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Kinky world Rape problems

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I can't tell if it's not working or if I have no animations for it. Either way every time a sim gets raped it's just the fight cloud then they leave. Every time I see the option on my sim it's grayed out. Not sure how to use this option or if I am missing something for it. 

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If you have animations loaded in Kinky World, like Lady666 or Amra72, it should work.  It also depends on who wins the fight.  If the rapist ends up getting kicked out of the fight cloud then the rapist lost and no rape should occur.  If the rape victim gets kicked out of the fight cloud then the rapist won and it should go into the animation.  As far as for your sim graying out the interaction, try disabling autonomy for Kinky World or setting the autonomy to low for Kinky World then try it again.  Do this just to make sure that it is just a thing with your sim not wanting to do it and not the game not being able to do it.

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