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Properly domesticated, the Raider slave now begrudgingly labors in Tenpines Bluff. Nora decides to spread the slave farmers amongst other settlements as supplements. News reached that some well-off farmer families would like to adopt the younger raider girls or use them as domestic servants.


"Maybe I'll enter the sex trade..." Nora thought. "After some exhibitionism would melt their inhibitions, can't see why not some comelier, hornier ones could be employed as prostitutes or sold as concubines...."



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Piper is Kinky

Callie picked up Preston from Sanctuary and was traveling with him for a time when they stopped to make camp. Callie groaned and rubs at her temples as she felt a headache that made her wish she had a stock of headache pills. It seemed the only pain reliever that had survived the Great War was Med-X, which was a bit overkill just for a headache. Still... it was tempting. The Sole Survivor eyed her drug satchel as she contemplated whether it was worth it or not. "You all right, General?" Preston asked. Callie nodded her head. "Just a bad headache. Not really a medical emergency but... annoying." The Minuteman nodded his head. "You know, I practice hypnotherapy. One session would make you forget all about that headache." He offered with a kind smile. Callie raised an eyebrow as she looked over at him. "Hypnosis? Really?" She asked skeptically. Preston nodded. "Doesn't hurt to try, does it?" Callie frowned thoughtfully and then rolled her eyes. "Fine, but if you make me act like a chicken, I'm going to shoot your dick off, soldier." She threatened. Preston smiled. "Oh, don't worry about that... General." He said. He had her focus her eyes on his and then things got a bit... hazy.




Heather and Piper came back from gathering some wood and scouting the perimeter for threats. Heather raised an eyebrow as she saw Callie on all fours quietly grunting as Preston thrusted away into her with a playful smirk on his lips. Piper, on the other hand, smiled and the gears started turning in her head.


"That's it, General. Just take it... just what you needed for that headache, a nice shot of penis-cillin." He joked as the sounds of his hips slapping into her shapely ass filled the surroundings. "Couldn't you guys have waited at least until we got back? What if there was trouble?" Heather asked, but Preston ignored her and Callie almost seemed to be in a trance... "Eh, lay off them. Nothing happened, and when the need arises, ya gotta do what you gotta do, am I right?" Piper quipped.


Preston started really going at it, hard enough that Callie couldn't hold herself upright anymore and ended up with her face in the grass. She lay there, quietly blinking as the Minuteman concentrated and soon he was grunting softly as he spent his ammunition deep inside the Minuteman General. "Mmm... damn, I needed that. It's been too long." Preston said with a sigh. He slowly pulled out of the Sole Survivor and glanced over at Heather to see she had her back turned setting up her tent and sleeping bag. Then he looked over at Piper and saw the reporter smirking at him. The Minuteman shrugged and grinned back and then wiped his dick dry in Callie's hair and turned her over so she was looking into his eyes again. "Now get your sexy ass over in that sleeping bag and sleep until morning. When you wake up, your headache will be gone. Oh, and I've got a settlement that needs your help so... I'll just go ahead and mark it in your map." He said and then leaned in closer and whispered into her ear. "You're my bitch now, General." He said and then put his uniform back on and grabbed his rifle to go take first watch. Piper watched him go and then looked back at Callie and watched her crawl on her hands and knees into her tent and get in her sleeping bag, all without a word. "Mmm... Blue sure is a sexy bitch. I'm going to have to get my fair share of her ass." The reporter said with a grin before laying down to get some shuteye.

Callie woke up in the morning and felt a bit confused. The last thing she remembered she had been complaining to Preston about a headache and then... somehow she ended up in her bedroll, naked? And... great. Dried semen. Vague memories of her and Preston going at it came to her and she frowned thoughtfully. She didn't quite remember inviting him into her bed but... she must have? Surely if something suspicious was going on her other companions would have noticed. Her headache was definitely gone though... she actually felt pretty good, all things considered. She grabbed a bottle of water and a rag and washed herself up a bit and cleaned her bedroll as best she could and reminded herself to use some abraxo on it when she got to one of their settlements. "Morning all." The Sole Survivor said as she yawned and stretched after coming out of her tent. The others greeted her and she noticed Piper smirking at her and Preston seeming to go out of his way to act nonchalant. Heather seemed a bit miffed at her though. "What's on your mind, Heather?" Callie asked. "You know, when I said I wanted to keep things casual between us, I guess I didn't realize that also meant we weren't exclusive. I mean, I get it... but a head's up would have been nice. That's all." Callie frowned thoughtfully as she tried to remember how she had ended up in bed with Preston. "Anyway, we should get going. That settlement isn't going to help itself." The Minute Man said, diverting the Sole Survivor's train of thought. "Huh? What settlement?" She asked as she looked at her pipboy and saw Oberland Station listed and a note saying it needed help. "Huh... I don't remember adding that." She murmured. They were heading that way anyway though so... may as well. Preston grinned and silently put his hat on.

