ds max programs :v finally got they working now, wich rigs did you use and if theres any way to get them, i am driving myself into animation not just to make it in Skyrim also to make for other stuff ? if your not too busy can you send me your discord? So i can contact you more easily them coming to the forums

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Hi guys, I have a weird problem...


The falmer creature wont move in animation! He just stands and scratching his back like a dumb motherfucker

The female NPC does but not the falmer. I know this could happen if the creature animations are missing in the creature folder (e.g.,meshes\actors\falmer\animations) but in my case all the animations and txt files are present

So... any ideas?

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2 hours ago, MadMansGun said:

i installed the newest LE version and it seems to be working fine on my end...can't speak for SE because i don't use SE.


are you sure you did the basic troubleshooting first?



It was billyy old animation so called:

Billyy's SLAL Original Creature Animations 1.1              

Uninstalled it And everything's fine with falmer again

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5 hours ago, infernal171 said:

Hello does anyone know how to make the kiss animation in the billyy foreplay? with me it is always the same animations the only kisses that appear are those of the leitooo.

Pretty sure it already has the 'foreplay' tag. You might be exceeding Sexlab's animation limit, so try resetting your registry, disabling all animations, and only registering Billyy Kiss.

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7 hours ago, shunter said:

Does anyone if Billyy changed his 'Billy Kissing' animation? Because I remember it used to be different. I could be wrong and thinking of an entirely different animation but I'm pretty sure it looks different than it used to a few versions back.

Must be thinking of another animation. Maybe Leitos. I ain't dun nuffin.

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12 hours ago, shunter said:

Does anyone if Billyy changed his 'Billy Kissing' animation? Because I remember it used to be different. I could be wrong and thinking of an entirely different animation but I'm pretty sure it looks different than it used to a few versions back.


Still the same as it was when released:  Starts with a hug, then kissing, then progresses to Actor1 (female) lifting a calf and ends with holding hands and kissing.

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Hey Billyy. 

I've been a fan of your work for a very long time now but I am having a problem with your latest update.
Some of the animations seem to not work, (probably something on my side but I don't know how to fix it).
In the first phase of the animation, it looks like it will start but than both the PC/NPC and Creature just stand still and do nothing.
This only happens with some of the animations?? How can I fix this?

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Hi Billy, hope all is well with you. I was looking through the preview GIF's and I have to ask. How are you getting these animations to line up so well. Is it the work in the animation file's themselves? Or should we assume to have our characters a certain height or weight? Thanks in advance and apologies if this has been asked before.

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