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Crash right after leaving LAL cell


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Hi all,


I started a new game, wanted to try some mods I haven't played before. After a lot of preparation (checking for new versions/dependencies, adding 3-4 mods at a time, loading into the cell, check if the game is still stable, etc) I was ready to leave the cell. Did my bashed patch, FNIS, then clicked on the statue.


Except every time I sleep in the LAL bed, the game loads, then immediately crashes. It doesn't matter if I choose a vanilla or a Content Consumer Alternate start, the game just crashes. Sometimes I can see the area for a second, sometimes even the autosave happens, but it crashes consistently.



Load order:



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Devious Devices - Assets.esm
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Devious Devices - Integration.esm
Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
notice board.esp
Cutting Room Floor.esp
Devious Devices - Equip.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
Tera Armor Level List.esp
xazPrisonOverhaul - Patch.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
Trapped in Rubber.esp
Devious Rubber Masks.esp
My Little Devious Ponies.esp
N_43 Hair Pack.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - High.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SOS - B3lisario UNP Addon.esp
SOS - Carloss32 Horse Addon.esp
SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
SOS - ERF Horse Penis Addon.esp
SOS - Carloss32 Canine Addon.esp
SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
SL Deadly Drain.esp
AzarHairPonyTail 03 - Havok.esp
numenume Hair.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
BDIC SkyTEST Patch.esp
Captured Dreams.esp
Shout Like a Virgin.esp
Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp
Bijin Wives.esp
Black Jacket.esp
CD - Female Embassy Guards.esp
Hydra Devious Devices Patch.esp
Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp
LFox Pickpocketing Chance Caps at 100.esp
Red Vipers Racing Swimsuit.esp
Brawl Bugs CE.esp
TERA Boots n Greaves - for HDT.esp
Atlas Map Markers.esp
Devious Deviants.esp
Bijin Warmaidens.esp
TCoW Improvement.esp
Bijin NPCs.esp
Sexy Kittens - Nokou.esp
10% Fall Damage.esp
Customizable Camera.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp



Full mod list (with skse plugins, etc)