After they got the settlement sorted out, Preston took a mental tally of how many settlements they had under the Minuteman umbrella now and thought it was time. "General, we've grown large enough that communications is going to start being a problem. But I have a solution. We retake the Castle. It has a radio that can broadcast to the whole Commonwealth. We would always know when someone needed us. If you're ready, I'll muster up some soldiers to meet you up there so we can retake it." Callie thought about it for a few moments. She was going to be heading in that direction later on, probably about the time that Preston might have gotten the forces necessary to help in the fight. So... sure. "Yeah, let's do this. I'll meet you up there." Preston nodded his head and took to the road. Not long after, Callie noticed her stomach was getting bigger. Oh... oh crap. That son of a bitch had knocked her up! There was nothing to be done about it now... she wouldn't even see him again until she made her way to the Castle. Callie, Heather and Piper got back on the road and some time later, they ran into a raider camp and after a quick fire fight, all but one of the raiders were dead and the last one was on her knees with her hands in the air. A surrender? Interesting. Callie looked over at Heather. She could tell the girl was still frustrated so she thought she might like the opportunity to blow off some steam. "My companion here deserves a reward." The Sole Survivor said as she grinned at the raider and waved her gun as she ordered her to strip. Heather looked like she was going to protest for a moment but once the raider got naked, she bit her lip and then smiled at Callie and pulled off her clothes and started face fucking the raider bitch.


"Well, Heather's got her entertainment for the night and we can secure this place for the night. How about we have some fun of our own?" Piper asked as she licked her lips eagerly.


Callie smiled and looked the reporter over. She had noticed what a shapely body was hiding under that coat of hers... it sounded like fun. "All right Piper, you're on. Let's see if that mouth of yours is good for anything but asking people questions." She said with a wink.

"I've got a better idea, speaking of mouths..." Piper said as she fished a gag out of her pocket and twirled it on one finger as she looked Callie over slowly from top to bottom and then back up, focusing on her lips. "I think you'll look sexy as hell wearing this. Put it on." She said, her tone flirty and suggestive.


"I... uh... all right, Piper. I guess I can do that." Callie agreed as she blushed. She was never really into bondage herself but she did enjoy domination and submission play. Typically she was the dom though but... there was something about Piper that made Callie a bit more receptive to trying the other side of the coin.


"Excellent. And... there we go. That is hot. Mmm... but I think we can make it even spicier." Piper said as she pulled out some restraints. "I'm going to tie your arms up now. Be a good girl and submit." The reporter said with a dominant smirk as she readied the restraints. Callie looked a bit worried but a glance over at Heather reassured her... she wouldn't let Piper go too crazy. She wanted to get some reassurance but the gag was already in her mouth so all she could do is mumble and nod her head.


Callie's cheeks burned hot at Piper's words. She felt a mix of shame and arousal coursing through her that she hadn't expected. She even did feel a bit helpless. Why had she agreed to this? But it was too late now, as she felt the restraints lock in to place, binding her hands together and her clothes were dropped to the floor and kicked to the side.


Piper grinned and stripped off her own clothes revealing her sexy body. "Let's start with you riding me. If you do a good enough job, I might be inclined to give you the good hard fucking that you truly want. I can see it in your eyes. You need it. But you'll have to earn it, submissive slut." The reporter said as she rubbed at her crotch and a few moments later an impressive phallus sprouted up. "Praise Atom!!!" She joked, reminding Callie of the story the reporter had told her about nearly being executed by the Children of Atom before she had played at conversion. Piper lay down and beckoned Callie with a finger. The redhead blushed and walked over and knelt over Piper's hips. She made a soft MMPH sound as she felt Piper's cock slide deep into her and she whimpered softly as she started to rock her body to pleasure the dominant reporter. "Yeah... that's it. Ride me, slut. Hey Heather, you can watch if you want!" Piper announced, earning a deeper blush from Callie.


Heather pinned down her raider bitch on all fours and started plowing into her much like Preston had plowed into Callie some time ago... now she was watching her get fucked by yet another companion. "She's going to fuck us all at this point." Heather joked. Piper grinned in reply. "You like that, don't you? We help you out, but you've gotta return the favor, don't you, my little submissive toy? Maybe I'll fuck Heather next and make you watch... with your hands tied up so you can't even touch yourself." Piper taunted. Callie could only moan into her gag in reply.  "Never gunna happen, Piper. You're probably too self-absorbed to notice, but I don't exactly like you." The caravaneer growled softly, her irritation making her slam her hips into the raider bitch hard enough to make her whimper in pain. Piper grinned over at her. "Sounds like a hot hatefuck waiting to happen to me."


