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[REQ] Morality guards


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Is there or would anyone capable be kind enough  to create such a mod that would "just" do this: Whenever a guard sees a sex scene, he/she interrupts it and make it stop. A dialogue line like "Not here, go somewhere else" or something like this would be nice.


Yes, I am aware there is a mod Spectator Crowds Ultra Edition (with Morality Guards) and it's predecessor, but this mod has the big problem that it assumes that the player is involved in every sex scene, so with mods like Scent of Sex, when an NPC vs NPC scene takes place, the player is accused, fined/etc.


I just think this would really improve the immersion not only (hopefully) for me - I really dislike how a couple is f*****g in the middle of street and no one cares (and now, spectators are NOT what I am interested in).



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Not sure if you tried any one these but some like TDF prostitution has this option to make sex in public a crime. Also there is cursed loot has something like morality guards 




This mod will make that an instand crime and guards will attack npc who initiate it in public. Other then these there is no mod that does what for what you are looking for.

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Thanks for the tips, I try these and see if I can make them to simulate the needed effect for me.


EDIT: No, these cannot work for me. Thanks for your help anyway.


EDIT2: Well, further testing revealed that in fact the Spectator Crowds Ultra Edition mod DOES work that way and guards interrupt the NPC-NPC sex scene, however at first the guard comes to the PC, and only then goes to those responsible for it - so I was probably too close at first and the standard dialogue started before the check took place.


It seems to me I have to start learning how to edit this a bit...

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Thanks for the tips, I try these and see if I can make them to simulate the needed effect for me.


EDIT: No, these cannot work for me. Thanks for your help anyway.


EDIT2: Well, further testing revealed that in fact the Spectator Crowds Ultra Edition mod DOES work that way and guards interrupt the NPC-NPC sex scene, however at first the guard comes to the PC, and only then goes to those responsible for it - so I was probably too close at first and the standard dialogue started before the check took place.


It seems to me I have to start learning how to edit this a bit...


Just for shits and giggles.....



Try the attached which is based on a decompiled/edited/recompiled 1.6 version of  mf_spectatorcrowdsthreadbase.pex posted @  http://www.loverslab.com/topic/35611-beta-spectator-crowds-ultra-edition-with-morality-guards/?p=1422714


It does :-

	bool bPlayerInvolved = false
	int j = 0
	while ((j < actorList.Length) && (!bPlayerInvolved))
		if (actorList[j] == akPlayer)
			bPlayerInvolved = true
		j = j + 1

in FindSpectator() and later on in the same function

if akSpectator.IsGuard() && !GuardWarn.IsRunning() && bPlayerInvolved

It will most likely blow up your game, so make appropriate backups. Also no support or anything fancy like that. In fact this message is just a figment of your imagination. (But should give you an idea of where to look).









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