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
+Over FNIS (CapDreamFix)
+Over Bashed (CapDreamFix)
+EZ2C Dialogue Menu
+Over SKSE (Captured)
+SexLab Deadly Drain_1.6.7
+From The Deeps (redone) 2.4
+Shout Like a Virgin V2.6
+Ordinator v774
+Devious Training1.0
+SLAL NibblesAnims 3.4
+SLAL Animations by Leito v1.6
+SLAL KomAnim200616-0.2c+Apr03-Alpha2
+Crash Fixes v12
+A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads
+TERA Boots n Greaves - HDT upgrade for the base pack
+Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn
+ZaZAnimationPack v0611 Patch
+ZazAnimationPack v61
+XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended 3.87 HDT
+XP32 Hair Ponytail 14.28 version (edit 2 by Daie)
+xazPrisonOverhaul_V033 Patch 8i
+xazPrisonOverhaul V033 fix
+UIExtensions v1-2
+TZ_LockingLatexHoods v1.02
+Trapped in rubber v0.53
+The Notice Board Redefined 4K (Recommended)-70260-1-0
+The Notice Board-70142-2-2
+The Eyes Of Beauty
+The College of Winterhold - NPC Improvement
+TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim - Leveled lists
+Tera Armors - Main File with Fix
+Suspicious Gold Starter 1.4.0a
+Stable uGridsToLoad SKSE Plugin
+Brawl Bugs Patch - Plugins - Modder Resource
+SOS - Carloss32 Horse Addon 1.0
+SOS - B3lisario UNP Addon v0.9
+SOS- Carloss32 Canine Addon 1.0
+SOS Horse Penis 0.6a
+SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - 3.00.004
+SlaveTats + Totoo Packs (because I was n00b)
+SLAL FunnyBizPack MaleCreatureAnimations v23.0
+SLAL FunnyBizPack HumanAnimations v22.8.1
+SLAL FunnyBizPack GroupAnimations v21
+SLAL FunnyBiz AnimObjects1.05
+SLAL Creature Animations by Sailing Rebel v01.0
+SLAL Anub Creature 2
+BDSexFinder V1 1
+SkyUI v5.1
+Skyrim Unique Treasures V2.1
+Skyrim -Community- Uncapper
+skse 1 07 03 - Scripts only
+SkinTight Dragon UNP-Sllim
+Sexy Kittens - Nokou
+SexLabAroused V27a
+PapyrusUtil v33
+SexLabFramework v162 FULL
+SexLab Aroused Creatures v04.0 Beta 05
+Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre1
+RVs Racing Swimsuit UNP Slim
+RaceMenu v3-4-5
+Pure Waters Legendary 5.0
+Ponytail Hairstyles v3_0 Main File
+Physics_High Force - Melee and Ranged 1.9
+OneTweak - 2-0-1-3
+numenume Hair
+Main Font Replacement - Tara Type
+LoadScreensByGlev V1
+LFox Pickpocketing Chance Caps at 100 1_02
+Joy of Perspective V2 0 0-6002-v2-0-0beta
+Jaxonz Renamer-57335-2-21
+Jaxonz Positioner-2-92
+Jaxonz MCM Kicker-57795-1-0
+Improved Combat Sounds
+Immersive HUD - iHUD
+Hydra Devious Devices Patch
+hydra slavegirls 826
+HDT Physics Extensions-53996-14-28
+HDT HighHeels System
+Hair Pack
+Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice
+FNIS Spells V5 0 1 -- ADD-ON for the spells
+FNIS Creature Pack 6_1
+FNIS Behavior V6_3
+Face Light
+Extensible Follower Framework v4-0-2
+Dimozized Face 2
+DIM 1.51 Dimonized female body shaven skin
+Deviously Helpless 1.17a
+Devious Rubber Masks and Ponies105
+Devious Devices Expansion - 1.2.3 - UNP
+Devious Devices Assets 2.92 - UNP Skinny
+Devious Devices - Equip 236
+Devious Captures 2.8
+SL Defeat v5.3.5
+DD For the Masses_3 v1.02 Full
+Cutting Room Floor - Legendary Edition-47327-2-0-2
+Customizable Camera 1_82
+Sexlab College Days Winterhold Musetrigger 5.5
+Bow - Running forward v1-2b female-exclusive - FNIS
+Bodyslide UUNP Skinny body (Wildling)
+BodySlide and Outfit Studio - v3.7.5
+Black Jacket UNP Slim
+Bijin Wives UNP-63473-1-0
+Bijin Warmaidens v3.1-40038-3-1
+Bijin NPCs
+Big Sexy Cats 1 0
+Summon Big Cats Mounts and Followers 3.0.1BIS No Followers
+Better Thieves-46972-1-2
+Better Jumping 1.3
+Bad Dogs SkyTEST Compatibility Patch
+SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators 1_38
+Bad Dog Immersive Creatures V1-10
+Skyrim Immersive Creatures v6 5 2a NMM BAIN
+MoreNastyCritters9 3 fomod
+ApachiiSkyHair v 1 6 Full
+AngrimApprentice v2 11
+SexLab Alternate Starts v13
+Alternate Start - Live Another Life-9557-3-1-5a
+AddItemMenu 2.5
+Acquisitive Soul Gems
+A Forsworn Story 1.83
+10 percent falling damage
+Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch-71214-3-0-6
*Unmanaged: Dragonborn
*Unmanaged: HearthFires
*Unmanaged: Dawnguard




These are the new or upgraded mods in the list (mostly the story mods) Most of the other mods I regularly use without problem.:


Forsworn Story

From the Deeps

Shout Like a Virgin

Angrim's Apprentice

Captured Dreams

College of Winterhold Sexlab version

Trapped in Rubber

Submissive Lola

Devious Training

Notice Board


Content Consumer's Alternate Starts



I tried to disable some of these but no luck so far. I'm a bit tired now, so I might not see something obvious, so it would be nice if someone knowledgeable could check it. You might see some conflict I'm not aware of. I can also post a crashdump if necessary.





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A Forsworn Story and From the Deeps are in DEVELOPEMENT.. have a lot of problems in quest and users report a lot CTD in this mods.. go to her forum and make a simple search for CTD... a lot of messages... not use it for now... 