Piper grinned up at Callie. "I'm not really interested in riding Preston's laser musket, but any other companions we pick up... keep it in the back of your mind that I'll have my way with them if I want to, just like I'm having it with you. Your pussy belongs to me now... so anyone you fuck belongs to me too." Piper claimed, really getting into the dominant spirit now. Callie made soft mmph noises and shook her head but some small part of her was extremely turned on by the thought of Piper fucking anyone that Callie took a liking to. Why did that turn her on? The apocalypse was sure bringing out some aspects of herself that she never would have known of otherwise. She had enjoyed dominating Nate and he had been just as turned on by it, but she had always enjoyed it most when he challenged her. She pretty much always won... but the challenge still excited her. Piper had blown way past challenge straight into dominating the fuck out of her though. "All right, you've got me turned on enough." Piper said as she suddenly flipped Callie over onto her back and knelt over her and started slamming her hips down like a jackhammer. Callie wanted to say it was too rough but she couldn't with the gag in her mouth so she just made MMM MMMPH noises as Piper drilled her. "You like that, don't you, slut? You're the hottest little bitch I've ever fucked. Mmm, fuck you're tight. How are you still so tight with all the sex I know you've had?" The reporter asked as she groaned in pleasure. The redhead could only whimper and moan in reply. 


"I've been wanting to do this ever since I first saw you outside of Diamond City.  And learning about you in our interview only intrigued me more. If Nat hadn't been there, I might have made my move then. What a perfect way to end an interview... with my cock down your throat." Piper teased as she jackhammered the Sole Survivor.


After what seemed hours of savage plowing of Callie's molten depths, Piper rolled the Sole Survivor over so she was face down and slammed back into her tight pussy and started ravaging her with barely a moment's break between positions. "It's too bad Preston already knocked you up, because if I could, I'd fuck his baby right out of you and put mine in there instead. But it's okay... after you have his brat, I'll make sure mine's next in your oven. And until then, I'll just have to use you as a cum dump." Piper said as she started thrusting even harder. Callie was nearly blacking out from the force of it and could only whimper into her gag. She was going to be bruised and tender tomorrow, she just knew it. There was no way around it. "Mmm... fuck... I'm going to cum so fucking hard. I'm going to drown Preston's baby... you'd better not spill a single drop." The reporter growled as her thrusts became more brutal and savage with every passing moment and then she slammed her hips into Callie's ass one final time and held herself there as she grunted through gritted teeth. Callie could only gurgle and moan into her gag as it felt like a shotgun blast of hot cum was fired directly into her womb. And Piper had built up one hell of a load, too, as if felt like she was shooting ropes of cum into her for a minute straight. Piper sighed softly and finally pulled out of Callie's snug little pussy and smugly wiped it dry in Callie's hair before laying down. "Sweet dreams, slut." Piper said with a grin on her face, leaving Callie bound and helpless with her ass raised up and her face in the dirt.


At some point she must have fallen asleep because she was roused awake when Piper got up. She opened her eyes and winced as the morning sun glared down on them. "I slept like a rock. How'd you sleep?" Piper asked in a taunting tone as she looked down at Callie. The redhead looked back up and made some incoherent sounds through the gag. "That good, huh? And what's that? You want to get fucked again?" The reporter asked with a grin on her lips. Callie shook her head. "MMPH!" Piper shrugged. "Well, ask and ye shall receive. I'd ride your face but... let's leave that gag in place for now. Besides, I may have forgotten where I put the key..." The reporter said with an expressive shrug and a faux innocent smile. "MMPH?!" Callie's eyes widened. She had no clue if Piper was joking or not. "Don't worry, I've got the key to the hand restraints. As fun as it would be to leave you naked and tied up... you're too good in a fight to leave totally sidelined. I'm kinky and horny, not stupid." Piper said and had a look at Callie's pussy which still looked swollen from the abuse it took the night before. "So you want me to fuck you in the ass instead?" Callie protested vehemently but Piper just chuckled and pulled a jar of lube from one of her many pockets and spread it over her cock. Moments later she was jabbing her length into the ranger's guts while humming a jaunty tune. Heather came out of one of the ramshackle raider huts with her playtoy of the night and frowned as she saw Piper still toying with the Sole Survivor. Their eyes locked and Heather pointed at her own eyes and then pointed her finger at Piper. The reporter just grinned at her in reply and blew her a kiss. The raider bitch blinked in surprise as she saw the bad bitch that had taken down so many of her raider brethren getting railed in the ass in restraints by the brunette. "Y-you're going to let me go now, right?" The raider asked nervously. "Shut the fuck up." Heather bit out and callously shot the raider, turning her into a pile of ash and walking away to fix herself some breakfast. Piper chuckled as she saw that. "She's feisty."

