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[REQz]*2: No Aphrodisia rise during sex and/or LPK:E Aphrodise drop after end.


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This is a two fold request concerning two different mods.



So i'm playing my horny daedra seducer character. I have the Aphrodisa settings up rather high to reflect her constant need for sex. So I find Midas and have sex with him. Two things I notice that bug me:


1. The Aphrodisia meter continues to rise during sex, forcing you to end the sex quickly (which IMO defeats the whole point of this mod: to be made to punish the player for not having fufilling sex.) in order to empty it again.


(note for the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to base this request on mode 1. Though I'm sure the changes could also be applied to mode 2)


2. When you have successful sex in lovers PK extended (your SP outlasts your parners) The APhrodisia counter doesn't drain if you go another round. And as before, continues to rise. This forces you to either have very bad sex, only do one round and ignore any XP bonuses, or ignore your aphrodisia levels. All 3 of these options are simply unacceptable.


So I had two things I'd like to request:


Lovers Aphrodisa: No Aphrodisa gain during sex) Basically stops the Aphrodisia level from rising during sex, so you can enjoy that sex without it rising through the roof, thus defeating the whole purpose of having the sex.


Lovers /W PK Extended: Aphrodisa drains as normal after successful sex A little addon to the finisher script for users of lovers aphrodisia that drains it as normal after you finish a round, even if you continue the next round.



I've just now had a 3rd idea that should cover both of these


Lovers Aphrodisa drains very slowly DURING sex, rather than very suddenly AFTER sex


Think about it: If your fufilling your Aphrodisa DURING sex instead of just AFTER it, not only are you solving the lovers with pk problem, but your also encouraging players to have longer, fufilling sex instead of just a rapid series of quick "Slam-Bam-Thank-You-Mam" moments.[/b]



If anyone could point me to the scripts necessary to make any of these changes (especially the third) I would be grateful.



Edit: Well I managed to get one inconvenience out of the way: Aphrodisia level no longer rises while in the act of sex.


Although I'd much rather turn it into the "Drain over time" thing as I mentioned, as opposed to the "just suddenly drain after sex."

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Okay, I've gotten it down to this. I think I've gotten the code down, but I'm having trouble with the math. I've highlighted the important parts in color.


Currently: It does work to a degree, but during sex it still increases (but much slower) instead of decreasing like it should.


scn xLoversAphrodisiaMain


short inSex

short finished

short playSelf

float aphrodisiaVariation

short lastUpdateDay

short disDay

float lastUpdateTime

float disTime

float timer


int modStr

int modInt

int modWil

int modAgi

int modSpd

int modEnd

int modPer

int modLuk


float atrRate


begin gamemode


set aphrodisiaVariation to 0

if xLoversAphrodisia.initMainScript == 0

set xLoversAphrodisia.initMainScript to 1

set finished to 0

set aphrodisiaVariation to 0.1

set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv to 0

set lastUpdateDay to GameDaysPassed

set lastUpdateTime to GameHour



if xLoversAphrodisia.mainScriptIsRun == 0




if timer > 0

set timer to (timer - GetSecondsPassed)



set timer to 0.26




set inSex to (player.GetItemCount xLoversPkrIdentifier >= 1.0)

if player.GetItemCount xLoversPkrFlagTFC >= 4

set playSelf to 1


set playSelf to 0


if inSex && finished == 0 && (player.GetItemCount xLoversStageM >= 5)

set finished to 1




;set inSex to (player.GetItemCount xLoversPkrIdentifier >= 1.0)

set disDay to (GameDaysPassed - lastUpdateDay)

set disTime to (GameHour - lastUpdateTime + disDay * 24.0)

if disTime >= xLoversAphrodisia.updateTime || xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv < 0

if insex == 0

set aphrodisiaVariation to disTime * xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaVariation

elseif playself

set aphrodisiaVariation to ( aphrodisiaVariation - ( ( xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaVariationAfterMasturbation * 0.1 ) * Distime ) )


set aphrodisiaVariation to ( aphrodisiaVariation - ( ( xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaVariationAfterSex * 0.1 ) * Distime ) )





if inSex == 0 && finished

set finished to 0

if playSelf

;;printC "Aphrodisia : Masturbation"

set aphrodisiaVariation to ( xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaVariationAfterMasturbation * 0.25 )


;;printC "Aphrodisia : Sex"

set aphrodisiaVariation to ( xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaVariationAfterSex * 0.25 )





if aphrodisiaVariation == 0





set lastUpdateDay to GameDaysPassed

set lastUpdateTime to GameHour

set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv to xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv + aphrodisiaVariation

if xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv < 0

set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv to 0

elseif xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv > 100.0

set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv to 100.0



if xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv < 0

set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv to 0

elseif xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv < 20

if xLoversAphrodisia.printMessage

message "Sexual desire: non-existent."


set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv to 1

elseif xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv < 40

if xLoversAphrodisia.printMessage

message "Sexual desire: not particularly horny."


set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv to 2

elseif xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv < 60

if xLoversAphrodisia.printMessage

message "Sexual desire: I've been a little horny for a while?"


set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv to 3

elseif xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv < 80

if xLoversAphrodisia.printMessage

message "Sexual desire: strong sexual urge!"


set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv to 4

elseif xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv < 100

if xLoversAphrodisia.printMessage

message "Sexual desire: I'm at my limit!!"


set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv to 5

elseif xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaLv >= 100

if xLoversAphrodisia.printMessage

message "Sexual desire: anyone will do, I'm about to explode!!"


set xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv to 6



set modStr to -xLoversAphrodisia.modStr

set modInt to -xLoversAphrodisia.modInt

set modWil to -xLoversAphrodisia.modWil

set modAgi to -xLoversAphrodisia.modAgi

set modSpd to -xLoversAphrodisia.modSpd

set modEnd to -xLoversAphrodisia.modEnd

set modPer to -xLoversAphrodisia.modPer

set modLuk to -xLoversAphrodisia.modLuk


player.modav Strength modStr

player.modav Intelligence modInt

player.modav Willpower modWil

player.modav Agility modAgi

player.modav Speed modSpd

player.modav Endurance modEnd

player.modav Personality modPer

player.modav Luck modLuk


set modStr to xLoversAphrodisia.modStrBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modStrMult

set modInt to xLoversAphrodisia.modIntBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modIntMult

set modWil to xLoversAphrodisia.modWilBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modWilMult

set modAgi to xLoversAphrodisia.modAgiBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modAgiMult

set modSpd to xLoversAphrodisia.modSpdBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modSpdMult

set modEnd to xLoversAphrodisia.modEndBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modEndMult

set modPer to xLoversAphrodisia.modPerBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modPerMult

set modLuk to xLoversAphrodisia.modLukBase + xLoversAphrodisia.aphrodisiaStateLv * xLoversAphrodisia.modLukMult


player.modav Strength modStr

player.modav Intelligence modInt

player.modav Willpower modWil

player.modav Agility modAgi

player.modav Speed modSpd

player.modav Endurance modEnd

player.modav Personality modPer

player.modav Luck modLuk


set xLoversAphrodisia.modStr to modStr

set xLoversAphrodisia.modInt to modInt

set xLoversAphrodisia.modWil to modWil

set xLoversAphrodisia.modAgi to modAgi

set xLoversAphrodisia.modSpd to modSpd

set xLoversAphrodisia.modEnd to modEnd

set xLoversAphrodisia.modPer to modPer

set xLoversAphrodisia.modLuk to modLuk


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