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9 hours ago, Kingfish95 said:


Regarding the animations, I believe a rimjob animation can be found within Anarcis' pack - the animation takes place on the bed between a male and female.  Lupobianco may have a toilet animation with their "Offensive Animations" pack.

I'll have to search through lupobianco's animations. I wasn't able to find anything except "humiliation" but the guy was just dunking the woman's head in the toilet instead of a full swirley girl.

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Else Van Leeuwen


Else is a prominent figure in my setting. An obscenely rich heiress, she resides in The Pinnacles with her two assistants, Helena and Louise. In her youth, she had a secret liaison with Viscount Aubrey De Vere. Out of the illicit affair, 3 daughters were born (future posts). A dominant and commanding presence in the high society of my world, her lavish parties are legendary. She's rumoured to be at the head of a secret society of debauched individuals who indulge in extreme hedonism. Else presents a facade of sophistication and respectability to the world, but this matriarch is at the centre of a web of untold luxuries, intricate power games and unspeakable perversions.







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Louise Meyer


Louise is the most recent addition to the Van Leeuwen household: she has been personally selected by Else for the impeccable manners and determined attitude. There is nothing that can stop Louise from achieving what she sets her mind to, especially when it comes to the satisfaction of her mistress. Despite not having been in the service of Else for as long as Helena, some may say Louise is Else's favourite assistant.







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Antoinette Van Leeuwen


Antoinette is Else youngest and most rebellious daughter. After years backpacking across the world, she decided to come back home, live on the edge of the forest in The Bramblewood and lead a bohemian life, painting and communing with nature, thanks also to the trust fund set up by her father, Viscount De Vere. Antoinette's troubled relationship with her mother could not deter her, however, from becoming a mother herself: she gave birth to two daughters, Paola and Carla. Antoinette lives quite a secluded life, with few, mostly female, regular visitors, seldom wandering out of her cottage nor going beyond her beloved woods and meadows. Needless to say, the good residents of Henford-on-Bagley view her unconventional lifestyle with suspicion. Rumor has it, that, behind a facade of artistic eccentricity, Antoinette involves herself and her visitors in secretive rituals in the depth of the ancient forest.







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Clara McCray


Carla is the second daughter of Else Van Leeuwen and Viscount De Vere. A star child, growing up she completely adored her mother, and some say she resembles Else the most, at least in character. A strong, independent woman, after graduating magna cum laude in Law, she was ranked "Star Individual" and worked with some of the best law firms in the country, ultimately reaching the position of partner in Old Court Group. Married to banker Barrett, they have a daughter, Diana, and live in the leafy streets of Pendula View. Indiscretions suggest that Clara and Barrett's relationship is just a marriage of convenience, as Clara is becoming more and more indiscreet about some of her more salacious inclinations. She is indeed Else's daughter!








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Nancy Landgraab releasing some tension in her sex dungeon.




Nancy's secret had nothing to do with her criminal career and everything to do with the fact that she runs a stable full of Dolls. One she intends to hand over to Malcolm when she retires. Geoffrey doesn't say anything because she lets him help train her dolls.

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On 1/19/2022 at 11:30 PM, Kingfish95 said:


Regarding the animations, I believe a rimjob animation can be found within Anarcis' pack - the animation takes place on the bed between a male and female.  Lupobianco may have a toilet animation with their "Offensive Animations" pack.

Holy shit, I found the animations. That's not a swirly girl at all, he fucking punched her and fucks her while she's hanging limp off the bowl. I know some people are going to flame me for kink shaming or whatever, but I wasn't expecting the fucking hard knuckles to the jaw. (Rape is traumatizing for me, humiliation isn't. Idk what to tell you.) Scary shit.

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For more of my sims, characters and stories, please follow "The Society" thread.



Andrea Blair


The eldest daughter of Else, Andrea is the more demure of the three Van Leeuwen sisters. Not a go-getter careerist like her sister Clara, nor a bohemian artist like Antoinette, Andrea elected from a young age to strive for a quiet, suburban life, out of the limelight. A woman with a kind, generous, empathic attitude, she met future husband Roger while both were attending university. A well respected GP, she spends most of her days at the clinic, caring for her patients. Her long working hours, combined with Roger's increasing aloofness, are driving the couple apart and Andrea, despite having rejected the Van Leeuwen ways for all her life, is toying more and more with the idea of actually being at the centre of attention. Especially of younger men.







Christine Blair


Christine is a beautiful girl, and she knows it. Perhaps as an act of rebellion against her quite conservative parents, she flaunts her looks, craving the attention of men and women alike. An average student, she's more interested in fashion than academic subjects, spending most of her time browsing style blogs. Unbeknown to Christine, her nearly insatiable desire for intimate companions is having an effect on her mother, Andrea, making her reconsider her so far unwavering faithfulness to Roger. Is this a case of like daughter, like mother... like grandmother?




Edited by FranziskusFelix
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 Diana McCray


Diana is Clara and Barrett's only daughter. A model student, she's one the brightest minds of Magdalen Academy. With a great mind, however, comes naturally a certain weakness of character, it seems. Diana, well conscious of her lineage, can be quite a snob, seldom recognising her friends as peers. She considers them more like minions to be used for her licit or illicit purposes. Which, as she grows older, seems to focus more and more on personal gratification of a sexual nature.





Edited by FranziskusFelix
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