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Captured Dreams restraints suddenly missing.


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Okay, first off...I was dumb enough to not think to take notes when I was updating stuff.

I decided to go through my mods and see if any were in need of updating, and some were. So I downloaded the new files and made sure to remove the old ones from Nexus before installing the new ones.


Loading the game once I was happy, I loaded Save 01 in the alternate start dungeon and let it just run its thing to make sure it all worked. I tried creating a hobble dress to see what it looked like and just got a big empty body. Obviously the model hadn't loaded. I redownloaded and reinstalled the Devious Devices integration, expansion and assets packs and tried again...and they worked.


Loaded my main save and found for some reason, after having just done the scene with Master where she puts cuffs, a collar and chastity items on you, only the collar is visible. In my inventory they're listed as equipped, but they don't show up. Loading a save I get the message "Some items may be missing" and I cannot think for the life of me which mod is missing. They all appear to be there.


Load order is below, maybe someone can suggest where those items would have come from, if not Captured Dreams itself. I tried reinstalling Captured Dreams but it didn't help.

Load Order 5.txt


It's all over the pages for DDI, in the last 15 pages or so of the thread, someone asking the very same thing, with the newest versions you have to generate the outfits in bodyslide now. 


Ahh, thank you very much. I hadn't taken that into account. I'm still learning all of this.


Doing the bodyslide stuff fixed the issues. Still getting that weird message about my saving featuring content which is now missing, no idea what that might be but...that's not much anyone can help with.


Thanks again =)


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