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Centaur in the works, fully functional (update 04.05.2017 - nexus link pg 1)


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So,when will be the new tseasci mod will be released and if you have time then can you search xcom viper for as a reference to your tseasci mod and i know how to port a source file in blender,remember i was talking about a wraith model in nexus?

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I don't know what a xcom viper looks like.  And I was never able to look at the wraith model.  Not sure when the new tsaesci stuff will be out.  I've got a lot of animations still to make, plus all the other work I do.  I have a terrible habbit of jumping around on projects, of doing several projects at once.  For example, I am currently working on fixing the humpback custom havok project, working on the centaurs, figuring out what's up with the gorgon/tsaesci tail HDT, rigging a sea turtle model that I actually modeled myself, and several others.  I like to stay busy.

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Okay, this is possibly some great news.  I fixed the behavior issues and the centaurs are now playing all the vanilla animations as well as the one test animation I made.  Next step is to start on making animations.  Many of which shouldn't be too hard, since I have the technique to merge the horse animations with the human.  But there are several others that will be a problem.  And I'm not a ver good animator. So, wish me luck. Oh, there is a couple pics of the centaur over on the nexus, my team's leader posted them. They're just shots of the centaur in the CK.

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It's something I pride myself on, that my playable races are designed so the player can use whatever body type they like.

It's amazing feeling when your creation comes to live and you can share it with other people. ;)

At this moment I'm remodeling my dragon a bit, I had no idea I was so sloppy regarding the shape of some polygons or weridly placed vertex which would have caused a nightmere during animating. One day I want to share this dragon in the mod. ;P

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I'm considering posting the alpha mod.  I've got to talk to my team to see what they say.  Spike is understandably reluctant to post it before it is at least in the beta stages.

I'm curious what your team has done so far. It doesn't have to be a mod, video preview will be good enough ^^


Are you asking what our team has done so far for the centaurs or what mods we've worked on.  For the centaur, I've created a custom bone skeleton(both the NIF and HKX) I've created a custom Havok project, and I've made about 4 animations. Most of which has already been stated through each of my update posts on this thread. Now, for my team, we are the authors of Beasts of Tamriel, Sea of Spirits, Witches' Festival, The Gorgon Race, The Tsaesci Race and others I'm having trouble recalling at the moment.

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While I will be still working on animations, we are hoping to draw in at least one more to help lessen my load.  The reason for this is, A) an entire race's animations is a bit much for one person. B ) my skills as an animator are pretty basic. C) I'm needed for a lot of other things in the projects, for example, rigging, meshing, skeleton work, and making custom Havok projects.  Oh, and so far, my testers say the centaurs are working.  They play all the vanilla animations I assigned to them and the custom ones I made.  So, we are really getting close.  Unfortunately, two issues are still in the way.  The biggest being the animations.  The second is if you kill a centaur the game CTD's.  I've been told it is because the horse half doesn't have ragdoll.  So, I'm working on learning that too. Just so many things for one guy to learn!

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