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No bouncing Boobs - PLEASE Help!!


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Guys, please help! I have the latest  version of Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE installed (using NMM as with all my mods), but just CANNOT get boob jiggle on any NPC or companion, no matter what outfit I equip them with, or make them plain naked.


I used Bodyslide (complete novice with this) to create my female body, setting the Outfit / Body to CBBE Body Physics, and CBBE Curvy as the Preset. I then altered the body to my liking and used "save as" to save the settings to my own filename. I then used "Batch Build" with all the boxes ticked. In game the boidies are exactly as I selected, so that's fine...trouble is...no bouncing boobs! :-(


I also have the  "Realistic Ragdoll Force - Action" mod installed, and when i move dead bodies, I get the Boob physics...so frustrating!


Without giving a full mod list, the other mods I have installed which MAY have some bearing (I think!) are:


Better Female Walk

CBBE Pubic Hair

Lots more Settlers and Enemies


The majority of my other mods are outfits.


I thought about reinstalling CBBE, but I really don't want to start all over again creating the body!


If anyone can help I'd be SO grateful!






Hello, I've been using Bodyslide for about 3 years now and I've always used custom presets. Hopefully i can give some advice or options. First of all, to batch build a custom preset correctly it needs to look like this in BodySlide. Click "Build," then click "Batch Build." Select the oufits you want(I choose all) and build. https://gyazo.com/e50cb72f238f5dc279237ae01d9e3669If you want to reinstall CBBE and Bodyslide and save your custom preset you can find your preset in X:Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout 4/Data/Tools/BodySlide/SliderPresets . Now i have 200+ mods for Fallout 4 so i honestly edited every single armor and clothes in my Fallout 4 using Bodyslide studio so that there wasn't clipping. I use "CBBE Skimpy Armor and Clothing Replacer v2" for my vanilla armors.


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