Exactly... i have CTD when load any savegame whit AFS active in my load order... the only way is start a new game.. i make it because i want see the mod.. and the start is good... but  can't make the second mision == CTD on leaving cell and CTD on loading savegame...


You can try with Crash Fix.. resolve a lot of CTD.. but i not recomend it.. if you need Crash Fix something is too bad in any of yours mod's...



Shout Like a Virgin is changing too fast... be warned.. i have an old version and work good.

Captured Dreams normaly work good.. but i have some problems with the new version.. old versions work good..


i not test the rest...

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A Forsworn Story and From the Deeps are in DEVELOPEMENT.. have a lot of problems in quest and users report a lot CTD in this mods.. go to her forum and make a simple search for CTD... a lot of messages... not use it for now... 


Exactly... i have CTD when load any savegame whit AFS active in my load order... the only way is start a new game.. i make it because i want see the mod.. and the start is good... but  can't make the second mision == CTD on leaving cell and CTD on loading savegame...


You can try with Crash Fix.. resolve a lot of CTD.. but i not recomend it.. if you need Crash Fix something is too bad in any of yours mod's...



Shout Like a Virgin is changing too fast... be warned.. i have an old version and work good.

Captured Dreams normaly work good.. but i have some problems with the new version.. old versions work good..


i not test the rest...


Thanks for the answer.


I tried to disable both the Forsworn and the Deeps mods, and also the Crash Fixes v12. After that I loaded into the cell, saved, exited the game then did a Save Game cleaning.


My game still crashes after sleeping in the LAL bed.


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then you have other bad mod... the only way is disable all new mod's... verify that your game work good and not give CTD... 


activate ONE new mod and verify the game.. 

DE-activate the new mod and activate other new mod and verify the game.. use only ONE new mod in each test... can have colisions...


if all new mod's work good in independent way (one and only one) is evident that you have colision or incompatibilitys... search activating 1 mod whit each one of the new... 

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then you have other bad mod... the only way is disable all new mod's... verify that your game work good and not give CTD... 


activate ONE new mod and verify the game.. 

DE-activate the new mod and activate other new mod and verify the game.. use only ONE new mod in each test... can have colisions...


if all new mod's work good in independent way (one and only one) is evident that you have colision or incompatibilitys... search activating 1 mod whit each one of the new... 


Well, in the meantime I did exactly that. Finally there was no crash. I activated the mods one after another, still no crash with all the mods running.


Then I redid the Bashed patch and the FNIS and it is crashing again.


It is now crashing without the bashed patch too. Now I redo the FNIS, but I don't expect anything from it, this setup seems cursed.

Update: As expected, didn't help.

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There is another possibility.  When using the bed, the character is redressed into whatever outfit is appropriate for the start selected.  It is a possibility the outfit chosen for the start is causing this (rare and not likely) or a skeleton issue.  Can you get naked in the cell?  Does it crash?  If so, then skeleton issue.  Even if you don't crash getting naked, the resolution may be as simple as moving the skeleton in your mod list.  Since you are using ModOrganizer, AND if that mod list posted above is the actual mod order on the left pane, then your skeleton is in the wrong place.  The skeleton should have the highest priority in the mod order (left pane) except for bashed patch, merge patch, etc.  From what I can see, the skeleton is in the middle (well, middle-top) of the mod order.  The placement of the XPMSE.esp in the load order (right pane) doesn't matter, it's the order in the left pane.  Try moving the skeleton in the left pane and try again.

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Thanks for the advices, I really appreciate that you tried to help.


None of the advices worked though. :(


Somehow I managed to start it up with just Captured Dreams (without all the new/freshly updated mods) and it seemed stable, but I saw some bugs so I kept experimenting and I could never again start it up.


Now I started a game without all the aforementioned mods (without all that I could easily start the game up). My plan is to instal the mod after the start but definitely keep a saved version before that. :)


Update: this doesn't work either. The game runs stable until I quit, then I can't load it back, crashes after 1 second i get the picture. I guess I give up with this Profile, I never had even a similar problem like this before. I'll try to build a profile from 0 again, but that will be my last attempt.

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