After Piper had emptied her load into Callie's tight ass, she reluctantly undid the restraints on her hands. Callie shook her hands to get the blood flowing again and glared daggers at the reporter and then pointed at the gag. "Mmmph mmph mmmmphh?!" Piper grinned and shrugged, raising her hands up towards the heavens. "Yeah... I wasn't kidding. I left the key to the gag back on my desk at home. If it's any consolation, I didn't remember that until after I put it on you." The reporter said and then added softly under her breath. "Not that it would have stopped me..." Callie's eyes widened and she grabbed at the gag and tried to pry it off. And when that didn't work, she pulled out her boot knife and tried to cut it off. Nothing worked. So she tried bobby pins next... but if they could work, she couldn't see the lock to get it done properly. Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she looked at Piper, hoping the reporter was just pulling a prank on her and would pull out the key and laugh. But... no. "Sorry... the locks on those things are freakishly good. But I'm sure we'll run into someone who has a key..." Callie's eyes narrowed in annoyance but there was nothing to do but press on. She needed to get this damned thing off before she got weak from dehydration. Callie put her clothes back on and did her best not to meet Heather's eyes as she walked past her. She didn't want to see the judgement in them. Piper grinned and slapped the redhead on the ass and grinned at her when she cast a glare back at her and raised her hands and pointed at Heather as if to blame her. Callie sighed and shook her head before moving on. What the hell had she gotten herself in to with this reporter with the Gift of Gab?

Edited by Destynova99
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1 hour ago, StormRage808 said:

Kinda sinful dream we have here :D










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More sinful? :)




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Even more sinful? It will be tomorrow :)

Wow! Nice curves! So hot! How should i describe it? Hmm.....maybe erm...bootylicious!


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Lara Croft Retrieveing Kremvh's tooth at Dunwich Borers



Getting inside



Closed area



Kremvh's Tooth and learning about the cult



Successfull mission



Alternate outcome



Bad end 1



Bad end 2



Slave poses





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The successful formula of the Post-War American Commonwealth's agricultural restoration. Seizing the wayward Raider and Gunner females and taming them for healthy labor.


A.K.A, Penal Slavery: you can't have America without it! ❤️


Perhaps we'll shift a gear. I'm sure they'll eventually agree to be married to respectful men who'll overlook their past to bring the next generation of children. We can't have rape or forced breeding, after promising them safety for surrendering to the people.



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(I like sex scenes but more of an exhibitionism/public slave casual scene fan. I hope I'll get better in the future with higher resolution mods and photo mods)




image.png.5ed077d31357a432c5ff74f731f3bb85.pngAfter returning Mrs Warwick's daughter, she was a bit grateful but I think she is pissed when Nora brought two raider captives who warily looked around expecting bad things to happen.


"Look, I returned your daughter after she worked her value. Here are two women who have nowhere else to go."


Mrs. Warwick was having none of it. "I heard you keep them all naked and work like beasts!"


"And appropriately protected, well-fed and given medical care."


"I don't know..." Mrs Warwick mused... "There are kids in here! Plus how do we know they won't slit our throats in our sleep?"


Nora scoffed. "Your son is eighteen now. And haven't you complained about the lack of farmhands? You can marry them to some settlers after you fixed your food production problem! I can't let the artillerists farm, they help me solve problems without even touching!" Sighing, she added. "Nude in public AND tracker tattoo on cheek. That's my compromise. They can't flee that way without facing a horrible death."


The woman nodded appresensively, and even pulled her face back, surprised the raider women removed all their clothings and fell in line with the farmhands, who regarded with with surprise, some men grinning, and eventually hunger overtook curiosity and everyone went back to cleaning the tatos.








Nora had instructed the settlers to ignore the newcomer slaves and treat them as if they were fully dressed and with quiet acceptance.


"We'll break their hangups that way."


The ex-Raider, Janine was still confused. They chatted up with her, offered praise for her work and even gave her place in the dinner queue. Janine felt warm, whether this was from arousal from public nudity or the acceptance she felt from people that she was raiding yesterday...was not sure.


This was going to be interesting part of her life.




They listened to her, they chatted up and gave an equal share of the dinner. The women *and* the men were respectful. Her packmate, Annie, was across the room.


Maybe that wasn't that bad.


((will need to take bigger pictures to fully take in scenes than the screen soon))



Nora instructed them to work hard, this was their new home.


"Anyone harasses, talk to Mrs. Warwick."





The slave tattoo itched, reminding the raider of her new status.


Compared to the drug-and-random-murder-spree of her old pack, it was...tolerable.

Edited by The Khan
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6 hours ago, bdmt said:

Made a chinese remnant character


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what type of body do you use?

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4 hours ago, SamanthaTraynor said:


Are those pulled up Tops from VTAW?

Thanks again :D

Yes, from Wardrobe 8

1 hour ago, zarza said:

how do you make the clothes not have cuts?, especially vtaw's?

You mean clippings? there are some, if you look closely you'll see it.

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